CS:S is now 889mb!

meh..ya 'all believe what you want. It's not just me saying it was more than meets the eye.

"For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none shall suffice."
way to go valve, you made cadaveca into [more of a] conceited jerk.
lucidrains said:
what anime is Raziel from? is it a good anime? haven't watched a good one since bebop.

Raziel is from Soul Reaver, the game.
cylyk said:
way to go valve, you made cadaveca into [more of a] conceited jerk.

no, i've always been this conceited. like i've posted before, i'ma jerk. what's it to you?
"Legacy of Kain:Soul Reaver"

Personally I like Raziel more than Kain.
It would be completely retarded to do the fourth preload as a CSS update. Especially since I'm sure some of the CZ people have no intereset in HL2 at all. It just makes no sense at all.

On the other hand loading additional CSS content in preperation for an expanded beta, or just for release makes a lot of sense.
Feath said:
So why bring it up? We were talking about the CS:S update. And then you just say "Remember, it was me who had his post on the php site".

Also, What initial contact are you referring to?
post # 107:
cadaveca said:
sorry but....
wake up and smell the ashes...
all paths lead to death...
this was not a test.

post # 134...=kill first found:
Jesus Lincon said:

post # 135, quoting post 107
JimmyPage said:
Hmm.. what do you know 'Cadaveca' if that is your real name..

post # 139:
Yombi said:
lol valve are messin with us :O they're on this forum :O

If you are....put move=hi and say soemthing :D

post # 158...someone found chrid_d's name...
Chris_D said:
Holy Shit!

post # 160...what it said at first:
Mitoboy said:
"Can you really trust anyone, anymore?"

Play again?

I entered Chris_D into the slot.... EVIL MOOCOWS!

EDIT: I'm slow as hell, sorry

post 165..i post what i heard 2 nights earlier:
cadaveca said:
the truth.....
you can never know the truth

post 172...the post is changed to what i posted..and it's chris_d that notices:
Chris_D said:

They've updated it again ;( I'm being stitched up! :D

sorry FEATH (like faith, i believe, right)...i made first contact.
I still don't know what you meant by first contact? Do you mean "Greg Coomber saw a post that you mean and added it to the first hl2.php thing?

What. Has. That. Got. To. Do. With. CS:S?
Nothing at all. Keep it on-topic, cadaveca.
Feath said:
I still don't know what you meant by first contact? Do you mean "Greg Coomber saw a post that you mean and added it to the first hl2.php thing?

What. Has. That. Got. To. Do. With. CS:S?

and to answer you question, it was me that inspired whoever to change the php to the words that they are now....
seriously tho..i'm not trying to brag or nothing, but you said that i was sromg about the extra files being loaded tonight, and your wrong. i was simply explaining to you how i came to find out.
cadaveca said:
and to answer you question, it was me that inspired whoever to change the php to the words that they are now....
seriously tho..i'm not trying to brag or nothing, but you said that i was sromg about the extra files being loaded tonight, and your wrong. i was simply explaining to you how i came to find out.

Actually, I disagreed with you that it was the 4th preload. And some people seem to think that they definately haven't download 500mb of extra stuff. It's really really unlikely that Valve would disguise the 4th preload as a CS:S update.
Of the 928megs only 866 are in use, of this 614megs is of materials, in there are all the materials for all of the other maps eg: cd_office, de_cbble etc, not just de_dust. That would leave the additional space for bsp files and other player models, around 10-20megs per map.

This is a CS:S preload, for people on the beta, it would not make sense for Beta testers to redownload CS:S when it is released, therefore they are adding the content now. My guess they would have been hoping to preload additional HL2 content this week, but with no gold yet, they are utilizing the the time and bandwidth to get more CS content out.
NightSinister said:
This is a CS:S preload, for people on the beta, it would not make sense for Beta testers to redownload CS:S when it is released, therefore they are adding the content now. My guess they would have been hoping to preload additional HL2 content this week, but with no gold yet, they are utilizing the the time and bandwidth to get more CS content out.

jesus christ cadaveca you just happened to be spamming that topic the most, every man and their dog tried out move=s and move=whatever else.
you arent superman now, so can you please stop claiming exclusive rights to the hl2.php thing?
Well alot has added in the hl2 folder
Like in models
Also see maps
And more
so i dunno what it is
To me it looks like CSS and HL2 SHARED Content preload.

E.g. stuff which is used by both HL2 and css.

And also a load of stuff just for css.
Nvm said:
Well alot has added in the hl2 folder
Like in models
Also see maps
And more
so i dunno what it is

Hostage models and sounds were also added.
well personally i think they are preloading the final version cus of the release date is soon... since cs: source is released WITH HL2 i suppose the are already preloading it to the beta people... so that when the game is released that the servers dont get overloaded with people donwloading the game?
Feath said:
Actually, I disagreed with you that it was the 4th preload. And some people seem to think that they definately haven't download 500mb of extra stuff. It's really really unlikely that Valve would disguise the 4th preload as a CS:S update.

well foir those of you that don't have all the extra download, it's because you don't use the source dedicated server bit of steam....install it, and you will see what i am refering to.
Feath said:
Fair enough, then.

I don't see why Valve would hide a preload and disguise it as CS:S, especially since not everyone can get access to CS:S.

you really are stupid then...CS:S is included with HL2...why wouldn't they hide some stuff?
seems you entered my thread and just are spamming it...and you say i waste time...
cadaveca said:
you really are stupid then...CS:S is included with HL2...why wouldn't they hide some stuff?
seems you entered my thread and just are spamming it...and you say i waste time...

Yes CS:S is included with HL2...
That has nothing to do with it though. Why would valve preload HL2 material to only the relatively few people who have CS:S when every single other preload has been available to everyone? It doesn't make sense.

