Dave chappelle show..


Jul 9, 2003
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Anyone watch it? The next season is coming up this coming wednesday and the previews look ****ing hilarious especially the slave ship one:
"oh snap there goes a boat with some white people on it, you 2 wait here im gonna go see what they want.." :D Im not racist but I love race jokes and how it makes people uncomfortable...so damn funny. :p
Yeah, I love that show. Can't wait for the new season :D. Haha, you remember that episode with the black white supremacist, Clayton Bigsby?
eraser said:
Yeah, I love that show. Can't wait for the new season :D. Haha, you remember that episode with the black white supremacist, Clayton Bigsby?
God that was hilarious. So was the one where he did that rapper that "got shot in the ear nine times"... holy shit, I literally couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard!

Comedy Central has been getting a crap-load of good shows lately.
Uhm, maybe it is just me, but I found this guy unfunny. He tries too hard. Okay, I lie, I enjoyed his show once, the first episode, where he was a black and blind KKK member. After that, it quickly became about how white people are not cool.
eraser said:
Yeah, I love that show. Can't wait for the new season :D. Haha, you remember that episode with the black white supremacist, Clayton Bigsby?

Yeah, that was the great episode ever. I love that show!
Mr.Reak said:
Uhm, maybe it is just me, but I found this guy unfunny. He tries too hard. Okay, I lie, I enjoyed his show once, the first episode, where he was a black and blind KKK member. After that, it quickly became about how white people are not cool.

Yea I dont really like that but eh its all one big joke :D my favorite is the R Kelly piss on you song damn funny i tell you.
mchammer75040 said:
Anyone watch it? The next season is coming up this coming wednesday and the previews look ****ing hilarious especially the slave ship one:
"oh snap there goes a boat with some white people on it, you 2 wait here im gonna go see what they want.." :D Im not racist but I love race jokes and how it makes people uncomfortable...so damn funny. :p

Racial jokes are the best.
I feel that if human beings can't laugh at themselves, they shouldn't laugh at anything. My friend AJ and I call eachother names all the time, but we don't mean anything by it.

I really liked it when he was teaching people how to start and run a Computer store.
I do agree, it would seem he makes fun of whites a lot. But, what would you expect? It's like an inherent trait in blacks, just like robots have the urge to kill people - You can't avoid it...unless you're one of the original Kings of Comedy, those guys make fun of anything, but seem to steer clear of constantly knocking on white people. I recommend renting Kings of Comedy...and for the love of God, don't buy Def Jam Comedy...it's pretty much racial humor, only more racial and less humor.

BTW: Have you seen "Killing Them Softly"? It's f*cking hilarious. :D
GhostValkyrie said:
BTW: Have you seen "Killing Them Softly"? It's f*cking hilarious. :D

Haha I've seen that before :D. "You know there's a pimp on Sesame Street? Yeah, they call him the Count." :LOL:
The part about his house getting broken into, and being scared of the police, was the best.
"It's not a real nice house, but they'd never belive I lived there; They'd be like 'Oh, he's still here! *BAM!* Oh my God. Open and shut case, Johnson. I saw this before when I was a rookie...apparently this n***er broke in and hung up pictures of his family everywhere. Well, let's sprinkle some crack on him and get outta here.' "
Needlesss to say, I couldn't stop laughing. :D
chapele's show... meh, its alright. I didn't really like it much. I'd say I'm with Mr. Reak on this one, the Clayton Bigsby one was great. after that I didn't like it much though. speaking of comedy, I gotta find more mitch hedburg stuff. that guy is insanely funny. I like die whenever I see him.
Mr.Reak said:
Uhm, maybe it is just me, but I found this guy unfunny. He tries too hard. Okay, I lie, I enjoyed his show once, the first episode, where he was a black and blind KKK member. After that, it quickly became about how white people are not cool.

your a little stuck up mabey?
He's black and he's funny Nuff said, to bad white comedians cant get away with racial jokes, with out being killed. Just my Opinion.
crabcakes66 said:
your a little stuck up mabey?

Am I? I am not even white, but I get tired of the same jokes very fast. Whatever.
Mr.Reak said:
Am I? I am not even white, but I get tired of the same jokes very fast. Whatever.

Im white i dont give a shit, chappelle is funny as hell. Hes not trying to be degrading its what the general populous already accepts any ways. we all know that white people *cant* jump. any how dont be offended. either that or change the F***ing channel you NOOB
I am not offended, I just think it’s not a funny show, because you can clearly see him trying to hard to be funny. And what’s up with random NOOB and PWNED you write in every thread? Does it mean something?
Mr.Reak said:
I am not offended, I just think it’s not a funny show, because you can clearly see him trying to hard to be funny. And what’s up with random NOOB and PWNED you write in every thread? Does it mean something?

it means i dont like immigrants..... any how it seemed your were offended. and NOob and PwNED come from my 1337 gaming s1<i11zz (skillzz)
waedoe said:
it means i dont like immigrants..... any how it seemed your were offended. and NOob and PwNED come from my 1337 gaming s1<i11zz (skillzz)

