Dave's HL2 Sketches

Done, this took me about 16 hours, which is far longer than it should have. :p

Not at all - for a first tablet drawing it's very impressive! The eyes are perhaps a bit too bold/2D, but other than that it's pretty damned good. :cheers:
It definitely looks like Alyx - I had forgotten what thread I had clicked on, when I scrolled down I thought it was a screenshot at first. The lighting/colour on the face is good


I seriously thought it was a screenshot at first glance.
Couple more sketches I did this morning to get more comfortable with the tablet and to try and sum up Alyx's personality. I might develop them later. Only took about half an hour each so not at all polished. I guess if I did work more on them it'd help with lighting, perspective, and making shots from a game look more true-to-life. Again, these are all pretty much traced from screenshots. I'm not quite confident enough to draw just from looking.

I think I'm a little obsessed with Alyx. If she's killed in Episode 3 I'll be crying myself to sleep for weeks. D:
I f***ing love you!!!

Lol, can you do a digital drawing of a fast zombie?
A slightly consequence of your trace from screenshots is that there's... no sense of... um, how do I put it.

There's no sense of weight or flow to your traces, you know? Because they're traces? They look like... posed mannequins, or statues, not like people. I think this is just a tracing thing because I tend to get this when I trace... my point is, you should try and work by copying it, but not tracing it, you know? That helps me more than tracing does.
I see what you mean. Just that I've never drawn humans at all, it's something I've dreaded. I'm trying to use the pictures as less of a base now, generally the tracing is to get a vague outline and then I work just by looking. Still, I know I'll need to stop relying on a screenshot so much, proportions and facial features are easily my worst point and that won't change if I don't get braver.

Here is what I traced for the zombie, if you're wondering. After this it was just copied.

Still too much though, and I'll try to do the next one just by looking at a picture. The tablet pen feels more comfortable now so hopefully that'll make it easier.
I re-did the trees at the back and carried on with the rocks and bridge. It looks much better on paper, the contrast actually shows up, everything's duller on the computer.


wow, beautiful. keep it up
Woah the fast zombie looks good so far, can't wait to see the finished product.
Just finished this, which I've been working on for about 2 weeks.

I started thinking about the possibility that GLaDOS is on the borealis. While it's unlikely, it seemed interesting that the Combine could get hold of one of these units. Since their utilitarian style contrasts heavily with Aperture's sleek and curved designs, I thought it'd be fun to draw a Combine-altered GLaDOS. Notice how the only cores left are the anger one and the one that reads cake ingredients. :p

Initial sketch, all freehand. None of that tracing bullshit:

Finished version. I <3 Combine architecture. Hope there's plenty of it that's obvious:

Click for huge

As always, comments and criticisms appreciated. I'm not pleased with the bottom section, it was a bit of a rush to get that done. Also not too sure if the Combine bulding style came across well enough. I'll let you be the judge of that.
I'm no artist, but I know how much work and willpower (or lack thereof, warranting more than just one or two kicks in the arse from me along the way :D) went into this piece, and I'm glad on Dave's behalf that he has completed it. It looks great, Dave, and I hope to see many more in the future ;)
Guess the last one wasn't that interesting. How about this new work in progress? Can anyone tell what it is?


Giving it some colour and better detail at the moment. If I get my ass in gear it should be up in a day or two.

Also I just want to clear something up: the only things I've traced are the digital drawings of Alyx, and of the zombie. Everything else has been freehand.
Could it be our means of transport in Episode 3? :D

Where is my cookie?

I thought that if Gordon and Alyx are going to the Borealis, they'll need something quick and maneouvrable to get there. In the spirit of the Resistance the snowmobile is built using parts salavaged from basically anything they could find, and constructed with practicality in mind. Though they still had time to spray the lambda insignia on the protective body panels.

Being the nerd that I am, I had to make it plausible and slightly realistic, as well as look decent. The result is that every component has an origin that seems in place in the HL2 world. For example the engine is taken from an old Honda 750cc motorcycle. Not only is this powerful enough to get the craft across the snow quickly, it also comes from a bike that could appear in the surrounding area of White Forest. All the cars seem to be from the 1970s (the one from Episode Two is a 1971 Dodge Charger) so a bike from that era would seem a good place to get an engine.

Click on the image to get a labelled version explaining all the parts.

As always, please point out what you like or dislike and just feel free to criticise. I just hope this piece is a little more popular than my last.
Quick, send it to Gabe!
Pure unadulterated awesome. Or some other kind of awesome. I love it. I like your pencil drawings better than the computer art, but then again, I just like drawings better than photoshop artistry. Both are awesome though. You're clearly getting better, and more ambitious. Keep up the good work. I'll definitely be revisiting this thread.
:eek: Wow. That's awesome. I've tried shading before but I'm hopeless and I give up easily. :LOL: It's nice to know that there are people who put the time and effort into it. Keep up the good work! And draw more!
Finished my latest piece. Dog attacking a Strider in Episode Two. :D This one's a lot larger than the last ones, and makes use of darker pencils for more contrast.

I've always loved looking at how a drawing progresses and changes, so as I worked on this I took a series of photos to show the stages I work in. Hopefully you'll find it interesting. :)

10 - The finished product, scanned in and with the title and signature

Esben has thrown down a challenge for me to work on this week: Draw an A3 composition of Alyx and Gordon at the beginning of Episode Two, where they see what's become of the Citadel. Not sure how it'll go but I'll try.

Thanks for all your compliments and encouragement, never thought I'd end up drawing Half-Life 2. :E

Could you make that 1024x768 possibly?
That half life snowmobile is an awesome idea. I thought it was legit at first till I saw you came up with the idea. That is really awesome dude, you make half-life geeks proud. :)
Could you make that 1024x768 possibly?

Here you go mate. I've tidied it up a bit in Photoshop so there's no blemishes or smudges left.

When I find time I'll get working on my next idea for Episode Three. I think if we're going to the Arctic then Alyx is going to need a nice warm coat. :p
Damn dude, you make me regret i stopped drawing,...
Was bored today so here's a quick concept of the Borealis and its location. Plus some Combine fortifications:

Click for huge

Any thoughts? I know I overdid the lighting effects in Photoshop.
That's really quite cool. The thing that sticks out most for me, though, is some of the lines on the hill/mountain side, the one at top right and a few to the lower left in particular, are a bit of an eyesore. Some of them don't look as if they fit right with the flow of the mountain side, as in, they look a like they've been layered on over the top. Perhaps if the tone used was lowered a little so they didn't stand out so much, or even just the size and spacing of each squiggle, as well as the placement and with a regard to the geometry of the land.

Otherwise, good work. :thumbs:
Remember this pic?

Guess what I spent the last 3 hours doing.

Click for huge

A lot of the contrast was lost when I scanned it so I tried to make up for it a little using Photoshop. I should probably find a better way of getting these onto the computer. Anyway, comments and criticism appreciated as usual.
Thread needs moar Alyx.

Just a very rough 20 minute sketch because I was bored. Might develop this into a fully coloured drawing or I might just do some more quick pieces like this. I tried to get some more movement into this one, has that worked? Also can you tell what the scene is? Probably tough to recogise it since this is so hurried.
S'when Alyx finds you at the start of the game, no?
You got a real talent mate, these are fantastic! :D
You like the quick sketchy style? Here's one more from Episode Two:

Is it just me or does she look a little out of proportion in this one? And her hair seems slightly odd, can't work out why though.
That's because her hair is drawn as if she's facing the wall, but her body is positioned that's she's lookg up.

Also her arse is out. I think your legs are too long. Her jacket is a little bulky but I can excuse it as gravity.