So no, he isn't stupid.
Neutrino said:
Yes CS:S is included with HL2...
That has nothing to do with it though. Why would valve preload HL2 material to only the relatively few people who have CS:S when every single other preload has been available to everyone? It doesn't make sense.

So no, he isn't stupid.

they preloaded the texture that are shared between HL2 and cs:s...makes lots of sense to me....there are a few folders with HL2 level names, but i think these are just due to those textures being used my the shader add-on. As well, i have listings for about 15 maps now...
Of course they would preload those shared textures as they are CS:S content.

I just meant that I doubt they would preload any HL2 only content in a CS:S update.
Neutrino said:
Of course they would preload those shared textures as they are CS:S content.

I just meant that I doubt they would preload any HL2 only content in a CS:S update.
i never said that they did, however, everyone seems to think i was lying about it possible being a preload last night. Some people, who do not use "source dedicated server" did not get the update, and tried to argue that i was full of it. unfortunately for them, it seems as though alot of the textures are ones that are not in the HL2 gcf files, where the folders for the already mentioned textures are empty. there is also a HL2 specific engine update, and another for CS:S, or atleast that's the way it looks to me as the 2 folders that have data for the engine are different.

i have looked well into the files, and i hope that there is more than meets the eye in the steam side fo things...looks like extra baggage from my point of view.
cadaveca said:
you really are stupid then...CS:S is included with HL2...why wouldn't they hide some stuff?
seems you entered my thread and just are spamming it...and you say i waste time...

So when Valve decided to upload the 4th Preload for Half-Life 2, they decided that instead of giving it to people who have asked to preload Half-Life 2, they've decided to give it to people who have CS:S? It doesn't make sense.

I'm not spamming your thread. I'm disagreeing with you.

And I'm stupid? I'm no the one who claimed that Half-Life 2 is going to be delayed because "the X-Box 2 is coming out".
just updated CSS, it did the initial updated status block for about 10 mins, then i noticed it carry on d/l files for a while after that secretly. No status box. I knew by looking at the percentage box in CS properties, after the initial d/l it was still only 60 odd % complete. sorry if this has been discusssed. must have missed it.

edit. the "amount acquired" in CS:S properties carried on going up after the download
Feath said:
So when Valve decided to upload the 4th Preload for Half-Life 2, they decided that instead of giving it to people who have asked to preload Half-Life 2, they've decided to give it to people who have CS:S? It doesn't make sense.

I'm not spamming your thread. I'm disagreeing with you.

And I'm stupid? I'm no the one who claimed that Half-Life 2 is going to be delayed because "the X-Box 2 is coming out".

i know you are disagreeing..and that's great, as it keeps conversation flowing!

Xbox 2 IS coming out...and there have been rumors of HL2 being included. I don't think that that was likely, but i simply posted "info" lol
What on earth are you guys talking about? All the new data is texture files for the other maps Office, Piranesi, Italy, etc.. end of story. Valve has basically pre-loaded CS:Source data in the same manner they did with HL2 (just not telling us about it). Oh, and in the .lst bit theres also a CounterStrike: Source folder and a CounterStrike: Source (beta) folder.
craig said:
What on earth are you guys talking about? All the new data is texture files for the other maps Office, Piranesi, Italy, etc.. end of story. Valve has basically pre-loaded CS:Source data in the same manner they did with HL2 (just not telling us about it). Oh, and in the .lst bit theres also a CounterStrike: Source folder and a CounterStrike: Source (beta) folder.

your last line is what 1st made me think preload..uhh...why would they have both there now, right? No preload my ass. IF and it's still kinda IF to me, CS:S is included with HL2,....then this IS a HL2 preload. What it means is that everyone that did not get this preload will have to wait longer to DL the rest of the game....makes sense that they did not announce it, as this would lessen the traffic on the server once the game is available, no? If you look at the current steam bandwidth, and the number of users, and compare that with yesterday...same # of players, but double the bandwidth....don't be surprised when it starts in the background the next time ya start steam
I e-mailed Erik Johnson about it he says that it is a preload, a CS:S preload. So all the HL2 stuff in there is just HL2 content that CS:S uses too.
ElFuhrer said:
I e-mailed Erik Johnson about it he says that it is a preload, a CS:S preload. So all the HL2 stuff in there is just HL2 content that CS:S uses too.


by the way, anyone else have STEAM using 99% cpu? not playing or nothing, and as soon as i pop up the monitor...it drops to 0?
cadaveca said:

by the way, anyone else have STEAM using 99% cpu? not playing or nothing, and as soon as i pop up the monitor...it drops to 0?

You were definately saying that it was a Half-LIfe 2 preload. I was asking why Valve would include the 4th Half-Life 2 preload in a CS:S update.
Feath said:
The cache files are mostly just reserved space. It could've been anything from Valve preparing for the full release by increasing the cache size, or they didn't mean to do it.

Did it seem like it was downloading 500mb of extra stuff?

Yeah it took me a long long time as well.
Yeah, I was waiting for ages! At least HALF an hour for it to download. I was so shocked!

From the HL2 forum-info directly from Valve

ElFuhrer said:
I'm not sure what's going on here, but my CS:S beta gcf just got 500mb
bigger after the latest update, and it contains tons of unencrypted
HL2 files. Is this some sort of preload? Why aren't these files
encrypted? An answer would be most appreciated, because I find this
pretty strange. Thanks for reading.

Erik Johnson
Sep 23 (13 hours ago)
We're preloadeding the rest of CS Source.
nice. So basically we get the full CS: Source soon? Even though I'm buying the CE, this is good news. CS: Source as soon as it comes out! :D