Day of Defeat: Source is Released

I have to say it's beautiful!
This game is excellent .. play it :)

If ur having trouble with lag, just choose a server with fewer players, or lower lag.
If you're having trouble logging in, it's just cause the servers are overloaded, II'm sure. So many people are trying to log in at once, and are changing servers frequently, that the servers probably can't cope (same happens with WoW).
Patience is a virtue.

Have fun!
Yea the game is awesome... those it needs some touch ups:

1. Lag problem. All I hear now is flaming of Steam even though it really is DoD:S's problems. It is short of patching, hopefully we'll get some(patches) soon.
2. At the end of a match both teams should cease to use their weapons, not just the winning side. (This way the winning team won't get the extra kills by killing the inmobile and defenseless losing team.)
3. We need them Brits.
4. Gernades- acouple of things here... 1. Get rid of the smoke trail 2. Make them work... there have been so many problems.

And for all of you highpingers out there, stay the hell away from DoD:S or you will be sorry. Not only will you be flamed to high hell, but you probably won't be able to move an inch.
Lag city... but that was 2 hours ago, maybe some servers are alright. I went to 5 and they all lagged too much (alleged 100ms), movement was screwed.

I have to say HDR is pretty neat and with my new SB X-Fi, things are sounding amazing.
Awesome... but people tend to be blocking ways, just like in Dystopia. Perhaps they need to have the same fix too?
I'm one of those that screwed by buying the retail Collectors' Edition. I pre-loaded the game a few days ago and now everytime I try to load up the game it asks me to re-input an authentication key (of which it replies the key already is autheticated) and asks me for more money.

Anyone else have this issue?

I was under the impression that the Collectors' Edition would at least be on par with the Steam Silver version (which has DOD:S available for it) but it's looking like CE owners are being denied. What's the scoop?
collectors edition doesnt get dod:s, sorry.
If you didn't pay for Half Life 2 or any package actually, can you pay just the $20 to get DoDS?
Why does it take like 5 seconds to stand up from prone? And why does it take twice that long to look down the sites of a rifle?

What the hell?
Still cant play DOD.... I look in the properties it says Status; requires update. aquired

100%. offline mode not ready. So I cant play... could anyone tell me what I can do...
umm yea played this afternoon...laggy but was great after a while

then i came back to play tonight and i get steam error
Valve did a nice job as always. I had no problems with unlocking the game or joining servers (technically speaking, anyway; it's rather difficult to find open slots at the moment).

I have to say, I'm already hooked no HDR. It makes the game look so natural and realistic! After playing DoD:S, I played Half-Life 2 and found the static lighting a little jarring.

As for the gameplay, I rather liked it. I actually found the pace a lot faster and the gameplay more brutal than Counter Strike: Source. I especially like how the different classes force teams to play as a team to win. You're not going to find the game dominated by lone wolfs like in Counter Strike.
Resvrgam said:
I was under the impression that the Collectors' Edition would at least be on par with the Steam Silver version (which has DOD:S available for it) but it's looking like CE owners are being denied. What's the scoop?

Sadly DoD doesn't come with the collectors edition. But you'd think it would. I mean what's the point of the collectors edition if it doesn't come with anything special? (ok yeah i got a tshirt I don't wear and a usless little book.). You'd think the CE version would be at least be between the silver and gold steam package versions. I did pay $80(cdn) for the damned thing :x

Plus I have no way to buy things online even if I wanted too :(
I LOVE when a team wins a round, and the other team looses their weapons. It's awesome. I'm not just saying that because I'm always on the winning team. Because I'll see the other team won, and I'll go "oh shit" and quickly run into a building and hide behind the counter or something. It's a great way to just be able to go "haha, we won, you guys blow, now get over here so I can shoot you in the face".
So noone is willing to help me...
amazing. Ive gone to the official steam forums as well, and noone
helps us people with this problem.... wtf is going on. :flame:
Homer said:
Why does it take like 5 seconds to stand up from prone? And why does it take twice that long to look down the sites of a rifle?

What the hell?

chirs_D this is exactly what pissed me off the most. he said it perfectly. anyway still no update guys, as usual valve does a half assed job on their products.
I found the game entertaining, but mildly. Everybody is just whoring the Assault gun, because it was so godly close quarters! Kinda freaky.
Oh well, just wasn't my game of pace
gegam said:
anyway still no update guys, as usual valve does a half assed job on their products.

The game came out less than eight hours ago....

Maybe they did a "half assed job" on this game becuase it cost over half of any other new release game worth playing. (Even though I think this game is great as is.)
anyway still no update guys, as usual valve does a half assed job on their products.
Jesus Christ, some people whine about anything.

That said, I'm extremely pleased by DoD:S, although there appear to be some latent problems. For one, I'm getting the impression that there are still a few video/optimization issues to work out. This is surprising to me, as it performs far better than I expected on my machine (I've only got a vanilla 6800, slightly overclocked, and yet I can play with ever setting, including AA/AF and HDR, maxed at playable rates on all maps). This makes me more optimistic about what I can expect from Lost Coast.

Another mild issue which has already been mentioned is players blocking doors. It's also frustrating that it takes so long to go to/from the ironsight, and I think movement is just a bit too slow in ironsights mode. Especially given how useless that mode is on, say, the Garand.

Definately lovin' the gameplay, though. This is just what DoD needed and is goign to keep me busy for quite some time.

Except I'm already too busy. Stupid colleges and their stupid homework. *Goes back to essay*.
I truly love this game, I was a Counter-Strike player, But this game is just truly great. I love it, I thought I might like it when i bought and now I think that's the best 17.96$ I've ever spent. :cheese: Btw, I am zee best snipa eva. :naughty:
gegam said:
chirs_D this is exactly what pissed me off the most. he said it perfectly. anyway still no update guys, as usual valve does a half assed job on their products.

