Darkseid chews gum and it's GROSS. No really, he told me.


spoiler: you're the zaku

Hell yeah I've got some right here.
I chew gum after sex instead of smoke, but does that still make a badass?? probably not, but my mouth gets a workout with your moms all summer long while you guys are at work, and the gum helps a lot

What the ****? Honestly, what the ****? Why does every one my age (and many people in their 20's) have to chew gum all the goddamn time? It's disgusting, unattractive, pointless, and costs money. AND EVERYBODY DOES IT ALL THE TIME. My friends, my enemies, even Jim.

Pretty good after bongs, bro.

Everyone in this thread sucks dick and is a miserable unlikable c*nt hey look at me I don't chew gUM **** YOU ASSHOLE I WILL EAT YOUR SHIT
Has anyone seen that new ridiculous 5 Gum TV ad?

Apparently chewing gum (That looks like it comes from a condom packet) is like sitting in a pool of slowly moving ballbearings!
5 Gum is ridiculous.

On that note I'm chewing gum.

I find chewing gum highly annoying. Not only does it sound disgusting(slurp,slurp,slurp) but people spit chewing gum and some people stick them to the bottoms of tables in class. If people could could chew them quitly and subtly and not abuse it I would not have such burning hatred towards chewing gum.
It's time to chew ass and kick bubblegum.
Chewing gum makes me a bit hungry and upsets my stomach, but I like to have a packet on me for when I need that MINTY FRESHNESS. I agree that people who chew gum all the time are pretty gross and yuck, though.
Doesn't bother me. I'd rather have a personal conversation with someone chewing gum than someone with eight hours of ravaging bacterial infestation and hot breath.
I chew gum after sex instead of smoke, but does that still make a badass?? probably not, but my mouth gets a workout with your moms all summer long while you guys are at work, and the gum helps a lot

What are you, eight?
I hated that at school, accidently putting your hand under the table and feeling some gum that some sick **** left, you never know what you might catch of that shit.
I like gum... but I prevent myself from having it too often.

Every time I have a piece of gum, I chew it for a brief period and then I develop the absolutely overwhelming urge to swallow the gum.

And 10/10 times I do swallow the gum.
I only entered this thread because i'm chewing gum and only have this to say...

Occasionally, I chew gum when I want to get a fresh, cinnamon taste in my mouth. I don't chew gum all the time, just once in a while.
Doesn't bother me. I'd rather have a personal conversation with someone chewing gum than someone with eight hours of ravaging bacterial infestation and hot breath.

I find it marvelous that all your posts, no matter what the topic, can pretty much be summed up with "**** GERMS, GET THE **** AWAY FROM ME GERMS".
I don't chew gum often, but I hardly go on internet raging sprees when I see someone else do it.

What the ****? Honestly, what the ****? Why does every one my age (and many people in their 20's) have to chew gum all the goddamn time? It's disgusting, unattractive, pointless, and costs money. AND EVERYBODY DOES IT ALL THE TIME. My friends, my enemies, even Jim.

apparently you have no problem with your breath smelling like your ass. gum ftw
apparently you have no problem with your breath smelling like your ass. gum ftw

And that's why we invented toothbrush and toothpaste.

Oh the wonderous inventions mankind can think of. I only hope for an ice-cream tasting toothbrush as our next great invention. Those meddling kids won't be complaining no more.
I find it marvelous that all your posts, no matter what the topic, can pretty much be summed up with "**** GERMS, GET THE **** AWAY FROM ME GERMS".
Woah, woah. Bad breath is no joke.

You are one to criticize. Look at this thread title:

Darkseid chews gum and it's GROSS. No really, he told me.

No offense, but I'd guess you were a kindergarten schoolgirl.

This is your thread topic:

What the ****? Honestly, what the ****? Why does every one my age (and many people in their 20's) have to chew gum all the goddamn time? It's disgusting, unattractive, pointless, and costs money. AND EVERYBODY DOES IT ALL THE TIME. My friends, my enemies, even Jim.
Chewing gum is bothering you and you just can't take it anymore! Holy ****ing shit would you get a load of yourself.

My disgust with disease gives me character - it is my character. It isn't a flaw for you to criticize.

I've got an idea, how about you make a website where you talk about how your opinions and ideas are the only right ones, and everyone else's are wrong. But Maddox beat you to it, prick.
I like to chew gum bitches

*start chewing gum very loud near people who dont like to chew gum*


Woah, woah. Bad breath is no joke.

You are one to criticize. Look at this thread title:

Darkseid chews gum and it's GROSS. No really, he told me.

No offense, but I'd guess you were a kindergarten schoolgirl.

This is your thread topic:

Chewing gum is bothering you and you just can't take it anymore! Holy ****ing shit would you get a load of yourself.

My disgust with disease gives me character - it is my character. It isn't a flaw for you to criticize.

I've got an idea, how about you make a website where you talk about how your opinions and ideas are the only right ones, and everyone else's are wrong. But Maddox beat you to it, prick.
Yeah well, you are a homosexual f*ggot.
I like to chew gum bitches

*start chewing gum very loud near people who dont like to chew gum*



*muack* *muack* *muack*

Sorry I just remember your sound effects from the Berlusconi thread and was reminded of it. lol
I don't really understand how anyone can consider gum chewing to be disgusting. I suppose the same type of people find washing their scrotums "icky"...****ing communists
Yeah well, you are a homosexual f*ggot.
**** you and the unicorn you rode in on.

You won't win any points with Sheepo for this. You're a mastodon riding gum chewing cock slobbing cock matador. You chew gum like a Camel and ride cock like an antelope.
I find it rude if some ****er keeps chewing while talking to me, at least in the really loud ass open mouth cow kind of way.
there's a difference between obnoxiously loud gum chewers and those of us who just happen to chew gum. give me something else to chew besides tobacco with the benefits of gum and i'll try it.
Yeah well, you are a homosexual f*ggot.

As apposed to the regular, non-homosexual ******.

I can't chew gum since an incident I had as a larva. An enormous elemental of a gum-textured nature drew me up into his maw and chewed me until I lost all of my taste... and then he spit me out. On the ground.
I like mint-flavored gums, but I despise whatever kiwi-watermelon-manboob-vomit flavor it is that brands like Bubbleyum make. I've already forewarned my friends that if I see them blowing a bubble, I'll hit them. I wasn't lying either, my best friend did just to make me mad and I backhanded him across the face.
I chew gum to make my breath smell nice. Toothpaste doesn't cut it, the minty smell disappears pretty quickly.

I don't chew it all the time though and do so with my mouth closed. I think everyone I know chews gum quietly, without chomping on them.