Damn i can't belive hl2 is gettin owned..


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
by casual gamers. Look at gamespy halo2 is actually beating it out. Halo2 fyo is a last generation fps, halflife2 is a next gen fps. how is it losing? simple...halo2 is way more popular cause its casual. like linkin park, popular but sucky.
Who gives a shit? Jesus. This poll is so stupid it's not even funny. You can vote infinite times.

And besides that, just play the game that you enjoy more and don't worry what people think of other games.It doesn't matter.
Aw I rather like Linkin' Park.

Either way, this poll is just a ploy for ads anyways... and console gamers outnumber PC Gamer by quite a bit, if I'm in any way correct.

Am I correct?
Oh noes! People voting for a game other than the one we like! Impossible, how can this be! :p
TaiFong said:
Who gives a shit? Jesus. This poll is so stupid it's not even funny. You can vote infinite times.

And besides that, just play the game that you enjoy more and don't worry what people think of other games.It doesn't matter.

You cant vote infinite times you moron,the voting system wont let the same ip address vote twice.Halo 2 is available to play NOW were as HL2 is looked upon as a big,late,messy joke.
I think a couple of years down the line Half life 2 will be remembered more than halo 2. Various reasons why - next gen fps, first game to use the source engine (which will have been used a lot I should imagine), first game to have half decent lip synch, first game to properly incorporate physics, first game to have big cool strider things :D

And linkin park are ok once in a while.

Let halo 2 win, we'll laugh at the 11000 people or so who voted later
one day.... said:
You cant vote infinite times you moron,the voting system wont let the same ip address vote twice.Halo 2 is available to play NOW were as HL2 is looked upon as a big,late,messy joke.

I am not sure of that. I just added like 23 votes. And they all registered in teh numbers. I say each forum member spends a couple of minutes each day repeatedly voting and revoting. I just want halo2 fans to think, gee this game has more votes, maybe I should give it a chance. Then they can see for themselves that HL2 is much more fulfilling. As for me: I plant to waste hours uping the votes. maybe I ALONE can get teh over 3000 more votes we need!!!
lotusboy101 said:
I am not sure of that. I just added like 23 votes. And they all registered in teh numbers. I say each forum member spends a couple of minutes each day repeatedly voting and revoting. I just want halo2 fans to think, gee this game has more votes, maybe I should give it a chance. Then they can see for themselves that HL2 is much more fulfilling. As for me: I plant to waste hours uping the votes. maybe I ALONE can get teh over 3000 more votes we need!!!
where is that site? i'll script something to add a million votes and we wont talk about it anymore.
HL2 owned. By halo. yeah right.
it all the ****in console kiddies that are voting for halo2 because they wouldnt know how to use a computer if it fell on them. lol
TaiFong said:
Who gives a shit? Jesus. This poll is so stupid it's not even funny. You can vote infinite times.

And besides that, just play the game that you enjoy more and don't worry what people think of other games.It doesn't matter.
Thats what I would have said, just saved me the bother.. instead I shall sing a song, a song about doves..
yes, everyone who voted for halo2 are ignorant console fan.
well on gamespy u get ppl from all console backgrounds. manty of them r not much into pc games hence they suck and have no idea wot they r missing :) well get to play both anyway
The Dark Elf said:
Thats what I would have said, just saved me the bother.. instead I shall sing a song, a song about doves..
but i wanna hear the one about the lesbian seagulls ;(
We should be happy HL2 is losing, it means it's more Hardcore, more refined, more concentrated.
does anyone really care about this? Does it matter if some people like Halo 2 more than half-life 2? It doesn't to me.
it is getting owned because more people play games on a console then a pc maybe. maybe they actually really do want half life 2, but they dont have the money for a good pc so they choose halo2 which i personally think cant even touch Half life 2
Subz said:
by casual gamers. Look at gamespy halo2 is actually beating it out. Halo2 fyo is a last generation fps, halflife2 is a next gen fps. how is it losing? simple...halo2 is way more popular cause its casual. like linkin park, popular but sucky.

Halo 2 is nice but it is still a xbox game with grappy controls and it looks like xbox graphics
Why is Half Life 2 getting owned?

Lets see...

Gamespy links across the top of their page....
PS2 - console
Xbox - console
GameCube - console

3 console platforms to PC gaming.

Hmmmm I wonder if the ratio of console gamers might be slightly more than PC gamers over there. I dunno but maybe just a hunch.
You know, it could just be gamespy's little revenge on pc gamers for hating them and fileplanet so much :upstare:
i already said it million times but
people = shit
it all the ****in console kiddies that are voting for halo2 because they wouldnt know how to use a computer if it fell on them. lol

...very true. >_<
What this means: Half life 2 wont be winning any "Game of the Year" awards.....
I haven't even voted in that poll, along with most of the people on these forums. Why? Because we just don't care, over at the Halo 2 forums they're probably spamming the link trying to get people to vote, but no one here gives a shit about some Gamespy poll.
i dont care

the only thing i care about is the Game Of The Year Rewards, i hope HL2 get more rewards than HL1.
Let me try this without flaming too much....

You are all ****tards, get a life, i hate you all.

here's what happens: the halo 2 fans have no life and no friends, so they spend six hours a day at their lame comps/ xboxes waiting for halo 2 to come out because halo 1 is already outdated and not fun anymore. they have nothing better to do than search for random halo2/hl2 voting sites so they can vote a hundred times each. and yes, you can vote infinite times i just tried it.
Subz said:
by casual gamers. Look at gamespy halo2 is actually beating it out. Halo2 fyo is a last generation fps, halflife2 is a next gen fps. how is it losing? simple...halo2 is way more popular cause its casual. like linkin park, popular but sucky.
polls don't mean sh*t..
Who cares, i havent voted and i hardly ever vote for stupid fking polls. who cares!

Some people like Halo some poeple like half life, i think halo 2 is winning bcoz stupid xbox kiddies have finally found how to break their mums parental control so it allowes them to go on a site with a forum that swears! grr i h8 these fking polls!!


Game vs Game polls shouldnt exist , just bcoz its loosing in a poll wont stop me from buying it or even doubt me for a milli second on buying it, just well...its pointless polling shat!

sorry for my ranting but fkin ell :D