Cyber Terrorists


Sep 24, 2003
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I have a proposal;

Instead of calling these individuals that engineered the left of this source code Hackers, script kiddies, whatever we should give them a new name more indicative of what they do.


The other names imply a benign or non damaging nature. Cyber Terrorist on the other hand adequately communicates that they are hateful, damaging, antisocial miscreants and criminals that society must deal with.

Just try it on...... CYBER TERRORIST.

What sounds better.


A group of Hackers have managed to exploit the Valve exchange server and steal the Source engine source code....

A group of Script-Kiddies have managed to exploit the Valve exchange server and steal the Source engine source code....

A group of CYBER TERRORISTS have managed to exploit the Valve exchange server and steal the Source engine source code....


sounds and fits much better in the above sentence don't you agree.

Did the CYBER TERRORISTS not break the law

Did the CYBER TERRORISTS not cause confusion and havoc as they did so (DOS attacks, social engineering)

Did the CYBER TERRORISTS not cause potentially Millons of dollars worth of damage.

Are the CYBER TERRORISTS not causing other developers to spend more money and resources on defenses protection

CYBER TERRORIST will much more easily be understood by the general public than Hackers or Script Kiddies.

What do you all think.
I think we should stick to the correct terminology - They were crackers.
They just didn't crack the code, the engineered an elaborate plan to steal it and distribute it to the public knowing full well what the effect would be.
The Correct term is "Black hat Hackers" these are the malicious ones who damage peoples PC's while "White hat Hackers" devote there time sniffing for items on peoples PC's but leave it in one piece with no damage
Cyber Terrorists might be a bit extreme
Black Hat Hackers, I always like cowboy analogies.

Learn somethin new every day.

Cyber Terrorists?

I prefer calling them God^%#$, Mother$%^#@#, ^#%holes, with small #@^$@ and a fetish for butt#&$^%# furry animals.

But I digress...
I think thats what they want anyway, so maybe we shouldnt give them the pleasure?

If we manage to get them technically known as "cyber terrorists", maybe we could convince George Dublya to send them to Guatanamo Bay...
Guys, we shouldn't care of the name now. We need to do something for helping our game being released next month.
No, i think even Cracker and Cyber Terrorist is wrong. The correct term imho would be Ass Monkeys. These people couldn't go worse. They are the lowest for of life their is. They are big homosexual monkey asses.
Didn't Kevin Mitnick say half of the hack was suckering the person in?

One of his "hacks" was even walking into the place, lying that he worked there, and walking out with information.
Next month?

I fear that's now just wishful thinking. I'm pretty sure Valve will want to completely rewrite whole swathes of code to cover security flaws, pushing back release by at least a few months, maybe even 6.

I don't think we'll be seeing half-life 2 for many moons yet..
Would have to agree... Due to the fact that the Source has spread the delay will be longer, i'm sure... however we can all still live in hope.

Originally posted by Wesisapie
Didn't Kevin Mitnick say half of the hack was suckering the person in?

One of his "hacks" was even walking into the place, lying that he worked there, and walking out with information.

I always liked Mitnick.
If someone else calls a cracker a "hacker" i swear i'm gonna burst and take you all with me...

Any kind of illegal information gathering is wrong. To give them their own name would be a mistake. I'll stick to simply calling them criminals. That is, after all, what they are.
Criminals works for me maybe your right why give them too much credit
who exactly is giving them credit... i dont see anyone here!
I think you're an idiot, who are you, bush? Added onto that, they'll like that, it's a cooler name =P
I'll put money down this would've never happened if HL2 was delayed. Props to the cracker, although I do have sympathy for Valve. I know who posted the source first, am I going to tell valve? Maybe, probably not. Why? Because 1) They should have surcured their computer, and when explorer starts crashing, and computer starts acting weird, and you have the Halflife 2 source on that computer, i'd put it on a disc and delete that damned computer. 2) There are too many kiss ass's on the forum, am I againts valve? No. I don't like how people don't speak their mind, Gabe comes on says we need your help hundreds start kissing his feet "WE'RE BEING YOU GABE" And I've seen numerous "sir's" in the main forum with him... If this post is deleted so be it, if i'm banned, so be it. Just show's that no one is allowed to speak their mind. If you're lame enough to try and trace me, don't bother, im bouncing this connection off my local school. I think you people should be ashamed of yourselves for kissing his ass so much, I mean you don't have to be "OMG WE'RE BEHIND YOU SIR" Why can't you simply say you're upset with what has happened, and you will report anything you find. Very few said somthing to that effect. Goodnight.
Originally posted by Ne0
I think you're an idiot, who are you, bush? Added onto that, they'll like that, it's a cooler name =P

You are entitled to your opinion even if it does make you look like an asshole, thanks for the input.
Originally posted by Ne0
I'll put money down this would've never happened if HL2 was delayed. Props to the cracker, although I do have sympathy for Valve. I know who posted the source first, am I going to tell valve? Maybe, probably not. Why? Because 1) They should have surcured their computer, and when explorer starts crashing, and computer starts acting weird, and you have the Halflife 2 source on that computer, i'd put it on a disc and delete that damned computer. 2) There are too many kiss ass's on the forum, am I againts valve? No. I don't like how people don't speak their mind, Gabe comes on says we need your help hundreds start kissing his feet "WE'RE BEING YOU GABE" And I've seen numerous "sir's" in the main forum with him... If this post is deleted so be it, if i'm banned, so be it. Just show's that no one is allowed to speak their mind. If you're lame enough to try and trace me, don't bother, im bouncing this connection off my local school. I think you people should be ashamed of yourselves for kissing his ass so much, I mean you don't have to be "OMG WE'RE BEHIND YOU SIR" Why can't you simply say you're upset with what has happened, and you will report anything you find. Very few said somthing to that effect. Goodnight.

What the hell does this have to do with the topic go spam another thread or post your own thread with this crap our are you too afraid of the backlash??
Cyberterrorists is a crap name.

On an slight unrelated note I hate the way since September the 11th - my birthday, and some other thing happened, cant remember what, just about everyone america dislikes are now called terrorists.
The definition of "terrorism" is:
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

This is not at all what is happening here..

Well according to all black people I'm a cracker! (no racism meant)