dam I am starting to hate Halo

I hate halo 2 mp, and sp. halo was alright, abit different, but halo 2 was awful... its just mindless crap, shoot... shoot some more, die, try again, shoot... etc. its not really a thinking mans game and again its not really deathmatch, its... nothing, in a void of unbalanced crapness.
<RJMC> said:
is just that every multi-games forum I come there are this halo worshiping and halo fanboys that alllways say coments like "how that idiots think that <abreviated FPS game name here> can be compared to halo?????" and they mentions halo as a god gift and stuff and the other as a tragedy when sure they just looked screenshots
Every community has these people. If you went to a Doom3 community they'd say Doom3 is the best, if you go to a UT community they'd say UT is the best, if you went to here they'd say Half-Life2 is the best, etcetera and etcetera. Halo is no different, but the demographic of players is much younger therefore much more unwilling to try new games and immature and such. It's basically a kiddie community.

Besides, Halo\Halo2 are really not good at all :P
I can't comment on either Halo game because I haven't played them. But...

A note to Halo mega-fans:
Your collectively hypey hype and general annoyingness have backfired and subsequently convinced me to never ever buy Halo 1, Halo 2 or, god forbid, Halo 3.

Even HL2 has games that are better than it. (Metal Gear Solid 3).
So when I hear the constant super-hype about Halo and how it's perfect and blah blah blah yet still by all appearances inferior to Perfect Dark 64 (best multiplayer FPS so far), it reeks of overcompensation.
Halo was very overrated in my oppinion. The game had very little content as the whole game was cut and paste level design as all the rooms were the same but just modified in 1 small way. After the half way point in the game you just played all the levels over backwards. The AI was not great, it had very bad framerates and nothing special in the way of graphics. The story was good (I advise you to read the books). The multiplayer was good but not as featured as time splitters 2. However I am looking forward to Perfect Dark: Zero to save me from FPS shooters on the consoles. Vive le 360.
oldagerocker said:
I hate halo 2 mp, and sp. halo was alright, abit different, but halo 2 was awful... its just mindless crap, shoot... shoot some more, die, try again, shoot... etc. its not really a thinking mans game and again its not really deathmatch, its... nothing, in a void of unbalanced crapness.
That is just because you suck at the game and get worked by other people. When you are actually good you can plan out your attacks and trick people into giving you the upper hand.
How can you possibly win after spawning with, not one.. but 2 human pistols while somsone wil spawns with a rocket launcher/sword/sniper combo. It doesnt make any sense.
i still think that death island remains to be one of my favourite multiplayer maps ever...great atmosphere, good level and just ALL AROUND GOOD MEMORIES
oldagerocker said:
How can you possibly win after spawning with, not one.. but 2 human pistols while somsone wil spawns with a rocket launcher/sword/sniper combo. It doesnt make any sense.
That is very rare, but use grenades and gun them down, real easy.
The only online game I play is Alien v. Predator 2. All other MP games seem the same to me - the only differences being maps and the type of gun you have. (Half Life 2 gets several points for having the gravity gun though.) The Alien in AVP2 requires an entirely different approach to succeeding than any other character I've ever played in an online game. (If you know of other online games with non-standard characters like this, please let me know!)

After playing the bejeesus out of the single player levels in most current games, this is my game play reasoning for returning over and over again to levels that I'm only too familiar with...

I play Doom 3 because it has scary sounds. It's fun to play a half an hour or so with my girlfriend with the lights turned off. I'd be lying if I didn't get goose bumps all over during some scenes still. That's fun.

I play Half Life 2 for the physics and graphics. It's pretty to look at and fun to interact with - I don't need to explain too much about that here. ;)

I play Halo when I want action. Not all the single player levels are repetitive and when I'm engaged with the enemy I typically don't notice. I have to say that Halo is one of my favorites because it's the one that I still play after all this time when I want good action. The AI seems better than Half Life 2 Am I wrong about that? I might be, but when I put Halo on Legendary and come across a couple of Elites, I'm not good enough to toy around with them. With Half Life 2 (and others) when I put them on their hardest levels, I can still run circles around the enemies.

Scrapland gets an honorable mention for action - they made a good attempt at keeping the game somewhat non-linear GTA style. The graphics are good and once you get your hands on some decent weapons and ships, the action (in the spaceships - much of the third-person action is, well, linear) is really fun. One of the ways I judge how much I like a game is how often I make goofy game faces when I'm totally concentrating (sticking my tongue out, leaning in the direction I'm turning, etc. Halo and Scrapland do this for me.

Didn't like Far Cry, but I'd be lying if I said the game wasn't well made. I don't have a good reason, actually. It just doesn't have anything that really grabs me.

