CS:S updating...

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Oct 3, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone elses?

Of course now it says that every server is using an older protocol then me because the update just went out.
ya me too/
I got to remember not to have it auto update. That way i dont have to wait hours for servers to update for me to play. Damn you steam........
cant join any servers as well, stupid...

b33f u have to update NOW :stare:
hope the servers are getting there updates soon, kinda bored now I cant connect
Anyone know what the upgrade is? What's in the update? Got some nasty firewalls here at work.
weird update, it isnt even mentioned at the steam news page
ahhh i need a server i wanna shoot someone and the post office is too far..
Servers are down, obviously patching up
Hopefully you mean, azz0r :p.

Anyway, mine updated. Protocol six. Changes are many and good.
whats up, when I try to connect to a server it told me that it could not contact the authentication server, WTF is going on?
Oh man this sux ... cant join servers even now ... Is there anyway to rollback cs:s ? I think I'm gonna download the warez to play :(

Edit: Btw whats the update ? That flashlight hack ? what was that ?
i relaunched steam and i didnt see anything....odd

plus i can connect to my server
I want it too, but I don't bump these threads, causing heartattacks around the world ..
You people do realise that this is a thread from November, don't you?
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