Cutting the amount of people who possess the code in half...


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
I have a solution for VALVe's problem!:

VALVe should release a HL2 Demo/Beta to stop the MASSIVE amount of people who download and share the code because they think it could eventually lead to a full game.

Also, to take it a step further, It would scan your PC for ANY bit of source code and WOULD NOT install if you didn't remove the file from your harddrive.

Countless amounts of people downloaded the source code not knowing what it was and it's sitting in thier share folder for everyone to see. A MAJORITY of them won't know how to bypass the install check of the beta OR know what to do with the source code anyway.

Does anyone second my move? Or have an idea to add to my idea?

EDIT: I'm saying release a demo or beta because most of the people who downloaded the source code wanted the game right?
Or just have them write something for steam that does the same thing. No one will be none the wiser! Muhaha
i second it. i mean many of us want a playable MP test or even a physics room. and something like that wouldn't spoil anything(face it you know there are shotguns and mp5s and gravity guns)
[Dream Time]It's a good idea.

And will be very easy to discover who is the hacker and who have the source on the pc.[/Dream Time]

I don't know man... :p
If everyone likes the idea we need to force this idea apon valve!
Originally posted by Dhoco X
[Dream Time]It's a good idea.

And will be very easy to discover who is the hacker and who have the source on the pc.[/Dream Time]

I don't know man... :p

Hey the hackers is another issue all togeather I'm trying to help VALVe slow or even stop sharing in it's tracks.
releasing a MP test is generally a good idea anyway. it sorts out a lot of bugs, and balancing issues with weapons. win-win!
i like the idea of a "gravity room" where we can play with the sweet manipulator gun and a few boxes/tables and wooden and metal and boxes... with boxes in... so when we break open teh boxes we could be like WOOAAH more boxes and then we can pick up those boxes and break them and be like wow more boxes heheheehehehehehe that would be cool........


p.s. im sorry been watching too much tom green and its almost 1am...

but yes i would like to see a physics room to test the shizzit out!

I'm giving the source away its FREE...the internet is wonderful + I got one with no Virii..go figure
Uh, the problem is that thes eguys could wipe out the files and copy the code for very sensitive things like the encryption keys into a text file and use those to create their own hacks to suck away the "secure" data that everyone would be transferring with this demo version. Just cause the source files are off doesn't mean you can't keep segments of the code to work off of.

It's not a bad idea. I think it'd wipe out most of the casual downloaders but you're putting people online, with HL2, through Steam while all of those access points are vulnerable. Maybe something can be done to make this idea work.

I am very impressed with this idea. Im all for it.
they dont have to necessarily put it through steam. unless they wanted to test steam as well
Originally posted by StickFigs
If everyone likes the idea we need to force this idea apon valve!

Ok besides the fact you are unable to properly spell... This is not a feasible idea. Yes the code being leaked and shared across the net is illegal but there are groups dedicated to maintaining personal privacy. VALVe wouldn't dare take on these groups.

Need examples of companies that changed their tune after these groups tore into them.

Intel with the Processor number scam (They released the ability to disable it)
Microsoft with Media Player 7x (Which they promptly released MP8)
Microsoft with WinXP. Initially WinXP was setup to scan all your apps and report back to M$. They turned it into "Error Reporting Service" and made it prompt you first.
Real Player... oh wait they still do that shit.
Originally posted by StickFigs
VALVe should release a HL2 Demo/Beta to stop the MASSIVE amount of people who download and share the code because they think it could eventually lead to a full game.

How does that stop them? And why do we need to worry about them considering they'd never get to the full game anyways?

Also, to take it a step further, It would scan your PC for ANY bit of source code and WOULD NOT install if you didn't remove the file from your harddrive.

Anyone smart enough to actually do something with the source code would just back it up somwhere, then put it back on their comp after the installation.

Countless amounts of people downloaded the source code not knowing what it was and it's sitting in thier share folder for everyone to see. A MAJORITY of them won't know how to bypass the install check of the beta OR know what to do with the source code anyway.

So, why would we need to worry about them? Let them have the damn code. It's not a threat to Valve or the gaming community.
its a good idea but you are asking alot from them , it might not sound alot for us but for them its alot. Demo maybe , beta never , Benchmark (YES) but like i said this is asking for too much.
niugiovanni: The demo and the scanning shouldn't be linked to Steam at all. That would be a bad idea in the 1st place. Also, The installation should be VERY case sensitive and lock up and not install if it knows that it's a tampered demo file. THAT will prevent normal internet users from downloading hacked demo files.
StickFigs, i think you should email valve about this/
The code is not going to do anything.

Mostly what will happen is people who are going to college to learn how to program will use it as a learning tool or developers will get inspired by something in it.

I dont even think that there will be hacks made with it since they are probably going to reword and change all of it slightly.
Originally posted by StickFigs
niugiovanni: The demo and the scanning shouldn't be linked to Steam at all. That would be a bad idea in the 1st place. Also, The installation should be VERY case sensitive and lock up and not install if it knows that it's a tampered demo file. THAT will prevent normal internet users from downloading hacked demo files.

