Cubix - New HL2DM Map Release


Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
Finally, this is it….the grand map my colleague and i have been working on (I did the modeling, he did the scripting stuff)

• The build time was about 3 weeks…and it went through 4 beta releases.
• This map is recommended for at least 8 to 10 people.
• IMPORTANT: If you are planning to run a public server with this map, you must type this into the consol: "net_maxfilesize 35"

Since hl2dm by default has an auto-download limit of 16 mb, you must change it to accommodate for this map.

Now for the goods:


Another map by The Doctor Chronicles team, this mammoth deathmatch map is essential to have for any serious HL2dm player. Combining elements of sniping and gung-ho, Cubix will be a dazzle to the eyes and a complete blast to play. Choose to control the powerful Stasis Cannon, drop players to their doom via the remote-controlled bridge, sneak among the various generators and power equipment, or run along the platforms with an arsenal of explosive barrels, crates, and wide variety in guns. The map is split up into a series of connected platforms; respectively, each section has its own benefits and disadvantages….so choose wisely. Perhaps the most powerful is the central rocket tower, where all players eventually converge.

Accompanied by the attractive factory-look, Cubix, floating high up in the clouds, holds many secrets and cubbies you can use to your advantage, given that you have the knowledge of their location…

Expect many players to drop to their doom as there are no hand-rails on the edge of the platforms. All standard weapons are in this map, including the so-called 'newbie gun'--the 357, although it will take skill and wit to actually get it. Freedom is the main idea in this map; blast cannon-fodder by sniping from the shadowed ledges, send down a barrage of rockets, or try the trench-run yourself; either way you'll be challenged with every step, due to the permanent hazardous edge, and trying to dodge bullets while avoiding the edge proves for some inimitable situations between opposing players. Furthermore, team-play is ideal for this map, given the various platforms. Have fun!


Download it via this page:;35349

Remember, if you are planning to run a public server with this map, you must type this into the consol: "net_maxfilesize 35"

this mammoth deathmatch map is essential to have for any serious HL2dm player


Seriously, if you write things like that in your own "press releases", your credibility drops.
Well, i suggest seeing for yourself how the gameplay is, and dont be automatically skeptical. And if my description makes you insecure, see a shrink.

Azz0r....its there, only the shadows arent infinitely dark like in most maps.
Yeah, lovely attitude there. Try reading my post next time - I'm not skeptical of anything, but you advertising your maps as "must-haves" is amazingly conceited, especially given their quality.

I love that you think it makes me insecure :). I get paid to make maps - no insecurity there.
Well you're good at making maze-like maps, I'll give you that.

But it's needlessly complex (lots of pointless polys eat your framerate) and the texturing and lighting is almost non-existant. Also, with your map not actually fitting under the auto-download limit, I don't really think its going to take off.
The geometry is very good! But the textures are a little poor...

Anyway, in 20, i might give it a 18. :D
the map is 35mb? thats silly, looks as interesting as a bucket of grey paint.
It looks like a Ut2k4 map. This is by no means a bad thing, but I just don't think it suits the HL2-style of deathmatch very well.
Hang on, 35Mb?

Someone needs to work on their optimisation.
I like the way he puts other peoples maps down, but then thinks his maps are god-like :p
Hang on. I just read your website on your maps.

I like the bit where you rate your own maps. I mean honestly.

The Doctor Chronicles said:
“The most fun and creative maps ever created”

Oh sweet jesus that's funny.
looked at screens , thought, marble madness ....
i woulda downloaded it, and i may, if u Post the VMF here
so sum1 can t&l it
open source is needed, becuz i havnt seen a decent map yet for halflife DM2, including my shity remakes and i was given 4 oscar awards for making a block with a block attached to it
my maps also made halflife 2 popular, and every leet person plays it, and they say to other leet players, HEY! play this l333t map, and then play it again, cuz its more than 4 weeks compile time, right!!1 its leet baby,!!11one1

Q. what is the pefect HLDM2 map?
cuz i havnt got a scoobie

edit *
take a look at this map and tell me people, which would u choose

DoctorGordon said:
...this mammoth deathmatch map is essential to have for any serious HL2dm player...

...will be a dazzle to the eyes and a complete blast to play...

...Accompanied by the attractive factory-look...

...The most fun and creative maps ever created...

...rating 10/10...

You probably spend longer on your press releases than on the levels themselves.

Not only do you self-rate your levels, but you gave this particular one 7/10?! :LOL:

Sorry, but if you start bigging up your levels so much they better had be awesome or everyone is going to round on you.
Right. I just "played" this holy grail of HL2 mapping.

