CustomiZing your Windows!

Qwert93 said:
Seconded. How do I remove this damn shell? Help please?

Just run the installer again.

And screw the docks. I'm reformatting as we speak, and don't intend to reinstall YZdock when i'm done.

Although it's an excellent and usefull tool (pagefile monitor) that only uses approx 800k idle.
ComradeBadger said:
Honestly, don't download Konfabulator, each widget uses 8mb of RAM just by itself - it starts a new process for each widget and the manager itself uses 12mb approx :|

Very true. But I'm using it in conjunction with that Evil shell replacement and YZ-dock, and playing CSS I haven't seen an FPS drop.
sinkoman said:
Ok, I have a problem.

I'm running YZdock atm, and I can't decide where to place it ;(

Right now I have it running on the right side of my screen, but it gets in the way of stuff.

I can chose to auto hide it, but that's really really annoying.

PLZ! I can't decide!
I like mine on the top of the screen

*EDIT* got those widgets working...just havn't found any that really HIT me...they seem to just clutter up my desktop :(
CyberPitz said:
I like mine on the top of the screen

*EDIT* got those widgets working...just havn't found any that really HIT me...they seem to just clutter up my desktop :(
Then just right click them and set them to "Konspose mode only". Then they'll only come up when you press F8 :).
I'm back to using Aston Shell. It just seems much more usable than the crappy EvilDesk. And it doesn't spit in your face and scream "Haha loser!" when you open Control Panel.
Evildesk isn't that good...

Aston is godawful though.. honestly, best of luck with that. It's useless.
so which is the best?
bblean seems to require some work and experience with using desktop shells -neither of which i want/ have respectively
Gorgon said:

And this is special why?

Anyways I started using objectdock and liked it so much that I went for a Total Start Menu/taskbar replacement and its pretty cool except sometimes it gets in the way of some stuff and when I cant put both running programs and system tray icons in the dock. Its either one or the other. Also I cant see the time just by looking right into the bottom right corner and when windows media player is down in toolbar mode it doesnt show up on the objectdock and when the little thing pops up telling my the next song I cant use the little windows media toolbar functions. Other than that its been good and am still deciding if I wanna keep it instead of the start menu bar. Sorry if this was confusing but i tried my best to explain it.
There was another thread for posting desktops, I think it'd be better if this was left to Badger's tutorial and desktop customisation discussion.
Griz said:
Much less gay than your previous wallpaper........i still say you're in denial though.

omg, its a fooking movie for god sake. :D

and No, the previous wallpaper ain't gay,
Finished with my reformat, and just got my new wallpaper all ready to go.

First person to guess who it is gets a cookie.

And if you're an uberfan, don't give it away.

And if you're Kamikazie, don't give it away.

Oh, and I want a new Recyclebin icon, anybody know any good ones? All the ones I find online are tacky and overdone.

EDIT: Grammar :P
sinkoman said:
Finished with my reformat, and just got my new wallpaper all ready to go.

First person to guess gets a cookie.

And if you're an uberfan, don't give it away.

And if you're Kamikazie, don't give it away.

Oh, and I want a new Recyclebin icon, anybody know any good ones? All the ones I find online are tacky and overdone.

Guess what? That it's Eric Clapton on your wallpaper? He's badass.

My name is actually Eric...and when I went to India and I would tell people my name is Eric they'd ALWAYS say, "OH! LIKE ERIC CLAPTON?!"

I wish...I'd get all the ladies by jammin' out Tears in Heaven.
joule said:

Well, their site is horrible to navigate, but browsing through Object Dock icons, I found some I liked.


Oh and AmishSlayer wins the cookie.

Clapton rocks hardcore! I love Cream especially.

Hehe, I get a kickass feeling just staring at my desktop while listening to Crossroads.

Best song evar!

Oh and Comrade, do you plan on continuing this thread? I really wanna see it updated.

EDIT: OK, i'm considering switching to Objectdock because of it's large number of docklets, and I was wondering...

Do objectdock docklets work under YZ_dock? And how much memory does objectdock use idleing?
what windows theme can i use? im running windows 3.1

It was a joke.

Windows 3.1 was back in the days of the square mice.