Dave's HL2 Sketches


Space Core
Mar 19, 2008
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Thought I'd contribute some of my artwork. I've never drawn anything based on a game before. Here are my first two drawings, if you like them I'll do more. :)

Dog. Same angle and pose as the concept art on the home page, just the final model of Dog. This only took an hour or so so it's not really polished.

The Dodge Charger from Ep2. Spent about 5 hours on this, cars are my favourite subject to draw and it's been ages since I've had time for art. Yeah, the perspective's pretty weird in places but I'll improve. :p

Any good?
Wow those are gorgeous! I love the detail in the Dodge Charger. You should post more art here :)
Glad you like them. I did one more today, a Hunter. Not sure if I should shade it in or not, I sort of like the plain lines. What do you think?

I don't really know what to think about the Hunters. As much as I hate the damn things for almost killing Alyx, they are great to draw. :p


By the way, could a moderator change the thread title to 'Dave's HL2 Sketches'? Thanks. ;)
You are very good with shading and mechanical stuff.
****ing awesome. Better than I imagined it could be. Please, more!
I don't really know what to think about the Hunters. As much as I hate the damn things for almost killing Alyx, they are great to draw. :p


By the way, could a moderator change the thread title to 'Dave's HL2 Sketches'? Thanks. ;)

Dave... just Wow. Almost looks like a minicam reconnaissance photo. I bet it looks even more detailed in high rez.
Dave... just Wow. Almost looks like a minicam reconnaissance photo. I bet it looks even more detailed in high rez.

Unfortunately if I posted it in much higher resolution the uneven bits in the shading would appear. It'd be covered in little white spots where the graphite didn't stay on the paper. I guess that'd be because the drawing is only about 10cm each way. Maybe I'll start drawing a bit larger. I find the best thing about the small sketches is that mistakes aren't so noticeable, hehe. I sorta messed up the Hunter's lower eye so I tried to work around it by making it stare towards you. Not sure if that worked though. :p

Anyway, thanks for the compliments everyone. HL2 has finally got me back into drawing again. :D
Changed your title :)

These are really good. I think you should start working bigger though. What pencils are you using? Your drawings could do with a little more contrast. I use 4H and 2H pencils for shading the lighter areas - if you do it smooth, you won't get the grainy look you'd get using a darker pencil - and I use 2B and above for darker areas.

Other than that, looking great, you have all the proportions down which is good :D nice work

Thanks for the title change. :)

At the moment I'm using 3H and 4H for the outlines and lighter areas and some of the smoother dark areas, 2B for the medium-dark areas, and 5B or 6B for the deep blacks. I'll try and draw a little bigger next time. I think part of the problem of graining is enlarging a small picture so much.

It's really encouraging to see that you all like my work, thanks for getting me interested in drawing again. Maybe I'll even try drawing Alyx at some point. :E
That Hunter looks so much better shaded. You have incredible talent, Dave!!! :D
Finished my latest piece. Dog attacking a Strider in Episode Two. :D This one's a lot larger than the last ones, and makes use of darker pencils for more contrast.

I've always loved looking at how a drawing progresses and changes, so as I worked on this I took a series of photos to show the stages I work in. Hopefully you'll find it interesting. :)

1 - Very basic shapes roughed out on the page to get an idea of the size and position

2 - Adding more detail in, such as individual limbs and main shapes

3 - Starting to shade in Dog's right foot. I tend to rub out the outlines as I go along so I can still have a good idea of where to go next, while losing most of the mark.

4-9 - Just shading everything in now, changing proportions and details as I go along. I don't work from light to dark or anything like that, so there's usually a lot of smudging to clear up by the end. :p






10 - The finished product, scanned in and with the title and signature

Esben has thrown down a challenge for me to work on this week: Draw an A3 composition of Alyx and Gordon at the beginning of Episode Two, where they see what's become of the Citadel. Not sure how it'll go but I'll try.

Thanks for all your compliments and encouragement, never thought I'd end up drawing Half-Life 2. :E
God damn awesome, I love seeing the stages. Great work, man, really.

If I may, I'd like to see you tackle photoshop or something, so we can see some great CG coloring of these.
God damn awesome, I love seeing the stages. Great work, man, really.

If I may, I'd like to see you tackle photoshop or something, so we can see some great CG coloring of these.

I use Photoshop quite a lot and I love vector drawings using the pen tool (see avatar) so I've got experience with it. I actually made this very quickly after drawing the Hunter outline:


Only really a test to see if Photoshop colouring would work. What I could do is draw the next one and shade it, then colour that carefully in PS. I only have a mouse though, no tablet.

Glad you enjoyed the photo sequence too, I'll be doing that for most major pieces I think. ;)

Next subject will be a quick attempt at sketching Alyx, just to see if I can successfully draw humans or if I'll have to draw stick people from now on. :p
Looks great so far!

Good luck, I hope it turns out as great as your other drawings :)
It looks so cool in color. The finished one is going to look righteous.

The black and white one above is utterly awesome.
Amazing work Dave, you did a great job on the shading - especially on the strider!
Next subject: Alyx. Now, while she's my favourite character I've been dreading having to try and draw her. Normally I'll do anything to get out of drawing humans but I thought, what the hell, let's give it a shot. Bear in mind that this is the first time I've ever chosen to draw a person, so I'll need all the comments and criticism I can get.

Here's how far I've got so far:

Proportions will look a little weird since I took the photo from an angle, but apart from that I'm looking for suggestions on what to improve on. Some of you here are amazing at drawing people, so I'm looking at you for help. You know who you are. ;)
I'm not one of those amazing drawing people but from what I can point out, her right leg looks a little bendy/rubbery the way it's bending and near her hip, and her jacket seems to be floating on her back there. Everything else looks pretty good though.
Doesn't look bad, but there are a few anatomy issues. Are you drawing from a reference/screenshot? :)

Yeah, working from a screenshot. Here:

Looking at it again there are a lot of things that need adjusting. I'll get on with that tonight.
This is pretty much the final outline, everything look alright? I want to have the proportions looking right before shading.

All I can tell you is that her rear end needs to be a little wider than her thighs.
So your task for today is to study bum anatomy GO

You'll hear no complaints from me. ;) I'll fix that then get going on the shading. Might have it finished in a couple hours.
I'm really pleased with how this one turned out, especially for my first drawing of Alyx. Her hair annoys me but I think the rest looks alright.


As always, comments and criticism welcome. :)
Thats a nae bad Alyx, considering she generally looks malnourished. overall I think it looks spot on, and fine, the drape of her leather jacket is probably what causes the "no curves" look.

You did good on this one, Dave! I'm actually quite impressed with the hair, as I know for a fact that I suck maximally at that sort of thing :p

If you feel like doing some more work on this one, why not add some of the background? :)