Frankly, it sucks.

Let's get technical first:

Utterly basic. No static meshes used. Some attempts at creating complex shapes with world geometry. Never a good idea.

Given that the bulk of your filesize is lightmaps, and that your lighting on this map is frankly amateurish, you could have easily reduced the filesize by increasing the lightmap scale on every surface.

I could swear that you don't even know what occlusion is. To be brutally honest, there was little point in you even running VIS on this map. These two pictures show a wireframe of your map. You can see it all, regardless of where you are. Also note the framerate - 15 and 22 FPS. In HL2, HL2DM and CS:S, my FPS doesn't drop below 45, and that's in a hugely intensive situation.

Laughable. You've used what, 5 or 6 textures? There's no theme, and the usage is basic. Also worthy of note is that you've repeatedly used a texture that uses a cubemap, and you have neglected to actually use any. In a way, I'm glad, as that would only increase the already unacceptably large filesize.

Horrendous. There's very little in the way of "flow". The layout is confusing at best - clever usage of textures would at least help to give an indication of which area you are in. Buttons are unmarked, and the sliding bridges are not visibly seperated from the rest of the world in any discernible way. The map is also far too large. With less than 16 people playing all at once, you could spend quite some time running around before you encounter another player.

Rating: 2/10
I've just downloaded Cubix too and had a run around...

- When loading the map there are a LOT of errors. Never a good sign of what's to come if the author couldn't be bothered fixing what's shown right in front of him every time he loads the level to test it.
- Performance is dreadful. I was getting single-figure fps running around *by myself*. God knows what fps I'd get with your recommendation of "at least 8-10 people".
- There's no attempt at controlling visibility whatsoever. It's basically a huge box map with a mass of chunky cube brushes in the middle, and if you're at an edge and look towards the middle of the level, the renderer has to draw the entire level practically.
- Texturing consists of the same grey texture on approx 95% of all faces.
- The lack of shadows makes it very flat. Allied with the repetitive texturing, this makes the level very drab to look at.
- When falling off and plummeting to my death, my corpse kept going downwards beyond the bottom of the brushwork and I could look up and see into the level.

Imagine a place very very far away from an "essential release", a "dazzle to the eyes", or "the most fun and creative map ever created", and it's called Cubix. 1/10.
Ah c'mon guys. I think you're laying into him a bit too much. I mean, I don't see anything terribly wrong with his post. You use you're "press release" to entice players. Look at movie trailers and you know what I mean. Every one claims to be breathtaking and unique to attract more viewers. This really isn't that much different.

Now I personally would not particularly go this route, but it is a valid way of getting interest in you're map nonetheless. It certainly work for most of you.
If the map was of high enough quality to warrant such an enthusing "press release", then I'd agree with you.
33mb? You gotta be kidding me?

When announcing your map I think you should just give an overview. Mention the theme and play style you were trying to accomplish.

Let the community and other sites rate it.

Look at the post Dux made for dm_drift. He just said, "Here it is". He didn't need to brag about it. The screenshots speek for themselves.

The screenshots for this map speak for themselves as well...

Oh yeah, visit my web site It is the best HL2 related web site ever made. My site is a must for anyone who is serious about HL2MP.
dart321 said:
Ah c'mon guys. I think you're laying into him a bit too much. I mean, I don't see anything terribly wrong with his post. You use you're "press release" to entice players. Look at movie trailers and you know what I mean. Every one claims to be the breathtaking and unique to attract more viewers. This really isn't that much different.

And movie studios make fools of themselves too when proclaiming their latest release is the greatest movie ever. :)

If the map was posted with the attitude of "hi guys, here's the beta of my map, any suggestions are appreciated" then all our comments would doubtless have been worded more helpfully and less aggressively.
Looking at the maps on his page gives me eye cancer.

it hurts, I tell ya!!
keved said:
And movie studios make fools of themselves too when proclaiming their latest release is the greatest movie ever. :)

Movie studios don't brag. They quote what movie critic reviews say. ;)
Pi Mu Rho said:
Yeah, lovely attitude there. Try reading my post next time - I'm not skeptical of anything, but you advertising your maps as "must-haves" is amazingly conceited, especially given their quality.

I love that you think it makes me insecure :). I get paid to make maps - no insecurity there.
Not to pick a fight here, although that is how some will see this. Being a moderator and a "professional" map maker, I would think you would be a little more sensative to others who are trying your craft. a real live press release from a store, or restarant. If there isn't a "must-have" type of quote in it, it would get ignored by the media.

