Dammit Kojima...

Because he, unlike Peter Molyneux, is actually believable when he overhypes and lies about his products.:p
Wait and the fact that not only does he deliver on everything he promise's but he surpasses all expectations.
And on the whole his games are good unlike molyneux's >_>

...IMO anyway
Ya if that happens it will be my 4th MGS4 box.
So your 3rd waste of cash?

Wait and the fact that not only does he deliver on everything he promise's but he surpasses all expectations.
What have you been smoking?

And on the whole his games are good unlike molyneux's >_>

...IMO anyway
Yes, that must be why they sell so poorly and get such poor critical acclaim, as well as user acclaim.

Also, note, you can not accuse me of being an MGS hater, I own MGS1(PSX), MGS1:Special Missions(PSX), MGS2(PS2), MGS3(PS2), MGS3Sub(PS2), MPO(PSP), MPO+(PSP), all original. Whilst I do enjoy them, they are most certainly overhyped, just as overhyped as the Halo series.
I still think it's ZOE3.

An E, a 3 and a backwards Z :) ...........I hope
If it is a Sony exclusive, I really hope it is MPO2, they announced that they had great interest in making a full-fledged sequel to MPO a while back, I'm hoping that will be it, if it's not ZoE3.

I don't really want an MGS5, but I would like an MPO2, that explored Snake's history, rather than Big Boss's.
aaaahhh i see.
anyway i have a 360, so im guessing this announcement wont excite me much.
I am very curious to know whether this is PSP or PS3...if the magazine rumors are to be believed.
5/S 3 E e

are all characters ive seen flash on the screen.
It's another countdown (yes, I stayed up for it) but this time we get flashes of Big Boss himself amongst all the letters and lightning. Hell yeah.
Man, that character model looks terrific. I cannot wait to see what is in store. SO much speculation running rampant right now. Is it Big Boss? Is Raiden next? Is it the same game? Is it about Frank (Gray Fox)? Is it a prequel? Is it a remake? Does the whole "without borders" thing mean there will be no load times?? Time will tell....
This is soon gonna be one of those series, like sonic, that they just need to let die.
Kojima is ripping of L4D if you ask me.


That's just retarded, since that Big Boss basically looks like a older high-def version of the one we played as in MGS3, and MGS3 came out before L4D.:P
AH! Damn it!

Kojima has outwitted us by playing on our certainties that he would do something more than it was when really it was never more than it was it was as it was :(

Plus "5 e E 3 R P" ??
Big Boss!!

I squealed with fangirlish glee


dont look at me
Who says we have a ''reimagined'' Metal Gear 1 remake on our hands here?
Who says we have a ''reimagined'' Metal Gear 1 remake on our hands here?

**** yes pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease

I don't feel like the story could go any father after MGS4, a remake of MG1/2 would be awesome
Who says we have a ''reimagined'' Metal Gear 1 remake on our hands here?
Not me, I think it's far more likely it will be a game that takes place either before MG1, or after MGS4, possibly both.

I personally hope so anyway, I am sick of remakes and reimaginings.

I would like a game that more explored Snake's past rather than just a reimagining of MG1.

To each man his own though... Well not really, anyone with a different opinion can just get out! Because mine is all that counts!:p

Wow, like the old-tyme NES version?? Good times indeed!

MSX2 version > NES version IMO.:p

FYI, Kojima has even called the NES version of MG1 for "Garbage", partly because it was done without his consent or involvement, leading to many inaccuracies when compared to the proper(MSX2) version. Hence why when Subsistence came out, they used the MSX2 version of MG1, and not the NES version. You nub. I am thoroughly dissappointed in you VictimOfScience. You need to freshen up on your Metal Gear knowledge!

Basic sum-up, NES MG1 is considered non-canonical, it is not part of the MGS timeline, whereas MSX2 MG1(original version) is.

A friend owned the NES version, and I even recall your commanding officer, rather than being Big Boss, being called something like Commander North or South or whatever, bloody hilarious.