CS:S complaints

I dont really care if Valve makes the physics (like barrels and LOTS of objects) pushing you bug PERFECT!!!!

Just make the object STAY in one play so we can jump on them and they wont throw us off!!!!
like the boxes in DUST they work great dont have pic of actually boxes im referring to, just the tan ones that look like a bunch of boxes but there really one bix model .. I love how you can just on them and shot from them .. Dressers and table should be fully movable or just make them STAY !!! :smoking:
I hate getting bumped off a physics object.
stop complaining, i hear this when im playing too, its anoying.
Yeah, the bumping physics really arent fun. One time I was tryng to get ina small corner because i was begin fired at but i coundt becuase there was a barrel there and it kept pushing me away. So I died. Also being pushed my trashcans isnt fun but the game is still fun
Excellent post earlier in the thread, Neutrino. I agree with pretty much everything you said.

I hate the fact that three of the most important maps are still missing, Train, Nuke and Inferno should be released as soon as possible. Also, I preferred the 1.6 models/animation. The ones in CS:S look a bit too cartoony to me, the strafing animation in particular doesn't look very good. Then there's the way physics objects bounce you back when you hit them, it's really annoying but I suppose they had a reason to do it like that? I don't know, but I really hope it can be changed.

The physics itself are "ok". They're probably pretty much as good as they can be in a MP game right now. People who were expecting HL2-like physics were delusional. The important physics stuff needs to be server side in order to stay consistent for everyone and having accurate physics on every single object in a level would be waaayyy too laggy, I believe.

I also dislike the cubemaps or whatever their name was. At a glance the reflections look amazing, but after you get used to it you really start to notice how wrong it looks. I understand that it's like that for performance reasons but I wish there was a way to have proper reflections for guys with decent comps. Performance is also a likely explanation for the lack of complex geometry in many places throughout the maps. Doesn't look too great but at least the fps is OK...

But all in all, it's a fun game. I haven't had this much playing on pubs in years! Amazing. Yeah sure, there are lots of things that need to be tweaked but I have no doubt that it's exactly what Valve is going to do. Just look how much CS:CZ has changed since the initial release. But I definitely don't expect it to challenge the original CS in popularity, though, at least not yet. We'll see what happens in the coming months as it (hopefully) gets upgraded and cleaned up a lot. It definitely has lots of potential... I just wish they'd release the new versions of de_train, de_inferno and de_nuke soon! (wink wink nudge nudge, Valve)
holy ****ing shit i hate the shitty reflection cubemaps, they obliterate the overall GFX appeal of CS:S
Big Fat Duck said:
holy ****ing shit i hate the shitty reflection cubemaps, they obliterate the overall GFX appeal of CS:S

Then do something about it instead of whining on every thread! Use the console noob!
Very good post Neutrino. I think someone should make a complete list of the things that could be changed and send it to Valve. I still don't understand why the shadow bug hasn't been fixed. Haven't they said they were aware of this issue and that they would do something to fix it?
I have a good feeling I'm not going to get any serious replies to this, but I'm taking the chance anyway. Neutrino, you made an excellent post, and I'd like to expand upon those issues as well.

CS:S final. Is it final worthy?

A big "NO" from my point of view. I'm severely disappointed in Valve's approach to multiplayer in Half-Life 2. There are so many things wrong with the multiplayer aspect, and very little is being done about it. It is almost as if they know the mod community is going to do the work for them, then they can reap the rewards. Good business? Perhaps. Poor approach? Without a doubt. I bought CS:S and pre-ordered HL2 tonight. I loaded up CS:S expecting to see things have changed quite a bit since the last beta update. Suprisingly they had. Only not for the better.

First off, something was changed performance wise. My framerates are unacceptable. Before anyone asks, it's not my setup or my computer specs. This system has been tweaked to hell and back for optimal performance. Here are my specs.

P4 2.4 ghz 800mhz fsb
1.5gb pc2700 ddr ram
ATI 9800 Pro 256mg
200gb WD HD w/ 8mb cache
Audigy 2 ZS Gamer
Logitech Z680 5.1 speaker setup

A fairly killer rig. Here's the problem. My best framerates with everything set to high, and no AA or AF of any kind is 30fps. In a firefight, I'm lucky to get 15. Now let's crank up AA and AF. Set it at 2x AA and 4x AF. Now my max framerate is 60fps. Pretty good you're thinking? Well in firefights I get back down to 15fps. It makes it nearly impossible to play, when your shots and animations don't sync together. It looks like I shot a whole clip, but only fired four bullets and vice versa.

Then we get to the hit detection. It is not fixed, period. I've clearly killed people by purposfully aiming behind them a few feet. The hitboxes lag behind so much that I need to aim there in order to register a hit. There is a video floating around, several acctually, that clearly demonstrate a problem somehwere. I'm sure they are posted on this very forum somewhere. Why couldn't Valve have spent more time on HL2's multiplayer? If we're designing such a state of the art graphics engine, couldn't the netcode and hit detection get an overhaul? I've heard people say per-poly hit detection can't be done on a 32 player server. I call bullshit. It can be done and should be done. There are other ways of implementing more precise hit detection as well, using some of the latest technology from directx. There should be no excuse.

Visually, I'll hand it to Valve. The game looks stellar, especially with AA and AF on. You owe it to yourself to upgrade so that those options are available to you. Everything looks twice as good when they're enabled. My one minor complaint is the total overuse of specular maps. Sure, they're a neat feature but every stone, brick, and rock in the game glows like Mr. Clean's head. It doesn't matter if there is a plausible light source available or not, the damn things glow to high heaven. I would expect such materials to have a more dull, dried up look than giving off enough light to power a small solar panel.

Then we come to the physics. Why didn't they just leave them out? The only purpose they seem to serve in multiplayer is to lag it to death. We're talking about a minor amount of interactivity (barrels, tables, computer parts?!, and trash) and no game play value to them at all. Objects that splinter come apart in very odd looking pieces. Solid wood cabinets somehow break into two 2x4's. I know it's small, but it deprives from the plausability of the physics system. If you're going to use physics in mutliplayer, let's do something with it and make sure it doens't kill performance. I feel sorry for mods who are basing their design off physics interaction. They're doomed from the start.

Overall, I just don't think CS:S was ready to be considered final. I don't think Valve should charge us full price for a game that is still the same game after 5 years. Yes, we're pre-ordering Half-Life 2, but if I wanted to pre-order it I could for $5 at EBGames. The reason we pay full price to pre-order on Steam? To play CS:S. It is not as free as some people would like to believe. I've got a small feeling that this was also a ploy to garner more HL2 sales than VU would get at retail. Sort of an under the table blow while the two companies come to terms in court. That's business I suppose. The lack of attention to multiplayer really hits home for me. It is now up to the community to correct the problems and evolve the technology on their own, while Valve reaps all the rewards. We have to make due with 5 yr old technology, just to get a facelift visually. It's disappointing and borderline unacceptable.