

Dec 17, 2003
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Anyone here read and write cyrillic very well? I need help with a few things for my mod, I'd like our soviets to have actual soviet writing on their equipment and such.
you replied to your own post within like 2 seconds. and no, no one does, No one
My mom might be able to work out some of the things, what is it you want translated?

xLostx, keep your evil postcount away from me.
xLostx said:
you replied to your own post within like 2 seconds. and no, no one does, No one

It was one day.
xLostx said:
you replied to your own post within like 2 seconds. and no, no one does, No one
Quite freaky actually, he replied 24 hours on from his original post EXACTLY. 11:55 yesterday and today, weird. I have a kid at college who is from Ukraine and speaks fluent Russian. Thats an option, assuming its not too much work for him, college life is busy.
my bad i just saw the time when the msg was posted and was like ....? but I guess it was one full day lol, and here goes my evil post count! 667 bitches :O
xLostx said:
my bad i just saw the time when the msg was posted and was like ....? but I guess it was one full day lol

Wow. Just wow.

Anyways, cool. We're going to need a few basic things written out in Cyrillic, mainly military related phrases and words. In addition, a few common russian names would also be good.

We're gonna need a few words such as these:

Armor Piercing
Anti Personel
High Explosive
Medical Supplies
Handle with care
Property of the Soviet Union of Russia (basically just something that says its the property of the government, it should sound official, I don't know how Soviet Union of Russia translates in russia, it might sound retarded like 'Property of the American State United', you know what I mean?)

As for names, just a few common first & last names, I can most likely mix and match for a higher yield. I'm going to have to try and find a resource for soviet military ranks, I'll pray to the google gods thoroughly for that
Oh yeah, and if possible, write them out in some sort of document program like MS Works or MS Wordpad or something and save it in a .ZIP along with the cyrillic font please, THANKS!
I can do it for you. Just pm me all the words you need.