CSS Preload Countdown

Its Valve's fault for making us want it so much, they tease and flaunt the beautiful seductress that is CS Source.
Ok, this is just silly guys. We cant play it till wednesday, I want to see it on my list as much as the next guy. However they are not gonna let us know whether it will be late later or latest. People are flaming for no reason except for a unplayable gcf file which in fact has no executible in it.
It'll be interesting to see how much bandwidth is used in he preload.. they must be expexting alot of traffic as their bw is as high as its ever been.
cenmocay said:
kids go away

what's with the attacks man.. I'm voicing my opinion, just like everyone else.

If u don't like what I have to say, don't read it... along the lines of "in one ear and out the other"

...forget the kids.. trolls go away :monkee:

I don't care what people say about crap like, "You morons you can't play the game yet!" because I really don't give a flat out hoot. I want the preload so I can scander around the .gcf. Is scander a word?
Heh, I think I'm throwing the Forums outta wack. =/

Edit: haha sorry let me fix this.
orange who?!?


TST_Devgru Seal said:
Is scander a word?

Makes sense to me. That's really all that matters.

As long as u get the point across, right?
Maybe the preload is late because they have to upload the updated versions of the GCF to their servers, you know, the ones without the text for the HL2 Story
Orange you mad that the preloading hasn't begun!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..........sigh* :(
No cause they have sent to different time zones like a few hours ago
what moron would put the HL2 text in the CS:Source .gcf in the first place???

..it's not like they're different versions of the same game or anything.

(and before someone says it, yes.. same engine, but not the same game. there's a difference :) )
Holy crap. I'm not even gonna be able to download the beta but you guys are getting me excited. WOOHOOOO!O!O!O!!
DarkStar said:
Holy crap. I'm not even gonna be able to download the beta but you guys are getting me excited. WOOHOOOO!O!O!O!!
u know, samne happened when cafe got dource, even though there is no cafe near me
DarkStar said:
Holy crap. I'm not even gonna be able to download the beta but you guys are getting me excited. WOOHOOOO!O!O!O!!
u know, samne happened when cafe got source, even though there is no cafe near me

.... no wait

..... thats my kazaa porn.... sorry false alarm.
ktimekiller said:
yep, after all, it is based on hl2 engine

Aha! knew someone was gonna say it!

*announcer voice* Tell him what he's won Johnny!!

I would keep goin.. but now's not really the time. :rolling:
OMG...It's ready, it's right there in My Games...should I start it? I'm downloading something else...that is 4.11gb....