de_courthouse (wip) 95% done


Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, heres my latest map, de_courthouse. 64 player spawns in all 32 per team. Some of these screens are a little outdated, but show the general layout of the map. T's start out in the city outside the courthouse, cts spawn in the courtroom. 2 collision points, first in the courthouse hallway, 2nd in alley behind the detention center. If you wish to participate in the playtest you may sign up at in my mapping forum. -Dj







:cheers: cheers on a map well done... damn that is simply awesome mate!
Excellent looking and its cool that you posted it 95% complete...Shows that you know what you're doing and how you want it all...
Well done...
For the back of your courthouse, in the alley, I would suggest making those triangular blocks on the side of the steps much much thinner. Around 4-2 units would look nicer. Right now they stick out, and look very ugly. Also inside the courthouse, the rectangualr blocks you have in the middle of the rooms might look nicer with rounded corners. Other wise, nice map.
Looking awsome. One thing though, the courthouse setting seems like the perfect hostage rescue level, especially since your courthouse seems to remind me of the theater event in Russia 'bout a year back.
Looks really good, but whoever the arcitecht was that put those huge walls in the middle of the room mustve been drunk :D That was the only thing I saw on the map that looked a little strange, besides the triangle blocks beside the stairs, but someone already mentioned that. Other than that... SEXY!
Ill fix up the alley and those blocks, not going to round them off but ill make them a bit smaller, I want the architecture to remain simple and give it the feeling of an old building. Thanks for the comments.
If you used large spotlight beams crossing each other this section of the map would be beautiful

On the fifth picture down, the tables don't seem to fit the theme really, and all the shadows look green. Other then that the map looks awesome. Can't wait to play it.
uNsaiN said:
On the fifth picture down, the tables don't seem to fit the theme really, and all the shadows look green. Other then that the map looks awesome. Can't wait to play it.

Actually, those are cafeteria tables, and I think they look perfect since that is a snack area. Just my opinion of course, but I wont be changing it. Thanks for your comments, there are TONS of surprises in this map to make it seem very interactive, and it should be lots of fun as well.
This map is incredibly well done. I can't wait to play it!~
Wow... the second I scrolled down and saw the pic, I automatically said 'wow'. Amazing map, best I've seen in a long time, only concern is, that it's a bit rough around the edges, and the streetlights should actually have a brigher highlight on the ground beneath them, and the streets themselves should be a tad darker. But that's my only complaint. Thanks for making such an amazing map, which I hope to play soon.