Cutting and Other Self Injury


Jul 5, 2004
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Well I have no Idea why a person would want to hurt themselves physcially if they are hurt enough mentally. Anyone a cutter or past cutter and can explain why you do it.
they enjoy the pain. one of my friends used to do it apparently, I was like wtf i wrong with you
:dozey: A quote from my homeboy Louis. "I mean I used to slit my wrists, I was on some depressed shit back in 9th grade. Now I don't do that shit anymore i'm too mature for it now. So, when I see a kid doin' it, I just laugh at his EMO ass." that comment mentioned from him will always lie in a sweet spot in my memory banks. :naughty: He's the same dude that took 2 pills of Xanax this morning and was basically ****ed up all day in school.
"Sometimes, I like to take this knife...and just cut know, see how deep I can go until I just...pass out..."
-Happy Time Harry
It stems from a great deal of inner turmoil. I dont think they enjoy the pain. I think it is way of releasing emotional pain that is so far under the surface that they cant even really feel it. So they create physical pain that they can feel to get it out.

Its a twisted self medication.
I think it's done for attention.

They always make sure they tell you about how they cut themselves
"I was standing in the shower, then took a knife and cut the back of my neck The blood began to flow all over my naked body. Then i started masturbating"
Mr-Fusion said:
I think it's done for attention.

They always make sure they tell you about how they cut themselves
"I was standing in the shower, then took a knife and cut the back of my neck The blood began to flow all over my naked body. Then i started masturbating"
Usually wear short sleeves/shorts to show off the scars, too.
If life was like Burger King and I could have it my way I would make hospitals reject patients who tryed to slit their wrists.

But it's not like Burger King, so one can only dream. :|
RTFMy said:
If life was like Burger King and I could have it my way I would make hospitals reject patients who tryed to slit their wrists.

But it's not like Burger King, so one can only dream. :|
So people who have had life knock them around and are so messed up they don't know what else to do without some help would be turned away at the door of salvation? Good job, moron.
Mr-Fusion said:
I think it's done for attention.

They always make sure they tell you about how they cut themselves
It only seems that way, because those are the ones you actually find out about. But these guys, they are not the real McCoys. There are plenty of people who do it because they feel compelled to, and know enough not to tell others.

I speak from personal experience.

When I was 16, I was very depressed. Inspired by a song, I made shallow 2-3 inch long lacerations on my shoulders. The scars are still there today. The first person to see them and know was a girlfriend I had 4 years later.

A doctor mentioned the scars just a few months ago. That really supprised me. If I had known at 16 that I would still have these marks 12 years later,. well,. I doubt that would have stopped me. ;)
I pierced my own ear once, but that wasn't due to any emotional stress. I've known people who cut themselves, or pierce themselves due to severe depression. It's not an attention issue, it's a way to take their mind off the emotional pain they are suffering from by replacing it with a lesser pain, or releasing it.

As an aside, the insensitivity displayed from some of you towards people who suffer from this is a bit appalling. Not everyone is an attention whore, and not everyone deals with pain in the same way. They need to be helped, not mocked, shunned or turned away.
I know plenty of them, it is either

1. they want to match pain inside on the outside, it feels to overwhelming inside so they hurt the outside to "feel" if you will

2. Attention (usually a combination of 1&2) or just 1.

I have been tempted to unleash physical pain unto myself, but the i'm like wtf nub you just fragged yourself stop.
ailevation said:
:dozey: A quote from my homeboy Louis. "I mean I used to slit my wrists, I was on some depressed shit back in 9th grade. Now I don't do that shit anymore i'm too mature for it now. So, when I see a kid doin' it, I just laugh at his EMO ass." that comment mentioned from him will always lie in a sweet spot in my memory banks. :naughty: He's the same dude that took 2 pills of Xanax this morning and was basically ****ed up all day in school.

I take xanax :p but i'l never cut, I simply refuse.

These two girls I know cut themselves regularly (actually one burns herself with her lighter) do it because they can't stand the emmotional pain and get addicted to feeling something real, the depression and sadness is so deep they feel the only way to climb out temporarily is to physically harm themselves, little do they know it just makes you fall deeper and need to do it more and more, hence harmful addiction. If you find anyone is doing this please get them help somehow, it's terrible. Also the disreguard for human emmotion in this thread is rather disturbing. This stuff happens in real life people, jesus christ. I know too many cutters to have it be a joke anymore.
How does cutting yourself, "Release" the pain. That doesnt make sense to me still. DO they symbolize blood as emotional stress flowing out of them or something?
Dr.Spock said:
How does cutting yourself, "Release" the pain. That doesnt make sense to me still. DO they symbolize blood as emotional stress flowing out of them or something?

