Day of Defeat: Source Update is Here!


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
Restart your Steam clients now to patch your Day of Defeat: Source! The brand new update is here, the largest update so far, with two new maps, new ingame effects, new lighting, and a couple of other changes. Here's the changelog:
Day of Defeat: Source[br]

* Added new Detonation game mode[br]
* Added two new Detonation maps: Jagd and Colmar[br]
* Added film grain and color correction cinematic effects while in spectator[br]
* Optimizations to the player animation blending system[br]
* Improved bullet and melee attack hit detection[br]
* Shortened the BAR reload time[br]
* Reduced recoil and fire delay on the Garand[br]
* Added CVAR cl_autorezoom - set to 0 to not rezoom sniper rifles and rocket weapons[br]
* Added new image-based texture blending shader[br]
* Added new light warping shader[br]
* Added new phong Shading/Rim Lighting on player models[br]
* Added support for bloom on DX8 video cards[br]
* Added vertex lighting to props[br]
* Fixed a case where players could get under terrain in Argentan[br]
* Made it more difficult for players to repeatedly block the same cap in order to rack up defend points[br]
* Fixed player being able to clear mg42 heat by undeploying and redeploying while reloading[br]
* Added blocking walls to enemy spawn entrances[br]
* Fixed stepping over window ledges in Avalanche[br]
be sure to post some screens so we can see the new lightning effects.
Ennui said:
* Made it more difficult for players to repeatedly block the same cap in order to rack up defend points

Hmm but they don't say how?

And bloom for DX8. :D
Awesome! Downloading now.
Going to be playing for awhile tonight. :D
Just played for the past hour or so. Absolutely fantastic. Colmar is pretty good, and jagd is amazing (blows my MIND).
Yeah it's great.

* Reduced recoil and fire delay on the Garand
I'll have to check that out.

Have 6mins for the round (at least the server I was on). Either the offense will win by blowing up the targets or the defense will win at the end of the time. Plays basicly like regular DoD except any progress stays. Normally you can just cap a flag back. Although you do have time to go defuse assuming you killed the guy who planted it.


When you are not playing the game, it looks like an old movie. (Grain + Color correction)

I'll have to take some better shots of the level later.
pure awsomeness

also to add to asus, you get another 2 mins for every objective gone boom
I didn't join a server with Colmar running til now. Looks like on this map there are targets for both sides to blow up.
* Fixed stepping over window ledges in Avalanche

Thank you!

* Reduced recoil and fire delay on the Garand

Okay now they HAVE to increase the damage done by the Kar. Hitting someone in the upper body with the kar should just kill them instantly like it used to. Imo anyway...

Have yet to check out new stuff, 75%...:E:E:E <3 big updates.
Idonotbelonghere said:
Okay now they HAVE to increase the damage done by the Kar.
I still think Kar > Garand in most cases. =p
Just played for an hour... detonation rocks! Really fun/intense once you get over the 1 second learning curve. Jagd is amazing, great layout and flow. Haven't had a chance to play Colmar yet.
I love Jagd as a map. But I really think they should have had it rotate offense/defense after a team won. Though they can't exactly do that now since the points are close to on team. I didn't care for only being defense or offense without joining the other team.

Colmar is a good map (love the snow) and I really like the gameplay with both covering offense and defense. Gets a little mess but it's great.
Can anyone tell me what these two features are all about?

* Added new image-based texture blending shader
* Added new light warping shader
^ Whatever they are I notice that the player models look much nicer.

Two new maps are very nice, although not quite as detailed as the others like anzio and flash....probably just the lack of grass.

Lot's of fun after you learn the maps, I didn't see an option to turn the film grain effect off though :(
film grain and colour correction are great, but what about the depth of field effect? is that on there too?
The players look much nicer mainly due to the phong lighting valve has added to player models.
I don't understand shit about how the bombs work. I was at a bomb site, had the TNT, but I couldn't deploy the bombs!
they buffed the garand again? atleast make the Kar iron sight usefull then....that thing blocks the entire screen.

also they should really buff damage or blast range of the bazooka and's really annoying when you hit right next to some dude and they somehow manage to survive...considering how difficult the rockets are to deploy and hit with(slow travel speed, arching over distance, extremely slow deploy speed, slow fire rate etc etc.) or make a couple of maps where you can use them for blowing holes in the levels(alternative routes, destroying cover)
I like the new update...but, unfortunately, with the update, Valve totally f'ed up the flag capture areas. This is a significant problem in maps like Avalance where the Allies can now capture the Axis 2nd flag INSIDE the apartments through the wall. I hope they quickly fix this.

Otherwise, I am very happy with the new improvements. The BAR is now a weapon to be feared by the Axis players.
Well, I could watch over the forums like the loving paternal force I am, keeping it free of advert spam and goatse trolls... or I could play DOD:S.

/starts Steam
rTrCursedSnacks said:
I like the new update...but, unfortunately, with the update, Valve totally f'ed up the flag capture areas. This is a significant problem in maps like Avalance where the Allies can now capture the Axis 2nd flag INSIDE the apartments through the wall. I hope they quickly fix this.
Really? That's pretty cool :)
when can we make custom maps that use this mode?? (dod_charlie :D :D :D)
Weird, my Dod is refusing to update. Tried turning on and off automatic updates, turned off Steam, deleted the .blob file, still no update. I can connect to servers and appear to have the grainy-thing, but don't have either of the new maps and the update log for DoD:S isn't showing a patch since the 18th of April.
Anyone got any ideas?
RipperRoo said:
Weird, my Dod is refusing to update. Tried turning on and off automatic updates, turned off Steam, deleted the .blob file, still no update. I can connect to servers and appear to have the grainy-thing, but don't have either of the new maps and the update log for DoD:S isn't showing a patch since the 18th of April.
Anyone got any ideas?
Delete what you have of the GCf's and redownload?
I like the update, of course. New maps are always cool, give me a reason to play this awesome game again. And getting the colour correction like this, kinda out of the blue, was also kinda sweet. But to be honest, it's a bit of a dud to me, since the grainy film effect is only there when you're spectating, so you really don't have much time to see it, and the new lighting effects, whatever they are, are kinda hard to notice since you're playing a fast paced FPS. I was waiting for motion blur and depth of field mostly, since they produce(hopefully) a really good passive immersiveness.

Other than that, gotta love DoDS. If it wasn't worth the buy before, it really is now.
The change list does not get updated that often.

If you can connect to a server and have the film grain it means you have the update(my friend had this 'problem' ;))
well, the sniper problem still hasnt been fixed.....
Very big update. Nice for the DOD:S guys. Now all we need is a update like this for CS:Source :)
Raziel-Jcd said:
Very big update. Nice for the DOD:S guys. Now all we need is a update like this for CS:Source :)
Or just more DOD:S updates :D I'd love to bring the number of Flag Capture and Destruction maps even!
Ennui said:
Or just more DOD:S updates :D I'd love to bring the number of Flag Capture and Destruction maps even!
oh yeah. That would be nice. :D
I have to say I like Destruction much more, because it's so different from what I'm used to.

I just wish there were more maps... I love jagd right now, but I bet it'll get old pretty quickly, because the lack of team playing in public servers makes it absolutely HORRENDOUSLY annoying to play sometimes, when your team just doesn't DO WHAT IT OUGHT.