Waedoe, Reak is a legal immigrant. He's even getting his citizenship in the next 4-5 years. Why are you saying things like that? Second, what does his being an immigrant have to do with Dave Chappelle being repetitive? I like Dave, but he's right, the show is repetitive...except for maybe one skit an episode.
waedoe said:
it means i dont like immigrants..... any how it seemed your were offended. and NOob and PwNED come from my 1337 gaming s1<i11zz (skillzz)

Ah yes, I always forget you are a Nazi who wants to legalize illegal immigrants. Also, I think NOOB and PWNED come from your stupidity or from being CS player or both, perhaps.
GhostValkyrie said:
Waedoe, Reak is a legal immigrant. He's even getting his citizenship in the next 4-5 years. Why are you saying things like that? Second, what does his being an immigrant have to do with Dave Chappelle being repetitive? I like Dave, but he's right, the show is repetitive...except for maybe one skit an episode.

Heh, he tries too hard to offend anyone he can in his every post.
Mr.Reak said:
Ah yes, I always forget you are a Nazi who wants to legalize illegal immigrants. Also, I think NOOB and PWNED come from your stupidity or from being CS player or both, perhaps.

yup thats what i am im a NAZI you can quote me on that in your sig if you want to also. hold on getting a DEF of a nazi.....

Def:A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler.

Mr.Reak said:
I am not offended, I just think it’s not a funny show, because you can clearly see him trying to hard to be funny.
Yea I agree.
and Ghost i think i saw that "killing them softly", is there one part where hes talkin about the ghetto? "you can always tell when your in the ghetto, cause every other store is either a liquir store or a gun store.." err somethin like that...
mchammer75040 said:
Yea I agree.
and Ghost i think i saw that "killing them softly", is there one part where hes talkin about the ghetto? "you can always tell when your in the ghetto, cause every other store is either a liquir store or a gun store.." err somethin like that...

He was talking about his Limo Driver taking him to the ghetto without his prior knowledge.
GhostValkyrie said:
He was talking about his Limo Driver taking him to the ghetto without his prior knowledge.

lol yes yes I remember now damn that was funny. And the little kid standing on the street corner selling weed rofl.
Was the Chappelle show the one that had the skit where black descendants from slaves ended up getting reperations and the reporter was interviewing the new richest black guy in the U.S and he said "I'm rich, BIOTCH!". If so that was teh funny.
CheapAssStrat said:
God that was hilarious. So was the one where he did that rapper that "got shot in the ear nine times"... holy shit, I literally couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard!

Comedy Central has been getting a crap-load of good shows lately.

What.....Uhhhh...Turn my headphones up!
I'm serious nigga turn this **** up!
Turn em' up!
Hold up.....
I'm serious nigga I can't hear outta this ear.....turn my headphones up.

That fisticuffs skit is one of my favorites.

Bottom line is: Dave Chappelle knows what is funny whether that includes racial jokes or not. I'm white and I've seen every episode, great stuff!
CokeLite said:
Was the Chappelle show the one that had the skit where black descendants from slaves ended up getting reperations and the reporter was interviewing the new richest black guy in the U.S and he said "I'm rich, BIOTCH!". If so that was teh funny.

And the stock on Malt Liqour went through the roof. Ha!
So many good episodes. One of my favorites was when he went to see the dying boy Billy and played him in Street Hoops.

"Hooray for me Billy! Hooray for me!!"
"GAGAGAGAGA You can't deny me Billy! You can't deny me! It's too real for ya!"
"You think this is my first time I've played? I've got playstation...I'm RICH!"

So many good ones.

The Clayton Bigsby was awesome too

"I can't understand you, go back to your country... a-White Power"

Or a few other random ones

"It's James!! The nigga hatin' dolphin!"
"Isn't this the 5-o'clock free crack givaway?"
"He divorced his wife simply because she was... 'A ****** Lover'


Oh man... I almost forgot the Samuel L Jackson Beer skit.

"Yes they deserve to die...and I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL!!!"
"You might even fight a nigga or two!"
Yeah, he's definitely funny as hell. I'm white and I don't care, I don't get offended by racial remarks (and he isn't offensive in the first place really...). I wish white comedians could get away with it too though, it's a double standard.
I also like Chappelle's "Real Movies" skits. The ones where he parodied Pretty Woman and The Matrix were great.

and yeah Scott, I guess it is a double standard, but thats comedy for you hehe. Any white comedian who made a racial joke would have Jesse Jackson breathing down his/her neck.
CokeLite said:
Was the Chappelle show the one that had the skit where black descendants from slaves ended up getting reperations and the reporter was interviewing the new richest black guy in the U.S and he said "I'm rich, BIOTCH!". If so that was teh funny.

Nah that wasnt the richest man in america, that was some guy who had bought enough cigerrates to last him and his family the rest of their lives. The richest black guy in america is that tron guy who was all like: " hey chuck hey chuck you can kiss my black.." then hes cut off...