D0D vs C0D

Aug 3, 2004
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Well i lost my CoD game, and im deciding on whether to get a new CD of C0D or wait for DOD:S.

Can somebody pleasse compare DOD and COD multiplayer side by side, with the pros and cons of each. Will dod:S have ironsights?. k thanks :)
It will be just like dod is now, but with better graphics and physics. There wont be any major changes (like ironsights) at release, and probably not ever. Download dod and try it out for yourself. It is different than cod, and a lot more fast paced.
How did you lose your CoD game? Did it break or you just misplaced it...I wouldnt go spend money on a game you already have, but just cant find...
DoD is not a whole lot different than CoD's mp anyway except more fun and no ironsights (which wouldnt be bad, but its not happening)
Just get DoD:S when it comes out, and DL DoD if you havent played it yet :)
well i dint really lose , it, friend let me borrow his copy for like years, and then 1 day he said he wanted it back, he said he would lemme borrow it again, but he moves to texas ..lol bummer.

I tried d0d , well i didnt really like the less-realistic feel of it.., and the interface is cluttered, im thinking the source engine will give it a more realistic feel though..but cod 2 is coming up..:o
I still prefer CoD over DoD. And I'll bet money on it that I'll like CoD over DoDS as well.

CoD's gameplay elements are still undefeated, and to me it still has the best online shooter gameplay of all.
CoD by far, especially with CoD:2 on the way. DoD has its own playing style that i was never really able to get into. The CTF get old, and the weapons never felt right to me. CoD has it faults too, but IMHO CoD is still more fun.
persoanlly I find them very similar and like both

Btw you do know if you have Steam DOD is free with HL?
i liked CoD and DoD.

but im not that intrested in DoD:S, maybe CoD 2 (cos of the smoke:P)
Dowie said:
persoanlly I find them very similar and like both

Btw you do know if you have Steam DOD is free with HL?

If you're asking if dod is with HL, yes. If you have HL installed, you can just download dod.

I personnaly hate cod multiplayer. The guns are peashooters compared to dod. They "feel" plastic almost. They are too quiet, and dont really sound realistic anyways. Not to mention that its wicked slow paced (relative to dod), and its not really that hard to master. I hopped into a server once with my bro (we had been playing for about a week before) and we totally romped everyone in there. And before you say it, there were some good clan players in the server. The two of us were even recruited into a clan, but both of us quit and joined a dod clan.

But hey, thats just me... and my brother. I have nothing against cod, or anyone who plays its multi. I still think that cod single player was the best singleplayer ww2 game ive ever played though.
as the last post said - CoD SP is the best SP shooter - (though i go back to Op Flashpoint in its time and that was good). As for MP, much prefer Dod.

Now what about BF2 and CoD2 against DoD:S? Any takers on those?
COD2 I think will be overshadowed by BF2. BF2 looks spectacular, and I will be playing that and DOD:S everyday probably. I probably wont even get COD2 unless the sp turns out to be absolutely amazing.
DoD is more realistic and better then Call of Duty multiplayer was. here was no iron sights, but damage wise it defintly is.
SenorDingDong said:
DoD is more realistic and better then Call of Duty multiplayer was. here was no iron sights, but damage wise it defintly is.

what does realism have to do with gamplay?

CoD defenately has the better gameplay.
BF2 will own all other multiplayer games to come out within the next 6 months after the release of BF2. I'm sorry, but it's the facts. And you know it's true.
Wow..you really think that?
Let me ask you..will it alter Starcrafts amount of online players by even 2,000 on average? Probably not. People who want a WW2 feel for a game will not play BF2 no they will play Cod or DoD or some other WW2 game. BF2 wont own every multiplayer game sorry to say. A game like Starcraft that has stood 7 years and still manages to pull up to 150,000 users all by itself without the help of online mod support or even any offical mod support. BF2 will mean nothing to many RTS fans you forget that. So no BF2 will not own every single mulitplayer game.
If it is true, then it's as true as Sc2 was announced at E3 2005.

Also I don't mind CoD's MP but I HATE CoD: UO mp. I hate vehicles in WW2 MP im sorry but I just can't stand em.(Except Military Forces(WW2 Settings) Mod for Q3).
DoD has been out for years....
It's a mod to HL1..... You can dl it just like any other mod for HL1.

DoD:S isn't out yet.
Q_onfused said:
BF2 will own all other multiplayer games to come out within the next 6 months after the release of BF2. I'm sorry, but it's the facts. And you know it's true.

Somebody hasn't played BFV before... nor BF1942 at release.
both games were extremely buggy at launch and still the engine of bFV annoys me tons. I love flying the choppers but the whole infantry gameplay sucks balls.

BF2 has yet to prove itself at launch.
BF2 will be buggy at release, like every game is.

I will probably get both BF2 and CoD2 becuase both BF1942 and CoD were extremely good. BF2 holds the most potential IMHO.

DoD had a very arcady gameplay that i hated. Watching people snipe with SMGs and rush at you with spades swinging was what turned me off the game. It had a weir damage set up, and a wierd Semi-Automatic system. The delay in the M1 and G-43 was stupid and made no sense. The KAR-98k could fire just as fast as both previously mentioned rifles and it was more accurate and a one shot kill.

