Damm cheats

Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
The more i play css , the more i see people with damm cheats ,hacks i hope this is not going the same way as the old version because this shit is realy ruining the game .

lol your paranoid and just blaming cheats for your poor skill. I have seen very very little cheats, infact no more than 2, I've been playing since css release.
I haven't seen one obvious cheater yet. And I've been playing since the beta. Guess I'm just lucky.
I am not paranoid i saw 3 guys with a speedhack and i also saw a wallhack on monsterserver so dont say i am just saying bullshit ok, and i am playing css to since release we have 16 player server so i know what i am talking about vidrio .

I saw a sppedhack cheater too on boomtown.ch one day … But I’ve been playing since release and that’s the only one I saw
<?>..::ButcheR:: said:
I am not paranoid i saw 3 guys with a speedhack and i also saw a wallhack on monsterserver so dont say i am just saying bullshit ok, and i am playing css to since release we have 16 player server so i know what i am talking about vidrio .


Guys he can see wallhacks!
DiSTuRbEd said:
Guys he can see wallhacks!

For that being your 2,000th post, looking back it was quite a waste. Probably alot of the other ones are too.

Anyways, if someone is ABUSING a wallhack any 10-year old kid can point it out.
I've only seen one hack the entire time I've played source. Someone was speed hacking, but he was running around so fast that he couldn't even hit anything and he ended up having more deaths than kills.

It's surprising how much speedhackers hate flashbangs...

Anyhoo. Unless someone is on your team shoving his head through walls to see where people are, it'd be hard to tell if they are using a wallhack. I've hit people through walls without knowing if they were really there or not, it was all luck. So am I a wallhaXx0r for having luck and skill?

I remember the days before broadband was mainstream when people would blame lag for their lack of abilities... I guess times have changed and Hacks have become the scapegoat of the new millenium.
Scapegoat? Since the time you talk about, lag has gone down considerably while the number and availability of cheats have increased as much. People in CAL get caught cheating on a regular basis... that is the ones who blow their cover. A good wallhacker, one who knows how to not get caught, is almost impossible to spot.

To Everyone else: Wait for VAC2. THEN complain about people having hacks.
Demonmerc said:
For that being your 2,000th post, looking back it was quite a waste. Probably alot of the other ones are too.

Of course they were a waste, so were your 310. Posting is a waste of time, but when you have nothing else to do its fun to reply to other people on forums.

If you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic, but I guess people's sarcastic meters are broken.
join a different server butcher and stop whining, there is _nothing_ we can do.

best you can do is move on...
Aside from the really obvious speedhackers, there are a LOT of wallhackers playing cs:s at the moment. I'm not saying this as a noob, i usually place in the top 3 on any server, and i've played cs since it first came out years ago. You get the really blatant wallhackers like this guy i saw on the 64 man monsterserver, dead president was his name, but there's a lot more careful wallhackers playing right now, safe in the knowledge there's no vac to detect and ban them. They won't look directly at people through walls with their crosshair, only peek with the edge of their view. You can spot them quite easily still, in first person spectator mode, because they'll have such an assured style of play, never caught by surprise, and you'll see them spot a player around the next corner, but not lead them, only aim very slightly to the side of them as they turn the corner, correcting their aim just as the player will appear. you'll also see them always know a quiet route to their objective, and i mean every round, they'll know which path has the least enemy resistance. Cheating is massive in cs:s right now, and it's very hard to distinguish a clever cheater from a genuinely good player.
<?>..::ButcheR:: said:
I am not paranoid i saw 3 guys with a speedhack and i also saw a wallhack on monsterserver so dont say i am just saying bullshit ok, and i am playing css to since release we have 16 player server so i know what i am talking about vidrio .


Vidrio said:
join a different server butcher and stop whining, there is _nothing_ we can do.

best you can do is move on...

That's where you're wrong. There are already regulators being made to control the console from IRC. All they have to do is get the !kick and !ban commands added in and you'll be able to kick just by using normal chat.
The speed hack isn't really a hack. It's a program for windows that speeds up some other program but works as a speed hack for CS:S somehow. Don't ask me how it works but my friend showed it to me so I know it exists.
Megalomaniac said:
Whats a wallhack???? :confused:

This is...

