DayHard Mod is out

Not worth the time.
I was looking foreward to this from the trailer, but the gameplay is just bloody aweful.
Well I'm stuck. I got the teddy bear to the gun guy and got my weapons back. I also participated in the race, and won it.
But now I'm stuck in this town. There's a green robot that shoots corkscrew homing missles at me, that cannot be damaged. I don't see where I can shut off the robot.

What do I do now?
Upon visiting the mod website, my pc makes a strange clicking noise until I close the page. Strange indeed.
What I downloaded came with the patch. It had the patch with the mod.
this mod crashes out on me, i've just got out of the apartment (1st level) & i get an error saying 'Out of memory' then the system goes to desktop, i look on my task manager & this game is using 998MB of RAM, wtf, BF2 dont even use this much!
BeaverMon said:
Well I'm stuck. I got the teddy bear to the gun guy and got my weapons back. I also participated in the race, and won it.
But now I'm stuck in this town. There's a green robot that shoots corkscrew homing missles at me, that cannot be damaged. I don't see where I can shut off the robot.

What do I do now?

Blow it up with the tons of grenades and rockets that are around. It takes a lot to get it.

I'm stuck past that. In the airport the "Ugly" guy is behind that forcefield. I put a turret in there, it shorted out but there's still an invisible barrier there I can't cross. I think he was supposed to run off or something but it never triggered. I'll start the chapter over :(
I'm stuck in this games crappy direction. It has no set direction, nor does it bother to tell you where to go. Can someone help me out?

I am in the first level. I got out of the building killed everyone, went to the church, killed everyone, went to the restaurant, killed everyone, now from there on out I have no real idea what to do.
I give up. It simply crashes too much on me. I actually need to restart STEAM every time I try to load my game. blaagh.
AmishSlayer said:
Blow it up with the tons of grenades and rockets that are around. It takes a lot to get it.
Ok, man. I'll try that. :)
EDIT: The robot is NOT blowing up! I've used all the rockets and grenades there on him, and he's still pumping out rockets.
EDIT2: I got 'em!! :D You got to toss a grenade into the hole of the robot and blow it up from the inside. (this piece of info came from the maker himself. I emailed them about this)

The guy should of wrote a Walkthrough before releasing the mod, then make it public when it's released.
I had 1 heck of a time trying to get out of the apartment. Kept on falling off a ledge.
I tried to noclip my way out of it, but it proved futile due to the scripted areas.
BeaverMon said:
Ok, man. I'll try that. :)

The guy should of wrote a Walkthrough before releasing the mod, then make it public when it's released.
I had 1 heck of a time trying to get out of the apartment. Kept on falling off a ledge.
I tried to noclip my way out of it, but it proved futile due to the scripted areas.

Just throw a grenade into the middle hole.
Just throw a grenade into the middle hole.
I thought that hole was weird. Thanks for the tip! :thumbs: *yea just chuck a gernade in that hole and it should work. Thanks!
ROFL! You gotta see the bathroom scene in the disco place!
Lmao that trailer was hilarious. Nicely edited and funny.... there was so much arbitrary sh1t going on, and the music fit perfectly
Great now I'm stuck with a helicopter. The French guy is worthless, the katana guy is being occupied by 10 manhacks, and the shotgun guy will attack me if he sees me. The helicopter has 3 fires on it so far. And I found this weird button device and the guy made a hmmm sound. Do I put this button on something?! What do I do?!
I'm stuck again. Morgan Freeman wants to investigate who lives in this Villa, undected. It looks like a fortress.
It is Next to Impossiable... :hmph: Even the notarget on cheat won't make them not see you.
It has a hint, of looking where the soldiers are looking before proceeding. I have done that, but I still get spotted. :(
The stupid ALT "Move Slowly" bind won't work. I HATE it when I have to use stealth.

I don't even know WHERE the exit to this is.

EDIT: He got back to me and posted this;
1\reach the village through the only possible entrance (not the front one of course)
2\ there you'll a metropolice walking back and forth. When he's behind the two houses, move to the second one ( close to a lamp attached to a wire ).
3\ wait till he moves from the place where it would spot at once. He moves only to 2 places, just take the time and it should be fine. (note: the combine that is turned in the opposite direction will not see you) go right.

4\ once you passed this, move where there are several crates. you'll also see a small fence between two houses. pass over there crouched and sticking to the right of the fence.
Why? because The Metropolice on the church sees you if you show yourself close to the wall's house.

5\ now, after the fence, go left: you should see a fire burning. If you're going that direction you're doing fine.

6\ you can't just go the fire place without avoding another metropolice: he's on the top of the roof of the house you are close right now.

7\ every 10 seconds he changes direction: you have to pass when he's looking the other way. Go where the crates (and a poster of Breen on the wall) are; look up; move slowly until you can see his direction, remember he's on the roof. When he's looking the other way, grab one of the crates and go where the fire is burning.