As long as the outer pain lasts, it's more the action that's an addiction rather then the effects- this is why several cuts are made in one "session" hence the sliced arms you see on highschool children these days. The action of self-inflicted pain is what feels good. The immdiate change in outer self related to the quick relief of inside pain because of a focus on what you just did.
The symbolism is not as forward as "the blood is emmotional distress" it's more complex, the blood is simply an after effect of the action that they are addicted to, that they feel they must do to feel alive or "with it" again. You're forgetting what you posted in the first place "why do people inflict pain on themselves" just pain, not cutting, cutting happens to be the most popular method that cutters use, some people burn themselves or bang into things or get excessive piercings or tatoos etc.

Does cutting mean your psycho? - Certainly not, it happens ALOT (especially in our youth) but it does however mean that you need help coping with the amount of distress in your life. Alot of my kids in school erased they're skin (causing severe burn and rash) a few years back.
It's about control.

My girlfriend explained it to me once. She never cut herself, but she was once a 13 year old girl, and knows how they think (crazy bitches.) She told me that it's something girls do when they feel that they have no control over their life. It's like they find something that they can control, which is pain. Different people find control in different ways, like eating disorders and such.

My girlfriend's old friend used to cut herself. I asked my girlfriend if she did it for control, and she said "no, she's just a f*cking attention whore."
Sh4mp00 said:
Guys cut themselves too mattigus.
Yeah, I used to cut myself all the time... I'd just be goin' about my work and all the sudden I'd have wtfblood dripping outa my finger. I swear, those large pieces of sharp metal just come flyin' outa nowhere sometimes... keesus... then getting it stop... oh man... I don't think my clotter cells work in my fingers...
I knew a girl who kept a drawer full of razorblades :x

She and another friend of mine would hurt themselves physically to take emphasis off their mental 'woes'. They knew how to do it without harming themselves badly, but it was still kinda creepy :p

Edit - Oh yeah, then there's this other guy who would scold himself with a hot fork :x Has some wicked scars...
Man, if I ever needed to take out any anger, I hit stuff.

Cutting is ridiculous..
I know a couple of people who do/have done it.. one asked for help, the other hides it. Neither of them talk about it or show it off unless I prod though
I accidentally mad a wound on my arm from a swiss army knife last night, it wasnt too bad because I didnt go slip and impale my arm or something
I accidentally made a wound on my arm from a swiss army knife last night, it wasnt too bad because I didnt go slip and impale my arm or something
destrukt said:

Yer, cause them feeling alienated has nothing to do with it. Way to be part of the solution ;)
Until you've experienced what it's like to feel the way genuine cutters feel, you will never fully understand. We can all sit here and say, "They have emotional pain,” but that’s no indication as to how deep the hopelessness and feelings of nothingness that most cutters feel really goes. People who have clinical depression live in a different world than you do, and I do speak with experience.

I pity those like destrukt, those who are poorly informed. The thing they do not understand is that clinical depression is biological – these are not weak people who can’t deal with the emotional stressors of life, but rather people who are stripped of joy and happiness due to imbalances of dopamine and serotonin in the brain.

There are of course fakers; some people, albeit a small percentage, do it for attention. However those people are pretty easy to detect, and are not the people we talk about when we relate cutting to depression.

So deskrukt, and others, I challenge you to open your mind and disassociate yourselves with society’s stigmas that you’ve ignorantly bought into. Accept that is this a legitimate disease and not a cry for attention because a kid’s parents won’t buy them a new 40-gig iPod.
Mr-Fusion said:
I think it's done for attention.

They always make sure they tell you about how they cut themselves
"I was standing in the shower, then took a knife and cut the back of my neck The blood began to flow all over my naked body. Then i started masturbating"

i think that comment is really in bad taste. :frown:

My ex girlfriend cuts herself, she's suffered from deep depression for most of her life after a trauma at a young age that she's never got over. It's not always a 'look at me' thing for people, its how she lets out all the pain and the hurt she feels, for herself, because it's only herself she can blame or make feel guilty.

