Custom textures - Sounds


Jan 26, 2005
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Alright we'll.. I have my custom textures setup the way I want them.. carpet here tiles there. But whenever you walk on the tiles it makes the same sound as the carpet and the concrete. How do I get it to sound like it should when on a specific texture?
Limpet do you know the lines of code needed to change the properties?

Im interested in this as well.
I apreciate that limpet but that isnt very specific is it? Once I am in the vmt file and ready to edit what do I edit?
Are you going to tell me what I type in the vmt to make it sound like it should?
Set the "$surfaceprop" in the .vmt file to the correct surface property.

e.g. "$surfaceprop" "metal"

You'll probably want to use "carpet".

There's a list of valid surfaceprops on the wiki-which-must-not-be-linked.
Yeah I was going to follow up on how to but I couldn't find a list of the different types of materials. Sorry
How exactly do i type in the surface prop, i copy pasted the way you did it up there.. but it wouldnt load when i ran the bsp compile..

How exaclty do ya put it in the vmt, im trying to get a tile sound.
I got the surface prop sound to work.. i just put in the line of code wrong.. the problem is i cant find the VMT's for all the textures in the sdk.. where are they.. the only ones ive found are my custom textures.. and the properties i need to change are for a bush texture that sounds like im running on wood..

anyone know where i can locate the rest of the vmt's for the textures?
You need GCFScape to view them. Their kind of locked in a file. search google for GCFScape. download it. open it and browse to your "C:\Program files\valve\steam\steamapps\" there you should see a file called "Source Models" Open that with GCFScape and there should be all the sdk models, etc. Hope this helped..