Day of Defeat: Pacific Theatre Media Release


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Personally I’ve always thought Day of Defeat was perfectly suited to the tightly packed urban environments featured in the majority of maps. Whether the original DoD team would agree with me, or the Half-Life engine simply wasn’t durable enough to simulate other locations I can only guess. [br] [br] I suppose that’s what makes the DoD: Pacific modification that much more interesting though- the switch from crumbling brick walls to swaying green foliage… small linear paths to great expanses of jungle. Mind you, at the end of the day it doesn’t matter where the war takes place, so long as there’s men to kill and points to capture, it’s still DoD at heart. That’s why Day of Defeat: Pacific Theatre is looking so good- the good old DoD gameplay with a well-needed change of scenery. [br]

[br]If I could just make one comment on this media release; God it’s good to have some originality! Every news post is just render after render, but the DoD: Pacific team have managed to bundle their release into two compact pictures that are not only easy on the eye but contain so much content you can stare at them for ages picking new things out. Mod teams, take note! Think outside the box! Rant over. To find out exactly what’s new in these shots, visit the DoD: Pacific Theatre site here.
To bad they didn't take the time to compile them and take in game shots, would have looked a lot better than these renders.
Models/textures look good though, good luck to the team!
Critical mode - not the prettiest thing to look at :/ the sky seems to be of very low resolution, some of the plants look quite nice though!
Murray_H said:
Critical mode - not the prettiest thing to look at :/ the sky seems to be of very low resolution, some of the plants look quite nice though!

I think the backgrounds are just photos- not from in-game. If you want some in-game shots, check the website.
i don't think "swaying" grass applies to that. Some of it looks more fence like than grass like
I hope it is just a map/material pack for dod: s, then I wouldn't have to swap games all the time.
They need some serious help if this is the media they are releasing. I think the plane is photoshopped in...
Suicide42 said:
...If you want some in-game shots, check the website.

True, and while your there... pick up the sword anim aswell

If the maps are half as good as in HitP then you guys are in for quite a surprise
FuzzDad said:
They need some serious help if this is the media they are releasing. I think the plane is photoshopped in...

Whatup Fuzzdad, long time no see. I tested the 1.3 version of dod_glider back in the day for you, recommended changes for the bunker etc.. Glad to see you're still around.
I hate to say it but that first shot looks like ass... and not the Vida Guerra kind. I'm talking wrinkly-old-man-ass.
that does look like ass, or more like the kind of stuff people come up with when they play around with 'Bryce' or 'view d'esprit' for 3 minutes. You'd expect the person who did this to at least have some sense and realise that there's some primary school art out there that looks more pro than this stuff.
Mayhaps you should grow a set & email them, possibly show them your stellar portfolio of software renderings. It may be a little rough looking but it beats 10 model shots with no relation to the environment they'll be in. I'm pretty tired of looking at all those sickly grainy-grey AO/GI model shots myself.
There are 2 ways that media should be showcased. The first is singularly, showing the single item, and only that (this way is to show the item in all it's glory). The second are final ingame renders.

Anything else isn't worth while in my opinion. For instance these renders don't actually show me anything of how this game is going to look and therefore are pretty pointless. This is why items should be shown just as they are, that way we (hopefully) get to see the amount of work that has gone in to it, in good detail.
Kester^ said:
There are 2 ways that media should be showcased. The first is singularly, showing the single item, and only that (this way is to show the item in all it's glory). The second are final ingame renders.

lol, showing each prop the way you would want it, would be a lot of work for some mods... and since most newspost only show max. 5 images i'd say just show in game stuff... and not show each prop that is in that screenshot, cause that would be a lot (for me anyway) :)
One of the biggest mistakes you can make to promo your mod is to fake screenshots, the second is faking them badly. Seriously, if you're trying to promote a mod, at least put some effort into it! :(
Suicide42 said:
Personally I’ve always thought Day of Defeat was perfectly suited to the tightly packed urban environments featured in the majority of maps.
Suicide42 said:
a well-needed change of scenery.
Erm.. what?

Anyways, not a fan of the faking screenshots thing. Post something representative of your work, whether just the model on its own, or a final in-game shot, but don't shop together a faux-in-game shot like these.
simon said:
lol, showing each prop the way you would want it, would be a lot of work for some mods... and since most newspost only show max. 5 images i'd say just show in game stuff... and not show each prop that is in that screenshot, cause that would be a lot (for me anyway) :)

Which is why you only show media that is worth looking at like a weapon render or a character model, showing a crate or postbox isn't worthy of media release, and if it is shown it should be as part of the background collection in an ingame media shot.
Kester^ said:
There are 2 ways that media should be showcased. The first is singularly, showing the single item, and only that (this way is to show the item in all it's glory). The second are final ingame renders.

Anything else isn't worth while in my opinion. For instance these renders don't actually show me anything of how this game is going to look and therefore are pretty pointless. This is why items should be shown just as they are, that way we (hopefully) get to see the amount of work that has gone in to it, in good detail.

You forgot about unskinned renders. Preferably AK-47's. Everyone loves unskinned AK-47's.
SixThree said:
You forgot about unskinned renders. Preferably AK-47's. Everyone loves unskinned AK-47's.
Hahahaha, I should sig that If I can find the room.

And lol at ZoFreX, nice find.

I'm not sure what to say about the mod. It could be good, if they pull it off. Simple as that.
In agreement with Vegeta; I'll reserve judgement for a later date. This does have a promising premise... :)
(yay alliterations)
Guys guys, take a breath, it seems to me that Valve was on somewhat of a crunchtime when they had to release these. Personally I don't think these look too impressive. I wouldn't base the final graphics on these as it does appear that the sky and some other elements might be postwork.
I don't see any mention of Valve being involved either in the news post or on the site/forums. I was operating under the assumption that this was a third party mod... and, so far, I don't see any reason to think otherwise.
FuzzDad said:
They need some serious help if this is the media they are releasing. I think the plane is photoshopped in...

I suppose this means you want to help, awesome! Come on over and show us what you got, daddyo.

Just so you know, there is nothing "photoshopped in", fuzz man. Those are all models, rendered as a scene.
Eternity said:
News author needs a crash course on semi-colons.

I'm not having a go at this one in particular, just jumping on the bandwagon... the quality of newsreporting and English in the news reporting on this site seems to have fallen in the last 6 months (or is it just me being "old" and nostalgic?).