Admitedly some people, mostly girls, see this as some sort of trend to cut yourself and attract attention but for some people it saves their lives, if my ex couldnt cut herself and let out all this, then i do think she'd have gone all the way and killed herself by now.

It's a self defence mechanism from the depression than anything, it's hard to understand if you look at it in a logical rational way, but it isnt something that can be looked at from the outside in.. you need to understand their experiences and thoughts to a much deeper level.

hype.db said:
Until you've experienced what it's like to feel the way genuine cutters feel, you will never fully understand. We can all sit here and say, "They have emotional pain,” but that’s no indication as to how deep the hopelessness and feelings of nothingness that most cutters feel really goes. People who have clinical depression live in a different world than you do, and I do speak with experience.

I pity those like destrukt, those who are poorly informed. The thing they do not understand is that clinical depression is biological – these are not weak people who can’t deal with the emotional stressors of life, but rather people who are stripped of joy and happiness due to imbalances of dopamine and serotonin in the brain.

There are of course fakers; some people, albeit a small percentage, do it for attention. However those people are pretty easy to detect, and are not the people we talk about when we relate cutting to depression.

So deskrukt, and others, I challenge you to open your mind and disassociate yourselves with society’s stigmas that you’ve ignorantly bought into. Accept that is this a legitimate disease and not a cry for attention because a kid’s parents won’t buy them a new 40-gig iPod.

Well said sir... :thumbs:
Dr.Spock said:
How does cutting yourself, "Release" the pain. That doesnt make sense to me still. DO they symbolize blood as emotional stress flowing out of them or something?

when something hurts you try to distract from that pain by hurting another spot, that way the previous pain goes away!
its like when you are at the dentist when the drilling really hurts i normaly pinch my leg to distract from the tooth pain! normally i do this when it rally ****ing hurts, like one time when almost half of my back tooth was drilled out, she was literally drilling on my nerves, probably the worst pain i ever experienced!

know two cutters myself, suprisingly, girls! man normaly don't cut themselves!
Cutters blow, who the F**K would do a stupid thing like that.
Dalamari said:
Cutters blow, who the F**K would do a stupid thing like that.

I'm not blaming you, but theres a hell of a strong stereotype about what kind of person a 'cutter' is.. and I would say that in my experience (i've known two), the stereotype is wrong.. its not some stupid teen fad or something, its often masking some real messup.. both the people i know try and hide it too.. it took real prodding to get them to open up about it.
There're actually different types of people who inflict self injury, there are those who do it through depression or emotional stress and those who are just masochistic, some people do feel pleasure from pain, for instance all those people who are into S&M and hang themselves from meat hooks and stuff.

There is a thin line between pleasure and pain after all.
Hmmm, I have cut my self before. Not to commit suicide, I have no reason to do that. But in some ways it felt nice. Its hard to explain. Some people like different things. I have this weird thing with been scratched on my chest as well. Its weird... I think everyone has weird things that they like its just not many people actually know there own. I have always been an open person to try new things and I don't see why I shouldn't try cutting my self to see if I enjoy it because everyone else says its stupid. I would rather find out for my self. Its kinda the same with gay relationships. Everyone seems to be anti gay but if I fancied a guy I would happily go out with him and experiance new things. I don't live my life to follow what everything thinks is right or wrong. I just like to try and be my self. Anyway...
True...however there is a difference between not doing what everyone says is right...and cutting yourself. Its not about what is morally right or cool, its about the pure and simple fact that you are damaging the vessel that carries you.
"Look at me im depressed!"--> is basically the BS that it is. How effed up do you have to be to cut yourself on purpose. Anyone see that Real World:SD episode where that freak punk rocker girl was cutting herself....then dropped the knife right infront of her roomates. I mean come on, thats just retarded.
B.Calhoun said:
"Look at me im depressed!"--> is basically the BS that it is. How effed up do you have to be to cut yourself on purpose. Anyone see that Real World:SD episode where that freak punk rocker girl was cutting herself....then dropped the knife right infront of her roomates. I mean come on, thats just retarded.
Dont try and look at it from your point of view, you'll never understand. I know where you are coming from but dont blame the cutters (atleast the genuine ones), its a way of released pent up emotions and bad feelings.
There's always some connection to the music people listen to. We probably all know the type of music. I highly doubt anyone who listens to something like Dolly Parton would do this.