Just my .02....

I am not a huge fan of this map so far, but the guy was only trying his best, and I think it really sucks when people go on bashing sprees.
It's not a "bashing spree" by any means. If you post your map publicly, you have to expect comments from the public. I used the feedback from my HL2DM map to improve it. Some people didn't like the map - several were quite scathing about it. That's life. You can't expect people to heap adoration on you just because you made a map. I called DoctorGordon on his "press release", and he responded with undue attitude. So I reviewed his map for him as a matter of professional courtesy.

If you advertise your work as a "must-have", then you'd better be prepared to be called on it.
Constructive Critizism is a good thing....I just didn't read very much of that on this thread....

I didn't mean to pick on you Pi, but I just thought your comments and the tone of your posts were a little out of line for a moderator imo.

Pfft, my being a moderator is irrelevant in this.
hey comrad...of course i knew it was you :). I read more than i write.'s the deal. If you act stupid, you deserve to be treated accordingly. The internet is growing more stupid every day, and we have to fight it with all our strength.

Hence, if someone releases a map which is by all means sub-standard, and rates it 10/10 BY HIMSELF, he deserves to be ridiculed. Constructive critizism is for those who deserve it.

After all, if you don't let them know that they're stupid, they might never find out by themselves. Now, THAT would be tragic.

.syL said:
hey comrad...of course i knew it was you :). I read more than i write.'s the deal. If you act stupid, you deserve to be treated accordingly. The internet is growing more stupid every day, and we have to fight it with all our strength.

Hence, if someone releases a map which is by all means sub-standard, and rates it 10/10 BY HIMSELF, he deserves to be ridiculed. Constructive critizism is for those who deserve it.

After all, if you don't let them know that they're stupid, they might never find out by themselves. Now, THAT would be tragic.


LOL, nice rant!

As for the map, 30mb is terrible.. The map looks mediocre at it's best theres to much light, and it seems you didn't even bother with a skybox. I suggest in the future you not use just 3-4 textures on one map, make it interesting and mix it up a bit.
Occlusion, occlusion, occlusion!

Dammit, when are people going to learn to use occlusion brushes it in their maps??? I download loads of maps (usually through the game) and when it loads up, all I see is either fullbright boxes with a thousand physics items flying around, or quite a quite complex map, like yours; running at 15fps.

Pi already showed what your map looks like in wireframe (un-occluded). Bad :angry:.

Now, I have only dabbled in Hammer, so I wouldn't know how to go about adding occlusion brushes (or similar) into a HL2 map so I'll show you the difference it can make to one of my maps [dm-gordian], from UT2004.
Bear in mind that i'm running the game at highest settings, 1600x1200 (resized images), with a 2.8p4 and 6600gt.

So, anyway, look at this wall:
Before occlusion brushes were added-

After occlusion brushes added (anti-portals in UT)-

Notice the fps difference. Then think what it can do to the fps in your future HL2 maps. Oh, and if anyone is planning on entering a map into Valve's contest, I doubt it will have any chance at all without using such techniques.

How's that for some constructive critisism?
What actually is the command to show wireframe and fps information in HL2? I only know showbudget
I don't remember FPS, but the wireframe command is mat_wireframe 1.

As for the map.. It's a rather noobish idea... (The whole 'blocks' thing) So even if you made it a decent filesize, with optimisations, it would still be a pretty bad map.

I haven't played it, so I don't know how it stands gameplay wise. (Weapon placement, chokepoints, etc.)

Try harder, and stop making your maps sound like they are far better than they really are.
hey cut the hostilities, this isnt Georgia or Iraq

seriously...just caus some bozo called pie-mud-rope whos proud of knowing his ABC's needs to feel confident by insulting, id like to point out that this map is far more creative than any of the maps Ive seen on this site. You people apparently feel the need to stick exactly to the standard recipe for a generic map. If that happened everywhere, we'd still be under the British flag and the pope would still be the most powerful idiot on earth. Not to mention, no lightbulb, no TV... and definately no HL2.

This map actually has interactivity, and its not a remake of some other thing, its original. I'm sure you get really proud when you make a health charger, but wed rather not stick to nothing but static, pointless objects sitting in the map.

Dr. Simons

oh and no disagreeing with me....caus if you do, youll be wrong
u are all a bunch of panty liners.... quit bitching and moaning and just keep the crap in ur own hole unless it smells like roses....comprende?