8\ hard part is over! save! Next you'll have to pass the big fence. How? using 3 (or 2) crates: use the physics of hl2. (you'll find other crates close to where the fire is; no guards there)
wow, those downloads went from 395 to 4000+. i really like this mod but i can't play because i get a "no free edicts" thing. i want to keep playing :(
Yayers! I won it! :D No crashing over here. :)
The final boss level was taken right out of DOOM 2. Even has the music! To kill him, you got to shoot several rockets at it's mouth until eventually an explosion kills "The Boss".
Unfortunally, with Combine breathing down your neck, and corkscrew homing rockets shooting out of it's mouth, it's not an easy task.

Before that, you have this medium-sized maze you must navigate through. I got it right the 1st time, BUT watch out for the trap floor. If you fall down this pit, Fast Headcrabs at the bottom of the pit will get ya.
I used noclip after my 2nd try wasn't so smooth. Was going in circles.

Even before that, you got to go against Dog! Re-programmed with a computer voice, and throws it's ball at you to kill you. Hit it once with the Katana and you'll defeat him.
It looks fantastic, it has great atmosphere, it's funny. But alas to much bugs.
its soo... ssoo ... soo ugly :S ..

slashandburn said:
I think i'll wait for patch 2 before playing again.

Patch 2 is out now! :O

Well, I found the mod okay, and pretty funny, but a bit ugly in some places. ;p
I guess it's nice for shooting things though.
But it is pretty confusing, there's no sense of direction, as someone put it.
Ah well, thanks for all the fish.

Oh, and I liked the whole Jack thing, and how they used voice samples from Far Cry for his speach!
For people that crash of running out of memory, try the "fix" that xdesp says in the Substance Mod.
In Steam -> HL2 -> It's Launch Properties, put in -heapsize

To figure this out, find out what your total RAM is and devide it by 2.
Me for example, I have 768MB of RAM. 384MB is half of my 768MB. So I put in -heapsize 384000.

This should hopefully take care of the "Out of memory" problems. :)
Good news, guys. He now has a Walkthrough available to download! Detailed instructions on how to get out of the Apartment! :D
Hmm, how are you supposed to win the race? I'm leading the race, and when I'm on the last lap, driving towards the finish line, the race just stops and it says "You lose!"... Okay? How did that happen? I'm way ahead of my opponent!

I heard though that the racing-part isn't really necessary as you don't need to win it to continue on the mod.
Awesome. Horrifically buggy, but 11/10!!!1

You seriously do need the walkthrough. I found two alternative, completely non-working ways of escaping from the flat at the beginning...
Well, if Cargo Cult likes it, I'll give it a go :D

Been a couple of hours now, and I'm only on 18% of the download...

Other than pitying me, keep me thinking by telling me how awesome it is ;)
Sounds odd. I've gotta try this out ! Fabulous!
I'm really enjoying the mod but during the cutscene where you and Jack enter the tunnel in wasteland the next cutscene won't load. Since this mod appearently has the console disabled I can't skip over it. Any advice would be appreciated. btw I've already messed around with my settings to see if it that was causing the problem but it hasn't helped.
TheAmazingRando said:
I'm really enjoying the mod but during the cutscene where you and Jack enter the tunnel in wasteland the next cutscene won't load. Since this mod appearently has the console disabled I can't skip over it. Any advice would be appreciated. btw I've already messed around with my settings to see if it that was causing the problem but it hasn't helped.

That happened to me as well - I started a new game with the appropriate chapter selected, and all was well again.

DayHard really reminds me of brilliant old mods like Sweet Half-Life, where it's buggy, arcane, difficult to navigate and somewhat amateurishly produced, but sheer enthusiasm and enjoyment more than carries it off. You'll probably either love it or hate it, but I think it's wonderful!
I loved it! It was great, and I played the beta versions which were complete CRAP compared to the final..Im amazed at how far its come
Thankfully I fixed the problem that was troubling me earlier but now a new one has cropped up.

During the fight with the Doom boss I am successful up to a point. After firing rockets into the machine's mouth it stops firing rockets and I hear the Boss scream "Nooooo!" What exactly Im a supposed to do after that? Am I supposed to run somewhere or is this another glitch?
TheAmazingRando said:
Thankfully I fixed the problem that was troubling me earlier but now a new one has cropped up.

During the fight with the Doom boss I am successful up to a point. After firing rockets into the machine's mouth it stops firing rockets and I hear the Boss scream "Nooooo!" What exactly Im a supposed to do after that? Am I supposed to run somewhere or is this another glitch?
i get that same bug

but other than that, the whole game ran fine for me, and it rocked! (redrum part was freaky)
except for the part where your guy always goes "WHAT THUU" and when you get sucked down the toilet :LOL:
Playing it and it's realy good :). How many SP mods had actually new models and voice acting?

BTW: Did anyone notice that the guy falling from the roof, past your window is screaming "haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxx"? :D
This whole mod is hilarious. I really like the tournament mode where you fight in the matrix dojo with low grav.