The allies had the sniper Thompson, a gun the couldn't hit a 6in target reliably at 100 yds routinly gets 200-300yd kills in game.

My $0.02
Cod was a great game for single player, but multiplayer sucks, so i say DOD:S all the way and wait til cod2, by the way, did anyone here played BF2? Is it any good?
Dod vs COD

Well this is kinda a no brainer. :rolling: but here is another comparison for you:
Great Game:
Singleplayer mode-Great campains, awesome weapons, decent ai, awesome graphics, ok lighting.
Multiplayer-The anti-cheat program known to cause headaches. Bogs servers when playing with more than 12-14 people. Different map rotation=slim.


Will be a great game. Its predecessor: DoD is a super game.
Singleplayer-na (teambased)
Multiplayer- Kick ass. Completely teambased. CTF never gets old because you don't have to be a great sniper, shooter to win the game. Weapons will be great, vac-anti cheat program one of the best, little headaches. DoD:s' graphics will utilize the source engine...all I have to say is this:
1. HDR (most systems will play this fine)
2. Sounds will get louder closer you are and softer the farther away from them you are.
3. Ragdoll phyics on the characters.
4. Source Engine Graphics ( check out these screenshots... not to mention these are the old screens.
5. Delivered straight to your home computer via steam

So my answer is wait for DoD:s. I actually uninstalled COD becasue DoD:s is going to be much better.

Take a look for youself here are some screenshots:

Call of Duty:

now Day of Defeat: Source

*Don't forget these were from earlier this year. From what I have read the newer screens look even better.
Check out this interview on HL2.net [URL="http://www.halflife2.net/articles.php?article=30"]http://www.halflife2.net/articles.php?article=30


In my opinion, while a nice screen of COD2 it just dosn't compare to DoD:s. But you have a point, it is rather difficult to compare DoD:s and COD. :cheers:
They both suck hairy sweaty balls.

DoD started sucking as soon as Valve got their hands on it, removed all the good maps, then changed the crosshairs so retarded players could aim.

Anything from 1.0 onwards is the idiots game of DoD.
They both suck hairy sweaty balls.

DoD started sucking as soon as Valve got their hands on it, removed all the good maps, then changed the crosshairs so retarded players could aim.

Anything from 1.0 onwards is the idiots game of DoD.

I highly doubt that valve made such an attempt to massacre a great game. The aiming is fine for a deathmatch style WWII shooter. If you want complicated, and realistic aiming, go play a game like Red Orchestra....
God damn, there needs to be a shooter thats highly realistic but fun at the same time.
A shooter that tries to go all realisticy like a freakn simulation or something cant be any fun, and an arcade game thats too easy and too fast-paced is no good either, even though its helluva fun, its nice to have realism in a game too...

Why cant anyone get it right?

(and if you guys can name any games that have, plz tell me cuz Im running out of stuff to play)
Picture the graphics of Unreal 3.

Picture the tactical simulation and complexity of Red Orchestra.

Picture iron sights, gun jamming, tradeable ammo, real time tactics simulator*

Picture thousands of particles, that shake and move around, that go flying and move around.

Picture 100x bigger maps, 100x more players of DOD.

Picture open fields, swaying grass, destroyed cities, littered with rubble.

Thats a game that wont be out for a couple of years. :(
I'm a big fan of CoD, and CoD-UO. I'm looking forward to DoD-S, but really looking forward to Call of Duty 2.
i bought COD before i bought DOD and after playing both i def think DOD is a much better game.
late reply:

Cod has far better graphics.
DoD has the better gameplay!

DoD : S will kick ass then!!!
jdufault said:
Picture 100x bigger maps, 100x more players of DOD.
You're talking about a MMOFPS (Massive Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter) then, like PlanetSide.
Well, now that you mention it, a full blown MMOG like World War II online would be alot of fun to play with updated graphics. Could you imagine getting some buddies and going to capture an enemy held town? Running through the buildings, shooting enemies on the street... etc.
It would be awesome!

I dont care if it had HL1 graphics, just improve the netcode, like totally overhaul it, and recode so you have zones with say, 100 - 200 people in them..

I wonder if thats possible...Because I would certainly like to see an updated charlie, thats like 5 times larger, and has like 15x the number of people. Better yet, have the maps go on forever, like through germany.

What i mean here is, use that new unreal tech that allows for no loading times in game, it dynamically loads the level as you play! So you have can have all of europe or so on one map. Then just dump like 100,000 people in it. Let em battle, and have maps updated on sites and stuff of the battles won that day

Like a real ongoing war, with territories and everything.

now, im just babbling on....its just an idea
jdufault said:
It would be awesome!

I dont care if it had HL1 graphics, just improve the netcode, like totally overhaul it, and recode so you have zones with say, 100 - 200 people in them..

I wonder if thats possible...Because I would certainly like to see an updated charlie, thats like 5 times larger, and has like 15x the number of people. Better yet, have the maps go on forever, like through germany.

What i mean here is, use that new unreal tech that allows for no loading times in game, it dynamically loads the level as you play! So you have can have all of europe or so on one map. Then just dump like 100,000 people in it. Let em battle, and have maps updated on sites and stuff of the battles won that day

Like a real ongoing war, with territories and everything.

now, im just babbling on....its just an idea

that you be, by far, the best thing in the world, i'd sell myself to make that come true