cs_italy = no chickens

WhiteZero said:
They didnt put the chickens in CS:S Italy...

NoOOOOOOOOOOoooo!!!!!!!1111 ;(

Let's hold a moment of silence for the chickens.
I was about to make a thread about this.

I'm sure Cliffe said they had redone the chicken, but I can't find it on the map.
I hope it hasn't been left out...
Shuzer said:
NoOOOOOOOOOOoooo!!!!!!!1111 ;(

Let's hold a moment of silence for the chickens.

NoOooooo i really wanted to see the chickens
Chickens? I just want the chick models.. makes saving the hostages worth it cause the ones they have I just want to shoot now :D

But yah, I miss the chickens also... Think I will mourn with some KFC tonite
Ive found; www . bringbackthechickens . tk