I've only played the demo of Serious Sam II and that game had very fun action. It's got decent graphics. The AI didn't seem to be there, but what I liked about it was the (and this is it's selling point) hordes (and compared to other games, I mean quite a bit) of enemies all converging on you. Mindlessly. If you meet one in a hallway, no sweat, but a very large field with maybe 50+ enemies coming from all directions is a little different than a lot of games.
you say your after a game that plays similar to avp2 online...if you mean by kind of staying hidden and stalking, etc....you might appreciate a mod called 'the hidden' for half-life 2....failing that, you'd love splinter cell's online portion...its basically hide and seek with high tech equipment
Halo is greatest game ever made. You might want to check out all the awards it has recieved (more than hl2), all the votes, comments, reviews and all the oponions to all people that has tried it. They all say the same: It is the greatest game ever made.

Check out gamerankings.com- a site where all the gamesites/magazines vote for their games... I don't see Halflife anywhere above Halo there... :E

Or you can just check the attachments


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wakkywheel said:
Halo is greatest game ever made. You might want to check out all the awards it has recieved (more than hl2), all the votes, comments, reviews and all the oponions to all people that has tried it. They all say the same: It is the greatest game ever made.

Check out gamerankings.com- a site where all the gamesites/magazines vote for their games... I don't see Halflife anywhere above Halo there... :E

Or you can just check the attachments

25 posts and I allready want you dead.
Umm no, gamerankings.com says Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the greatest game ever made and they are right, and you are a fanboy.

Not to mention you must be blind to miss out on the fact that Zelda, Soul Caliber, Metroid Prime, Resident Evil 4 and Tekken 3 are all above Halo.

Not to mention that according to gamerankings.com Half-Life 2 (which is just below Halo) has a higher average score and overall score then Halo does. The only reason i can see that Halo is above it on that list, is because it has 13 more reviews then Half-Life 2 does. If Half-Life 2 had 84 reviews like Halo does, then maybe it would be above it, may be not. i dont know, because at the moment it doesnt have 84 reviews.
No need to crush him to death, just squish him a little and let him go.
How the hell did Tekken 3 get so high in the rankings?? If ever there was a sign that ppl have no taste, it is this :/
wakkywheel said:
Halo is greatest game ever made. You might want to check out all the awards it has recieved (more than hl2), all the votes, comments, reviews and all the oponions to all people that has tried it. They all say the same: It is the greatest game ever made.

Check out gamerankings.com- a site where all the gamesites/magazines vote for their games... I don't see Halflife anywhere above Halo there... :E

Or you can just check the attachments
Shame Gamerankings isn't the be all and end all of critical opinion. Their "selective" score is no less retarded than taking all scores (in which case, HL2 wins anyway), because the most of the critical opinions represented in the averages are made by people who wouldn't know a good game from a bad game. Or their sweaty arse-crack. Whats more, it is utterly pointless to compare games on the basis of their review score if they are on different platforms: a good example: Gamespot: Halo 2 [XBox] 94%. Half-Life 2 [PC] 92%. FPS Game of the Year: Half-Life 2, the game that scored 92%. Review scores only work on a platform by platform basis. They cannot be compared, thus gamerankings is an even stupider idea than I originally gave it credit for.

Also, have a look at who won all the game of the year awards, and that of the commitees that actually matter: http://www.igda.org/awards/nominations.htm

Sales and "High Score for Hand Jobs" Reviews do not translate into accurate measurements of a game's greatness. And here's a review of you personally: you're a silly head! :D
wakkywheel said:
Halo is greatest game ever made. You might want to check out all the awards it has recieved (more than hl2), all the votes, comments, reviews and all the oponions to all people that has tried it. They all say the same: It is the greatest game ever made.

Check out gamerankings.com- a site where all the gamesites/magazines vote for their games... I don't see Halflife anywhere above Halo there... :E

Or you can just check the attachments
Actually I believe HL2 probally has more...hell HL kicks both HL2s and halos ass in terms of awards.HL2 has only been out like what?Less than a year?
wakkywheel said:
Halo is greatest game ever made. You might want to check out all the awards it has recieved (more than hl2), all the votes, comments, reviews and all the oponions to all people that has tried it. They all say the same: It is the greatest game ever made.

Check out gamerankings.com- a site where all the gamesites/magazines vote for their games... I don't see Halflife anywhere above Halo there... :E

Or you can just check the attachments
Doesn't impress me, because only I decide what games I enjoy, and not let words on paper tell me unlike you.
I'd of liked Halo 2 if bungie did stiff us and half finish the SP, although I must say playing crash durby with the warthog's with my nephew is extremely fun (I lack online but I don't want it)

I perfer HL2 and Zelda: OoT to Halo 2
Half-life is imo the best single player fps game ever made, so far. Nothing beats it. Not even Halo :)
Kouler said:
Hey guess what, theres a magical thing that exists called "Opinion." Everyone has their own. Learn to live with it.
well I hav mine and I posted it in this thread

I dont hate the game

what I hate is the fanbase that worship it so much that looks like a religion and dont try another games cuz "Halo ownz!!!"

still halo got its good and bads and IMO it dont deseve so much score
but I will like bungie to make the next halo something that deserve it scores

Halo is greatest game ever made. You might want to check out all the awards it has recieved (more than hl2), all the votes, comments, reviews and all the oponions to all people that has tried it. They all say the same: It is the greatest game ever made.

