CS:S showcase in Seoul

  • Thread starter Thread starter nadomola
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From these impressions it seems like Valve is holding HL2 back just so they can release CS:S at the same time. Why would it take 3+ months just to polish HL2?
Simply put wow :) Damn how on earth am I gonna be able to wait for that
Man I can't wait for CS:S now. The physics don't seem to add a lot to CS gameplay, but it sure does look cool! :bounce:
Good news is that there seems to be a form of HDR present in the movies. It looks like the screen brightness adjusts itself when entering an area with a significantly different light exposure. Like when you're in a dark room the outside seems really bright and visa versa.

Or this could also be caused by the camera, but it didn't look like that.

Can you confirm whether or not this is true nadomola?

Overall.. the movies look good, it looks like a nice new fresh start for cs with hopefully new additions in the future.

In case merc drops in: did you notice too that there is only one model for each team?
Like the fact that we have our own shadow - I sure hope Gordon has his own too in HL2, but highly unlikely.
thanks nodolma you made my day with that stab/shoot bodies comment! \o/!!!!!!!!!!!!!
am i the only who doesnt see any movies, links or otherwise?

/me goes of to brush up on his korean...
i loaded that up, but i still dont see a movie, or a link to one...
nadomola said:
2. When you got flashbanged, you CANT shoot and hear noisy sound. It resembles the effect of Rainbow6:Raven Shield.
You can't shoot? Wouldn't that be a bad idea if the flashbangs stack?

also on http://narics.net/cs.source/showcase.php
There is some pictures with some text on it, like 2002 06 12. And then korean letters, could you translate those?
We are asking HOW do you download the movies, for me they only play in a window, am i just retarded???
Shuzer is right you just have to do view source of the webpage and you can find the .wmv files there are two of them. The movies are very cool and show off a lot more than we have seen so far, although they are fairly bad quality.
They played "Sensucht" by Rammstein in vid #2 :) I liked that
my first video is only like 1 or 2 seconds long. Although it reports 10 minutes.

Something is wrong with TEH server.

Edit: It's fixed again, for now.
yeah someone find a better host..

no offense but korean sites suck.
PvtRyan said:
Good news is that there seems to be a form of HDR present in the movies. It looks like the screen brightness adjusts itself when entering an area with a significantly different light exposure. Like when you're in a dark room the outside seems really bright and visa versa.

Or this could also be caused by the camera, but it didn't look like that.

Can you confirm whether or not this is true nadomola?

Hm...I'm not sure of it. Probably not. Just a speculation, though. Sorry. -_-
Mirror to all screenshots I have seen, plus some videos- www.files.third-core.org/cs-source

If I am infringing in any way by posting any of these photo/videos, please let me know at johan (at) third-core (dot) org.

Edit: please link me to any pics or videos I may have missed and I'll put them up.
nadomola said:
Hm...I'm not sure of it. Probably not. Just a speculation, though. Sorry. -_-

I doubt u could ever see HDR on a shakey cam video, nearly all cases ive seen the cam lags when theres a sudden light change and u get a sharp decrease or increase in brightness, its just an artifact, not that HDR is a drasticly important feature.
Looks like they were doing a history of Counterstrike type thing
Crazy stuff. I just wish VALVE would give us this kinda information in good quality on good websites with good servers. We get all our info from the weirdest places. Why not update HL2.com with binks and stuff. Ah well.
fuzzy_aus said:
Crazy stuff. I just wish VALVE would give us this kinda information in good quality on good websites with good servers. We get all our info from the weirdest places. Why not update HL2.com with binks and stuff. Ah well.

Two words:

Doug Lombardi

Hope that helps ;)
Haha, just kidding, we love you Doug.. even if you are the whackiest PR guy ever
Funny how Korea is considered the easiest to exploit gaming country now. Give them a few dancers, a few kids who all have the same "I have a cool American haircut because it looks like I didn't comb my hair!", and a few words from the developers about a port of a five year old game.

Personally, I don't know why they'd give Cliffe a half-assed standing ovation. What he did for CS was extremely limited compared to Gooseman and the Valve team.
blindvomit said:
Damn I see they kept that goofy butter knife....

Goofy butter knife? What do you expect a special forces dude to carry? A sword?
I think they should carry...A KATANA!!!

Anyway, those Vids are nice, I'm _really_ looking forward to this game. Perhaps even as much as HL2! "He's crazy" i hear you say, but no, im not. Think about it. Singleplayer games are fun, but they are only 20 hours of solo entertainment. MP is where its at. Hundreds upon hundreds of hours spent shooting up friends and random people. HL2 will be fun, but its games like cs:s that I will be playing for the majority of the time.
Fallout said:
Funny how Korea is considered the easiest to exploit gaming country now. Give them a few dancers, a few kids who all have the same "I have a cool American haircut because it looks like I didn't comb my hair!", and a few words from the developers about a port of a five year old game.

Personally, I don't know why they'd give Cliffe a half-assed standing ovation. What he did for CS was extremely limited compared to Gooseman and the Valve team.
