CSS Preload Countdown

Ugh.. only downloadin at 50KB/s.

BUT.. it IS downloading! lol.. gj Valve.

Now tomorrow is going to be HL2 preload madness, then Wednesday we'll have everyone constantly tryin to play CS:Source.. double clickin on it every 5 minutes to see if they can play yet lol
snak3y3z1001 said:
i was done 5 minutes ago :p

And here I thought people actually left work at 5... :)

good job anyway.. here's ur prize: :thumbs: :E
I DID I DID!!! NO WORK!!! im on pacific in bc so maybe i have to wait some hours first?

Does it just appear on my games list or browse games list? or must i enter cd key? :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
lol.. look at the steam status page... in a matter of minutes the aggregate bandwidth nearly doubled. practically a vertical line on the graph. lol

Wow.. even more interesting: when u click on the graph so u can see the usage of each content server...

All of them were barely being used about 15 minutes ago. Now some of them are close to reaching their bandwidth cap lol
Idonotbelonghere said:
I DID I DID!!! NO WORK!!! im on pacific in bc so maybe i have to wait some hours first?

Yeah I don't know what to tell you, aslong as you've got cz registered then your bound to get it within the hour.
Tarmax said:
lol.. look at the steam status page... in a matter of minutes the aggregate bandwidth nearly doubled. practically a vertical line on the graph. lol

That happened yesterday, no doubt to prepare for the pre-load.

Right now you can see a spike starting to form from the preload already, i'ts not in plain view yet, check it in a few hours it'll be really noticable.
No im a voucher holder - so i DO have to enter cd key?
Nah man I'm not talkin about the available bandwidth.. the actual usage.

...Even better :)
umm, you should check steampowered.com to see what you have to do with your coupon. The coupon should have some sort of # that you need to put somewhere.
Idonotbelonghere said:
No im a voucher holder - so i DO have to enter cd key?
Of course. How do you expect them to know your account has either cz or the voucher key :p
Pitbul said:
Notice it says "Update" next to Preload Started, meaning it was updated after its original time.. you dam nubs, screw all of you!!!

did u not notice the 2 lil smileys at the end of that comment? ...they're there for a reason.

christ i'm not blind man... just thought it was amusing cuz he didn't timestamp the update or anythin like that.

oh an btw.. it r donez0rs!! w00terz! :eek: (lol.. that's horrible)
...now i just gotta figure out how to make it play :naughty: lol