Check out gamerankings.com- a site where all the gamesites/magazines vote for their games... I don't see Halflife anywhere above Halo there...

Or you can just check the attachmentsQUOTE]

what if another game score high? dont think that halo will be the considered so good for ever
i think you're trying too hard to stereotype the halo fan.
But he stereotyped himself when he came in and said that its the best game ever and everyone who plays it says so. When clearly thats not true as i've played and i think its good but not the best game ever. Plus he also proved himself wrong when he showed that gamerankings.com link too.

But i did play Halo 2 MP for about an hour just then. Good fun
Tried an overnight session recently. Fun, but only if in an enclosed environment... with Hl2 i just kept playing and playing and playing and playing...
Jintor said:
Tried an overnight session recently. Fun, but only if in an enclosed environment... with Hl2 i just kept playing and playing and playing and playing...

You mean locked in a room with only a TV and Xbox with halo in? And nothing else?.... sounds pretty 'enclosed' to me :E
I just can't play halo. I mean, what alien race is so gay (Literally) that they use rainbow colors as rank, make all thier weapons of death purple, and use a sword in modern combat?
Call me crazy guys, but I think there is a biased attitude against Halo at Half-Life 2.net! Crazy, eh?
dart321 said:
Call me crazy guys, but I think there is a biased attitude against Halo at Half-Life 2.net! Crazy, eh?

Half life 2 sucks. Im waiting for the mods.
Halo 1 for PC is great fun, but I really dislike Halo 2 on xbox. It has the worst campaign I have ever played.
I absolutely LOVE Halo:CE, one of the best games ever made as far as I'm concerned.

Halo 2 on the other hand is not quite as good but its multiplayer is amazing (still not as good as CE's) and it is online so that's pretty much all I play.
Dag said:
I just can't play halo. I mean, what alien race is so gay (Literally) that they use rainbow colors as rank, make all thier weapons of death purple, and use a sword in modern combat?
What kind of race wears only badly stitched sock-suits and conquers planets in 7 hours? :laugh:

In all seriousness, I used to be a HALO fan, but I slowly faded away from the community. I hate to what its changed into due to Halo 2. :sleep:
Is it fair to say that the first half of both games were very good. But the second half of both were terrible?

The first half of the first game had large expansive areas and vehicle/squad based combat. Then, it went inside and it all became repetetive.

Standout point of the game: The outdoor snow areas where you got to use the Ghost.

The first half of Halo 2 where you are defending Earth from the Combine, was pure genius. Then suddenly, you were back on Halo. Or another one...I should say. That is when it all went to pieces again. The gameplay started getting repetetive and all the faults of the first game shined through twofold.

Anyone care to notice that Halo 2 isn't beong ported to the PC? Any discussions on that front?
Master Chief is cornier than a corn on the cob.

Reginald said:
The first half of Halo 2 where you are defending Earth from the Combine, was pure genius. Then suddenly, you were back on Halo. Or another one...I should say. That is when it all went to pieces again. The gameplay started getting repetetive and all the faults of the first game shined through twofold.

Dag said:
I just can't play halo. I mean, what alien race is so gay (Literally) that they use rainbow colors as rank, make all thier weapons of death purple, and use a sword in modern combat?
Yes, because logically, all alien races are going to use the exact same color and ranking scheme as some random space-faring species whom they have never encountered before. :rolleyes:

If you had, I don't know, paid attention to the back-story of Halo, or the history of the Covenant, or maybe read the six short paragraphs in the first two pages of the instructions, you might have realized that the Covenant aren't exactly mirroring our customs and ideals.

The sword symbolizes your status as an elite fighter, as does the ascending colours of armor.

And what the hell is wrong with the color purple? It's a lot more original than the standard fare of the dark, industrial, one-dimensionally evil alien races that are out to destroy everything for no reason other than to create conflict in the game.
Danimal said:
Master Chief is cornier than a corn on the cob
In Halo 2 he definately was. In Halo 1 though he was pretty cool.
Dag said:
I just can't play halo. I mean, what alien race is so gay (Literally) that they use rainbow colors as rank, make all thier weapons of death purple, and use a sword in modern combat?
actually I find that very original cuz is a very diferent style specialy cuz the technology is very diferent from the human
and it had both the most sequal-tastic and corny ending ever. I mean, "Finishing this fight"? WTF?