danish speaking zombies


Nov 25, 2004
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The zombies in HL2 speaks danish. Well, only when they are on fire. Some Swedens on Valve thought it was funny, because Denmark and Sweden are rivals. I, myself are danish so i could understand what they said. Pretty crazy, huh?
cky said:
The zombies in HL2 speaks danish. Well, only when they are on fire. Some Swedens on Valve thought it was funny, because Denmark and Sweden are rivals. I, myself are danish so i could understand what they said. Pretty crazy, huh?
Apparently it isn't danish, but things like help and stuff just played backwards.
...and what did they say ?
some people reported that they spoke hebrew too.

i think zombie screams aren't localized though.
I never knew Danish was the simple reversal of English. I guess we are all connected closer than we thought after all!
marshmallow said:
I never knew Danish was the simple reversal of English. I guess we are all connected closer than we thought after all!
It isn't but it sures sounds like they talk danish.

It sounds like they say "Help me" in danish.
if you reverse it, it clearly says in good english "oh my god help me"
FISKER_Q said:
It isn't but it sures sounds like they talk danish.

It sounds like they say "Help me" in danish.

Yepp, that's true. It is danish/swedish/norwiegan. Although it sounds more like danish.
Personally, I think it would've been much more disturbing/creepy if they kept their voices normal.
cky said:
The zombies in HL2 speaks danish. Well, only when they are on fire. Some Swedens on Valve thought it was funny, because Denmark and Sweden are rivals. I, myself are danish so i could understand what they said. Pretty crazy, huh?

Yes I had noticed that aswell^^ kinda spookey

FISKER_Q said:
Apparently it isn't danish, but things like help and stuff just played backwards.
As far as i know "hjælp mig!" and "NEEEEJ!" is not english backwards :D
What? our language sound creepy as hell. Just read this word and you will understand: MOJN
So the zombies speak Danish, Hebrew, and English backwards. Their trilingual! Amazing how educated those headcrabs can be! ;) I wonder how many other languages they speak?
Okay... look, it may sound like danish or whatever, but take the soundfile and reverse it. It's clear english.

I just did it.
they say 'oh god, help me, help me' and if you play the file backwards it says the same thing. So basically the bit thats all distorted is english backwards and sounds roughly like Hebrew/Danish etc...you can have your conspiracies towards it but i don't believe its meant to have any other language connections, just purely co-incidental.
Well, it IS danish, but it might be english backwards too.
you will probably find that they actually are intelligible screams that just happen to sound close to these languages.
I had a friend over yesterday and showed him ravenholm...hehe when i said the zombie on fire, he said...wtf it speaks danish...i didn't notice it, and just though whatever, but now when i listen again it's kinda true :naughty:
Clearly it's pure coincedence that they sound like they're speaking Hewbrew, Danish, Swedish, when they are infact speaking backwards English.
i think the Zombies screams are localized, if you from Goat "luver" country its gonna be Danish...If your from an english speaking country its gonna be english and so on and so forth.
The Silhouette said:
i think the Zombies screams are localized, if you from Goat "luver" country its gonna be Danish...If your from an english speaking country its gonna be english and so on and so forth.
Then please explain why the screams of my zombies becomes english when reversed, and does the same with anyone elses who hasn't chosen to download a localized version of the game?

By the way, Danes are potato-lovers...
It is english reversed, I don't hear the danish thing at all.
AJ Rimmer said:
It is english reversed, I don't hear the danish thing at all.
When Ignited they scream....aaahhh hjælp mig...aarrrrggh hjææl mi aaahhhh...or something :dozey: heheh
i have the strong suspicion that the sentences are phonetically exactly the same. it doesn't matter wether it's localized or not, either way everyone will hear the same thing.
imo the hebrew is just a coincidence, also because you heard hebrew only when played "as is" (not reversed reversed) and it didn't make sense
Mickeey said:
When Ignited they scream....aaahhh hjælp mig...aarrrrggh hjææl mi aaahhhh...or something :dozey: heheh

No... No it's not... It's just English backwards.
Okay, I'm from Denmark too, and I also recall them talking Danish when on fire like this: :flame: .
But where kan I find the soundfiles, because now I want to reverse them, to hear the clear English...
get a gfc explorer and rip them out. It's not danish. It's english reversed. Just accept it and continue on with your life, alot of us have tested this.
Well, it is danish, I can tell you that for sure. But it was most likely an "accident". I wouldn't think much of it.
I dont think it is danish, it just _sounds_ danish. I heard the reversed soundfile, and its clear english. Its a simple coincidence that english backwards sounds kinda like danish :)
Im from sweden and they sure as hell didnt speak danish or swedish. They did speak english backward however.
FFS Will you all stop fannying about and someone post up a ripped scream from the game - then we can settle it once and for all.
This is exactly like the vortiguants supposedly saying "die" in HL1. :p

Hey, that means "the" in german. Vortiguants speak german! :O
corkscru74 said:
FFS Will you all stop fannying about and someone post up a ripped scream from the game - then we can settle it once and for all.

was already working on it. :D
Yeah there is. There must be something up with your extraction.

It's got a sdrawkcab sound flie of the zombie and it is pretty clearly english, I might add.
alrighty, i'll ty again

okies, got it, yeah, ur right, thats pretty clear
haha its cool if they speak danish. ellers er det bare fedt. its danish
Enough of this pointless arguing- someone needs to solve this once and for all by setting a Dane on fire and seeing if he speaks English backwards. I await the results eagerly.
Mediocrity said:
Enough of this pointless arguing- someone needs to solve this once and for all by setting a Dane on fire and seeing if he speaks English backwards. I await the results eagerly.
close this thread, best post ever