Dangers of Dihydrogen monoxide


Oct 3, 2003
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The dangers of dihydrogen monoxide include:

* Also called "hydroxyl acid", the substance is the major component of acid rain;
* Contributes to the greenhouse effect;
* Contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape;
* Accelerates corrosion and breakdown of electrical equipment;
* Excessive ingestion may cause various unpleasant effects, including death;
* Prolonged contact with its solid form results in severe tissue damage;
* Inhalation, even in small quantities, may cause death;
* Its gaseous form may cause severe burns;
* It has been found in the tumors of terminal cancer patients;
* Withdrawal by those addicted to the substance causes certain death within 168 hours;

Despite the danger, DHMO is often used:

* Used in many forms of cruel animal research;
* The US Navy has a secret distribution network for DHMO;
* Lakes and rivers all over the world are contaminated with DHMO;
* In the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical;
* As an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products;
* Known to be a component of a number of cancer-causing agents

Nevertheless, governments and corporations continue using it widely, heedless of its grave dangers.

thought this was quite humorous
Yeah, H2O is one of most dangerous chemicals ever!
Can also cause suffocation and over consumption will lead to death.
It doesn't just "contribute" to greenhouse house. More severe greenhouse effect goes, the more vapour of DHMO forms. Thus it accelerates greenhouse effect in a geometric series.
The world, despite its harm, use DHMO as a major coolant. The emission of it leads to the major smog in the world.
Even more, one of my friends got suffocated by its liquid form.

btw, it is even more hazardous if we choose to get rid of it.
****, I guess we better ban water

Why do you name it's correct, internationally acknowledged, chemical name? D:

The only name of DHMO is water. it is a Chemical name, no other variation.
Mass Dumping of the substance can cause widespread death, desease, famine and dispersion of population.
OMG I never knew about humankind's plight against this obviously dangerous substance. Sign my petition at Petitions.com to force the governments of the world to take action against this disgusting situation.
wait a second...
LOL... where did you find it? This was actually meant to be a joke when it was written, right?

* Excessive ingestion may cause various unpleasant effects, including death;

Reminds me of Portal...