Curious Object Protruding from Water

  • Thread starter Thread starter .ñµkËz
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Mutated over-grown slithering slug worm built on world domination!!!

Or just a corpse.
I'm not so sure it is just a burnt corpse. Can someone post a pic of a definite burnt corpse to compare?
It can spawn them with garrys mod with several other burnt corpses.
they are burnt corpses and iirc before they were removed that was what the cremators were supposed to do, burn people to death.

Shame they removed em really! hope they are in the expansion as we may find out where alyx got that head in the jar then ;)
Andy018 said:
they are burnt corpses and iirc before they were removed that was what the cremators were supposed to do, burn people to death.

Shame they removed em really! hope they are in the expansion as we may find out where alyx got that head in the jar then ;)
Well they're obviously in the game still, which is kinda cool so they may very well be in an expansion!
they have been removed from the official SDK and game in regard to a model. however they were in the leaked Beta, and story wise hopefully they will make a return. I would still like to see the blue tenticle in the game not as a boss or in any fighting style but maybe we could run passed it in a fenced off section and watch it take out some soldiers. That way the work wouldnt of gone to waste and it would be a reward for the fans.
Andy018 said:
they have been removed from the official SDK and game in regard to a model. however they were in the leaked Beta, and story wise hopefully they will make a return. I would still like to see the blue tenticle in the game not as a boss or in any fighting style but maybe we could run passed it in a fenced off section and watch it take out some soldiers. That way the work wouldnt of gone to waste and it would be a reward for the fans.
Rigth, as long as we don't fight it, seeing as that is why it was cut.
I know, but it just seems a bit unfortate and I know myself and alot of other people would love to of seen it fighting it wasnt massively important so if we could run past it attacking some soldiers and stuff that would be kinda cool
Andy018 said:
I know, but it just seems a bit unfortate and I know myself and alot of other people would love to of seen it fighting it wasnt massively important so if we could run past it attacking some soldiers and stuff that would be kinda cool
No I agree with you, that would be awesome.
I wonder if Valve actually realise that they have left this corpse in the sewer. It is not in a main sewer you have to pass through, and is possibly the most obscure location in Half-Life 2. It is like a side tunnel from a side tunnel from a side tunnel!
.ñµkËz said:
I wonder if Valve actually realise that they have left this corpse in the sewer. It is not in a main sewer you have to pass through, and is possibly the most obscure location in Half-Life 2. It is like a side tunnel from a side tunnel from a side tunnel!
I saw burned corpses in lots of sewers.
there are lots of burnt corpses throughout the game, its ment to convey that although on the face of it the combine are peaceful prior to this facade they were a violent invasion force who commited some terrible attrocities!

I wish there was a rep level on this board I should get a rep point for such an well structured reply LMAO :P
That isn't the only burned corpse in the game dude.. they're all over the place.
you kow what they shouldvve done with the hydra, kep it the way it is and made it invincible and so at one part it's just chasing you and you are running like hell!, until you find a way to escape it somehow.
FireCrack said:
you kow what they shouldvve done with the hydra, kep it the way it is and made it invincible and so at one part it's just chasing you and you are running like hell!, until you find a way to escape it somehow.

So...basically you want another HL1 tentacle?
That would just be annoying because it's gonna take you down before you figure how to escape.
Did anyone else jump when they were sploshing around in the sewers and suddenly a charred corpse bobbed into view suddenly. Scared the Bejeezus outta ME anyway!
Oh, I jumped.

I was creeping around, flashlight on, knowing there's gonna be a headcrab around here somewhere, and then OMGWTF IS THAT????

I screamed at the first zombie encounter in the game (in the sewers, you go down some little tunnel that's behind some crates or something, theres a zombie torso behind a box at the end of the tunnel. scared the **** outta me.)
If you found that corpse, you walked past several others lying in the tunnel nearby. This one is just floating. I'm with everyone here - the more monsters, the better. They could have used the water tentacle thing like the other tentacles from HL1 - sound sensing, or maybe motion? Have to move really slow or distract it by throwing goodies with the gravity gun? Valve! Bring the cremators, tentacles, bullsquid, those, eh things from Opposing Force that shot thorns out of their noggins (what were those called, anyway)? Those were one of my favorite monsters. I can understand why they may have left the shock troopers out, as the initial invasion is over. In fact, the few we see in Opposing Force may have been the expeditionary force as the Combine began exploring the new dimentional rift? Anyway, I doubt anyone will complain about a huge variety of monsters.
The cremator head is still in the game, in eli's lab, its the jar on the table right behind mossman when eli is talking to you. When you go to the head in the jar, eli would say "Alyx brings in the weirdest things"
Yah, the best bit about bullsquids was that

A) They're hermaphrodites, and
B) They try to eat or hump everything they see.

Thank you Planethalflife.

I still think they could have used the Hydra as a "movement" tentacle instead of a "sound tentacle" (HL1). That woudl have been fun.
I think that's one of reasons that might of added to the reason they cut the Hydra. It's nothing that the gamers hadn't seen before. A tentacle in source would be cool though. :D (BM:S)
Its a burnt corpse i used to think they were like used headcrab hosts or something.
diluted said:
I screamed at the first zombie encounter in the game (in the sewers, you go down some little tunnel that's behind some crates or something, theres a zombie torso behind a box at the end of the tunnel. scared the **** outta me.)

heh yeah that shocked me pretty bad too :D
ah i got the twitchenz when i get scuurd. But when i drink tonnes of caffine and am awake for about 36+ hrs i get scared of stuff popen out, but then it's great overkilling it cause it scared you... yeah i showed that pidgeon...
The guy probably spammed at and got flamed to death.
The Brick said:
The guy probably spammed at and got flamed to death.

heh heh.........
oh god, i'm never gonna spam here.

15357 said:
heh heh.........
oh god, i'm never gonna spam here.

Most of the post counts are spam in this forum. :|
Lemonking said:
a burnt corpse

^ They are all over the water and game. How did you miss them 1st time around? Its like missing a headcrab... :rolling:
Dagobert said:
You don't have the most top-sped PC do you?

Yes, its a burnt corpse.. it's just hard to tell because of your lousy card.. may I suggest buying a new one?
Are Cremators also modified humans, or actual combine synth units, like Overwatchers?