Day of Defeat: Source is Released

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, so this news post is a little later than planned. Just a quick update:[br]I got everyone excited by announcing there was just an hour left to go before its release. Then all of a sudden the amount of people viewing the forums jumped from about 400 to nearly 1000 in the space of 10 minutes. Then... the site seemed to die.[br]At last check there was merely 200 of you left browsing the forum, and the rest of you are now enjoying the wonders of Day of Defeat: Source after its release 30 mintues ago.[br]Restart your Steam clients to receive the final update to the Day of Defeat: Source files that will unlock them for play. Enjoy.
I cannot enjoy this game till i get off work at 5pm pacific time. 25 minutes till i get home.
The Mullinator said:
lol I was wondering what happened to the site.
I sent an e-mail to Limelight and I think they rebooted the webserver as it went completely off for a few minutes and then it was working lightning fast and I also noticed that there were only a few people online so it suggests it was rebooted or something similar.

(in the words of Homer Simpson...) ghaghhaaghaaghhhhh... mmmmmm... Day of Defeat: Source...

If it were not for the fact that I had to get something to eat, I would still be playing. Instead, I come back and finally find the site to be working again after a short outage due, apparantly, to extreme amounts of visitors!!! yay! :thumbs:

Great job to Valve for this masterpiece. DOD:S will be my #1 choice in games for at least a while now... and more so when I get my new ATI R520 (when it comes out) so I can see HDR. mmmmmm..... HDR..... :cheers:

only gripe is the change in the class system... especially the removal of the grease gun, the ultimate "Assault" weapon in the game. oh well, it's still fun. Now they just have implement the British in the next Steam update.

Later, and have fun at DOD:S people, cya there!
I think it's worth pointing out as well that currently DOD:Source has more players than CS:Source ;)
how big is Dod? I really would like to download but I fear.its to big for my shitty 56k Modem.
You're looking at about 630MB. Not too bad.
What a botched release, Ive never seen this crap before. I always get locked in the menu. You think valve, would learn from their mistakes. How come it says its not ready, and it needs to be updated at 100percent complete, yet it still says it needs to update and nothing is UPDATING!.....
Day of Defeat said:
What a botched release, Ive never seen this crap before. I always get locked in the menu. You think valve, would learn from their mistakes. How come it says its not ready, and it needs to be updated at 100percent complete, yet it still says it needs to update and nothing is UPDATING!.....
No one else is having this problem...
I'll be home in an hour... Here's hoping there's plenty of servers.
jackson said:
I'll be home in an hour... Here's hoping there's plenty of servers.
3,474 servers right now
well, thats fine... any thoughts on why its not updating for me, or any way to fix it... because ive been waiting for over an hour.... please help someone.
Smooth sailing for me as have the 20,000+ other people who got it working.

Try deleting your clientregistry.blob.
Just got done playing around with the classes. I have waay to much work to do so I didn't get on to any servers.

I'm not sure I like all the restrictions they put on the heavy machine guns - I mean, I understand the whole prone thing, but the slower mouse speed is a little overkill. It already takes a couple seconds before you can start firing anyway.

And I think you should be able to move a little bit faster after you fired the bazooka. I mean, its not like its guided or anything. But overall, I think they did a good job balancing. But I have yet to play on the servers.

Also, if you're prone in front of a window you can scoot right through it to the other side.
Day of Defeat said:
well, thats fine... any thoughts on why its not updating for me, or any way to fix it... because ive been waiting for over an hour.... please help someone.
You said it freezes at the menu... is that the Steam menu or the actual Day of Defeat: Source menu?

If you right click on DOD:S in the games list and go to properties, does it say "Always automatically update this game"? If not, set it to that.

Also, try the information provided here:**&p_li=&p_topview=1
Chris_D said:
I think it's worth pointing out as well that currently DOD:Source has more players than CS:Source ;)

in due time, this game is a ****ing joke if it wasnt for the HDR, they need to put HDR in dust.

i cant believe all the shit wronge with this game, dont they ever playtest 20 v 20 in the valve offices on private machines before they release such a bad game, for ****s sake keep a little professionalism going.
gegam said:
in due time, this game is a ****ing joke if it wasnt for the HDR, they need to put HDR in dust.

i cant believe all the shit wronge with this game, dont they ever playtest 20 v 20 in the valve offices on private machines before they release such a bad game, for ****s sake keep a little professionalism going.
I see you've mastered the art of constructive criticism.
gegam said:
in due time, this game is a ****ing joke if it wasnt for the HDR, they need to put HDR in dust.