I think you misunderstood me. The compiled code is only good for making game elements. What is useful is the code in its raw form. this code contains things like the security/encryption algorithms and how the system validates etc.. etc... You don't need the code in its raw form to keep this information. In fact, you could copy-paste the entire code into a text file or segment it to keep it for reference so you could develop exploits. This doesn't help the most severe problem is what I'm saying.

I think that at this point Valve isn't worried about the casual downloaders of the source. They aren't going to do anything with it and probably just wanted it to take a peek. The problem is the people who will be malicious with this code. In other words, releasing a version of the game just to help people remove the code is doing a lot and taking lots of chances to solve the smallest problem.

nah, it sounds good at first, but in reality it could be eaisly bypassed, not to mention the fact that you would be giving the hackers out there game content (they have none as of now, just very rudimentary textures and maps) which they could use in their illegal builds.
Re: Re: Cutting the amount of people who possess the code in half...

Originally posted by alco

How does that stop them? And why do we need to worry about them considering they'd never get to the full game anyways?

Anyone smart enough to actually do something with the source code would just back it up somwhere, then put it back on their comp after the installation.

So, why would we need to worry about them? Let them have the damn code. It's not a threat to Valve or the gaming community. [/B]

Ok you're not very optimistic at all:

1. Reducing the amount of people with the file slows sharing. PERIOD.

2. Why would they install it again after they got what they were looking for? Also the beta/demo would lock up if you reinstalled the files.

3. Like I said, If they have the files the spreading goes much faster.

BONUS: We get a demo.
In reality though, this doesn't solve any of Valve's true problems which is what they need to be working on right now. I'm sorry man, it just isn't that useful to Valve.

Yeahh i think most of the people that have the source code just wanted to try the game ..All they want is a demo... I Agree release a demo!!

BTW i had a dream that the benchmark was out LOL:cheese:
Re: Re: Re: Cutting the amount of people who possess the code in half...

Originally posted by StickFigs
Ok you're not very optimistic at all:

1. Reducing the amount of people with the file slows sharing. PERIOD.

2. Why would they install it again after they got what they were looking for? Also the beta/demo would lock up if you reinstalled the files.

3. Like I said, If they have the files the spreading goes much faster.

BONUS: We get a demo.

I was talking about the people who actually want to use it to make hacks for #2.

And even if casuals don't have it shared on Kazaa, 'serious' hackers who want to make cheats for HL2 will find it. Hell, everyone on mIRC probably already has it.

Valve won't make a demo for HL2. Leak or no leak. Just let them work on fixing/re-writing the parts that can be exploited, and patiently wait for a retail release.

EDIT: I know you're just trying to help (and get a demo out of it, too ;) ), but this idea wouldn't fix the problem much.
Ya, removing it from the hard drive what a great idea...

From the hard drive to the CDR:dozey:
Originally posted by StickFigs
Hey, At least I have ideas and try to help.

I agree, That's awesome that you're thinking critically to help out Valve and the community. Keep it up man! No joke. You were 90% of the way to a great idea on this one in my opinion. Personally, I appreciate it.

valve cannot hide anything that would remove things or do things without the user's being told. Thats just like writing a virus and a big company like valve shouldn't/wouldn't do something like that. plus you can't make something like that 100% reliable. it could find something that was infact not source code and delete it. what if that was an important system file? could mean more trouble for valve.
like i said.....shhhh hear that....?....Its the Fat lady
Originally posted by StickFigs
VALVe should release a HL2 Demo/Beta to stop the MASSIVE amount of people who download and share the code because they think it could eventually lead to a full game

If you dont think it will lead to a full playable map game etc. then why bother trying to stop them?

and if you think its cuase it might lead to a full game then what difference is it gonna make if you stop 95% of the ppl who have it cos they wouldnt get it working anyway.

lets face it the average programmer whos spending time getting this source to play isnt dumb enough to just leave the stuff on his hard drive, it will be on CD's etc.

and another thing Scanning a persons computer looking for files they may or may not have downloaded without their permition is against the law even if its to rooot out hackers criminals etc.

*no doubt this seems like a very pro hacker post*

belive me i hope these guys get jailed but thinking the meager ways there are of detecting these files and getting ppl to remove them is a plan built on 99% hope and 1% common sence.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
i second it. i mean many of us want a playable MP test or even a physics room. and something like that wouldn't spoil anything(face it you know there are shotguns and mp5s and gravity guns)

you want a physics room? lol, im supposing you havent tried the map physics in hl2 engine yet? or map qazw? all i can say is, when that ball gets bouncing really fast, dont get infront of it, because it will knock you across the whole room and into the wall... HARD..and you

this can be done using the compiled source engine and the map made in hammer...but link for you!