You're assuming that those are bugs and not deliberate design decisions. Why would there be an update?
Pi Mu Rho said:
You're assuming that those are bugs and not deliberate design decisions. Why would there be an update?

im not assuming that, but yes i dont like those either, they need to put the graphics and HDR in the old DOD. now that would be kick ****ing ass!

do you guys agree or what!

P.S. with my system specs, High everything, reflect all, 6xAA, 0xAF, HDR MAXED OUT, no vsync, 1024, im doing 30-50 fps in combat, anyone else have this issue? brand new drivers.

im not complaining, 30fps in DODS = 200 fps in CSS. i get no video lagg, im just wondering if everyone else has this issue. i heard a lot of x800s are having this problem
im not complainging as far as video is concered, sound or effects
i get no video lagg at all, just wondering if its what everyone else is getting.

valve did good job on graphics, i love the steam delivery system, its revolutionairy, but they always **** up games.

i love CSS, graphics are real, shadows are crazy on my system, but for gods sake did oyu see that hitbox video clip?

still hate the game for now, let see what hte update will bring for DODS,

Valve = excellent thinkers BUT, horrible game makers. for ****s sake look at their track record. they have single handidly ****ed up all the games they have released. from release dates to final products that should have still been in beta, im not bashing on valve here, i did say i love their graphics, phsyics, and steam delivery system, they should just subcontract the game making to other companies.
No problems for me whatsoever, just fired it up and started playing.

Great job Valve, The balance of most weapons is top notch, the sound is first class and no doubt DOD is one of the best WW2 Multiplayer experiences at present.
i have no time for this. peace yall enjoy your half assed games.
What update are you talking about?


they should just subcontract the game making to other companies.
Are you on drugs or something? There's nothing wrong with Valve's ability to make games. Meeting deadlines isn't their forté, admittedly, but saying "they have single handidly ****ed up all the games they have released" is just horribly, horribly wrong.
I was in IRC last night and a couple of us came up with the theory that the 3rd party mods crisis was planned so that more people would be buying DoDS. I came to post about this theory on here, but the site was down. So They've got IRC bots as spies. However, when I said this in IRC, the site miraculously came back up again albeit it in a crippled state. WE KONW TEH TURTH!!!!!! :D
Hope all you people with the ability to buy DODS had a good time last night. I'll be getting a credit card soon I hope. Has got any servers of their own for this thing yet?
The game decided that Full bloom-effect (HDR whatever) was the most apropiate for my systems! And I only have a radeon 9700 PRO, so I though I was just gonna be able to play it on medium.. how about that! :D that sure was happy news for me!

Awesome game, so beautiful surroundings... and the little song that plays when US marshalls win.. aah I love it :D
Pi Mu Rho said:
Are you on drugs or something? There's nothing wrong with Valve's ability to make games. Meeting deadlines isn't their forté, admittedly, but saying "they have single handidly ****ed up all the games they have released" is just horribly, horribly wrong.
That's probably true actually, namely with games that weren't theirs to begin with - CS & DoD.
I'm getting mad MAD slowdowns and lag in Anzio. And when I get to the bridgesegment, with the shiny water and stuff, all the graphics go out the window and I have to restart my computer. Gonna try upgrading my drivers, as I see there are new ATi drivers out there. Anyone else had this issue?
Hugh_Jazz said:
I'm getting mad MAD slowdowns and lag in Anzio. And when I get to the bridgesegment, with the shiny water and stuff, all the graphics go out the window and I have to restart my computer. Gonna try upgrading my drivers, as I see there are new ATi drivers out there. Anyone else had this issue?

No problem, It looks gorgeous on my system.
Please put HDR on CS:S. :angel:

Good job Valve :D :thumbs:
No problems here. Everything runs perfectly, love the game. Congrats Valve.
Chris_D said:
What graphics card you got?


All other maps run perfectly fine, but maybe there are some goodness HDR things on Anzio that my comp can't handle, 'cause it completely blows up on me when I try that map..

...Don't make me turn off HDR...HDR is the only one who likes me anymore...
first impressions

First impressions.
Very nice textures and grafics, sounds are ok (not super, but ok), damage-model is better, rifle-grenades are fun and seem balanced, some glitches while firing at proned enemies (while standing on their back).
Biggest dislike: the automatism with which these old levels can be played. So basicly the game badly needs new maps. The feeling of "been there, done that" prevailes.

Overall: it's nice but not super.
Needs some more testing I guess :naughty:

The good:
1. Wonderful remakes of all the maps, I am very impressed.
2. Sounds are phenominal, but I already replaced my mg42 sound with a much better one ;)
3. Ragdolls are alot better than the crappy ones in css, kudos for that decision.

The annoying...
1. They completely nerfed the kar axis rifle and sniper rifles. I have gotten numerous chest shots with both and yet still took 2 shots to kill on many occasions.
2. Iron sites are not done well at all imo, you can shoot accurately from the hip, I see no advantage/reason for using iron sites at all for this reason, so bring back the 2ndary attacks (bayonette and butt smack).
3. No restrictions on player classes, I am pretty sure that was hard coded in dod so you didnt have 5 snipers and 5 mg guys on one team. Im sure this will be fixed but its still annoying.

For the most part I am really happy with it, but they REALLY need to un-nerf the kar and sniper rifles, they should be one shot kill weapons like before. Sine the fire rate on them is so slow, in closed quarters fighting they are useless because any n00b with a thompson can rush you after taking a round to the chest and kill you even after you got off the first shot.