i cant believe all the shit wronge with this game, dont they ever playtest 20 v 20 in the valve offices on private machines before they release such a bad game, for ****s sake keep a little professionalism going.
Oh? I loved it.
i dont know if anyone has had this problem,

ping is 20, fps is 100, game is very very very choppy. went to many servers same deal. and its not client side , trust me. amonge other things, anyway DOD is way better in my opinion, i love the graphis in DODS but game sucks ass, i hope they patch it up. HDR still needs to coem to DUST.

you playtested it, how was it? was it 20v20? or just byyourself?
P.S. holy crap fliko did you buy alll those game? your grades must be shitty.

anyway game still sucks ass. i bet its their net coding, didnt they have this problem with CSS too? maybe valve needs a new netcoder or something
gegam said:
what? admin being a wiseass? i but its the power trip talking.

anyway, they need to release a patch ASAP on teh ARAB and fix this D- of a game. DOD is 10x better than DODS

P.S. holy crap fliko did you buy alll those game? your grades must be shitty.
Power trip? I think I spoke for everyone with that comment.

Are you actually going to say WHY you don't like it?
Chris_D said:
3,474 servers right now

That pisses me off. I only get 400 to choose from tops. Same with CS. Damn my DSL. I took off all my firewalls once and I still get 400 servers.
Lazy_Moron said:
That pisses me off. I only get 400 to choose from tops. Same with CS. Damn my DSL. I took off all my firewalls once and I still get 400 servers.
That's normal. Just because there's 3,000 servers, it doesn't mean you can connect to all of them.
Lazy_Moron said:
That pisses me off. I only get 400 to choose from tops. Same with CS. Damn my DSL. I took off all my firewalls once and I still get 400 servers.

same here, i only play WEstcost <50 ping, i dont care if i get 1 server with those filters, at the end that 1 is the best performing on efor my system. so i win.

why would anyone in the right head connect to a server in england? from the us? i dont get it.
gegam said:
i dont know if anyone has had this problem,

ping is 20, fps is 100, game is very very very choppy. went to many servers same deal. and its not client side , trust me. amonge other things, anyway DOD is way better in my opinion, i love the graphis in DODS but game sucks ass, i hope they patch it up. HDR still needs to coem to DUST.

you playtested it, how was it? was it 20v20? or just byyourself?
P.S. holy crap fliko did you buy alll those game? your grades must be shitty.

anyway game still sucks ass. i bet its their net coding, didnt they have this problem with CSS too? maybe valve needs a new netcoder or something
My grades are almost perfectly above 80%.

The lag is part of Steam being overloaded with downloads, and people are refreshing and hitting join every .5 seconds.
EDIT: Btw, those are also part of my Step-dad's game collection. We each have about half - half
their web servers is the same servers that run the games?

P.S. chirs good job on keeping up the site, i love reading the new news i always check here. always wanted to tell you that, but the game still sucks!!!!!! all im saying is, they need to patch this game up FAST!.
Steam will have nothing to do with the lagging issue. It's down to the specific Source Dedicated Server files for DOD:S I reckon.

When I play tested it, it didn't have this problem. I've let Valve know so hopefully they'll release a patch/update.
Chris_D said:
Steam will have nothing to do with the lagging issue. It's down to the specific Source Dedicated Server files for DOD:S I reckon.

When I play tested it, it didn't have this problem. I've let Valve know so hopefully they'll release a patch/update.
I see.
Perhaps they need to fix the refresh join every .5 seconds though...
wow, i just played that for 1 hour and 20 minutes... and it was friggin amazing... good job, Valve, that HDR is pimp, as is the sound... this is my new favorite multiplayer game
anyway, i wont play till patch is out fixing atleast half the problems, hope you had a fun time playtesting, you got any insider news on aftermat? i thought you were in england how did you playtest it
gegam said:
anyway, i wont play till patch is out fixing atleast half the problems,

What problems? (I'm not saying there aren't any, but I have yet to see any).
I was able to run on HDR with medium settings and I have a 9800pro 128mb and 512mb of RAM and still have playable fps (30+). Yea, I know it isn't full blown stupid crazy Lost Coast HDR but still.
A Question about the specs. Will it run on the Half-Life 2 min specs or have those increased due to increase technologies. Unfortunatly for me, I'm stuck with a DirectX 7 Graphics card for the foreseable future.
Oh man, I just played for an hour and a half... what an excellent game. The weapons are absolutely brilliant, really satisfying, the graphics are astounding... man I like it.