<?>..::ButcheR:: said:
I am not paranoid i saw 3 guys with a speedhack and i also saw a wallhack on monsterserver so dont say i am just saying bullshit ok, and i am playing css to since release we have 16 player server so i know what i am talking about vidrio .


speedhack? i havent seen that since like beta 7 of cs seriously guys come on how sad can you get, the guy probably just had a good spawn starting point and also ran with his knife and knows exactly where to go to get to a certain place without being seen... i have a special run that i do on dust that i have never seen anyone do before and people always think im speedhacking when i come up to them and they aint ready for it at all... u guys just suck

merc said:
speedhack? i havent seen that since like beta 7 of cs seriously guys come on how sad can you get, the guy probably just had a good spawn starting point and also ran with his knife and knows exactly where to go to get to a certain place without being seen... i have a special run that i do on dust that i have never seen anyone do before and people always think im speedhacking when i come up to them and they aint ready for it at all... u guys just suck


Who's ass are you trying to kiss? There really is a speedhack in cs:s. You actually have to play though, so most people suck with it.
I havnt seen a cheater yet. seriously, most of the time ppl just predict what some1 is gonna do next, or where someone is gonna rush ect.
its not a wallhack, its not a speedhack, its just experience. (and no im not trying to say you dont have exp, or dont know what a wallhack ect looks like)

Im not trying to say that there arent any out there but id say there would be significantly LESS than ppl think. Most cs players that whinge about cheaters tend to have a mega sad when they die and claim everything is bs. 1.6 i can understand this, caues its easy as hell to cheat with 1.6, but im yet to come across some one cheating in source.

skill is very often mistaken for cheats.
Speedhacks to exist in CS:S. If you can run with an M-4 from T spawn to CT spawn before the CTs are all out of spawn yet, there is a hack. It's a mild one, I haven't seen any aimhacks. Who needs 'em when HSs are easy nowadays anyways.
i see lots of speedhaxorz that like blaze through the map and scare the shit out of you right at spawn when you are running forward
seems like the m y g o t people already have an aimbot and speed hack availble, i just checked their forums:/
smiley_mr.T said:
LOL check this see what frustrated people do www.pwned.nl dont be a baby and just take it

You are months late on that..... We are babies for what? Hating people that cheat to win? Oh my bad. Its about as bad as the people that have to put nitrous on their car to beat others.
pfft, Skill....the number of times I've heared people trying to dodge the hacker issue by spouting about skill is rediculous. If there really were that many people with that level of skill around then we'd be watching LAN Clan matches on telly alongside MANU v's Arsenal. The vast majority of "skilled" players cheat, hack their configs and seek whatever advantage they can use to become "better" than everyone else. Sad, but true. Until we lock EVERYTHING apart from control binds (and track config filesize so the configs can't contain anything other than single key bindings for each control) hacks will always be with us.
dont make such a big problem about and go to anther server wenn you have cheater simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and if jou dont want to dont bitch about it :p
-JeZ- said:
pfft, Skill....the number of times I've heared people trying to dodge the hacker issue by spouting about skill is rediculous. If there really were that many people with that level of skill around then we'd be watching LAN Clan matches on telly alongside MANU v's Arsenal. The vast majority of "skilled" players cheat, hack their configs and seek whatever advantage they can use to become "better" than everyone else. Sad, but true. Until we lock EVERYTHING apart from control binds (and track config filesize so the configs can't contain anything other than single key bindings for each control) hacks will always be with us.

dude are you saying al skilled people chaet or just a few or maby its rare because you just happend to suck!!???!!?!?!?!? so they must be cheating because nobdy is btter then u. watch this and undertand?! www.pwned.nl
smiley_mr.T said:
dude are you saying al skilled people chaet or just a few or maby its rare because you just happend to suck!!???!!?!?!?!? so they must be cheating because nobdy is btter then u. watch this and undertand?! www.pwned.nl

You can quit spamming that link, kthxbye.

I've seen several cheaters play without hacks and some are pretty good, not as good as me, but pretty damn good, I just wish they wouldn't use cheats so they could get better...But that isn't happening.
Is that an actual wallhack picture myshkin? This is CS:S, didn't know they were that far already :(
Prone said:
Is that an actual wallhack picture myshkin? This is CS:S, didn't know they were that far already :(

yup it's a wallhack, someone is actually selling it on ebay too! I love how some people here think there's so many skilled players out there, not cheaters, i suggest you find a genuinely good player and spectate them, they don't have ESP - they still get caught out by walking enemies behind them etc, unlike the wallhackers.

The best advice i've seen in this thread, is when you suspect someone is cheating, leave the server, let them fight the noobs, because owning noobs with cheats isn't as much fun as owning good players, there's no challenge at all for them, like playing games in god mode, they get boring very quickly.
wtf sereously who in gods name goes around selling cheats they should kill those people :p lolz no but seriously dude i love jou dont bitch about it just find another server
I've seen a lot of Speed Hacks recently... really annoying, and it's obvious, so the guy is kicked isntantly