De_dust_SiN - Map Release

pretty nice map by the looks of the screens and trailer.
Heh, I love the trailer. The map plays well too. Lots of close quarters combat, mixed with plenty of sniping spots.

I'll be trying to get it up on our server the next couple of days. If our admin agrees, I'll release the IP for you :)

it looks nice.. but from the screens i feel like there is something missing.. i just can't figure out what it is..
Very nice map, thanks, video is great too, keep up the good work.
love the trailer you will change how people show off thier maps

I agree! Trailers for new maps is THE way to go. In fact, I can see a whole new category opening up for people who are good at making map trailers.

The map looks great, I'll be looking for servers to try it out.
nice. a bit too big for my taste though.

there is a purple (untextured) brush near one step. some arabian sprays are upside down : p
lol, trailers have been done before but nice.
Good map. noticed the barrels perch on the shelfs waiting to be shot at.


definatly gonna try this one.

Good work.
thanks guyz :)
note: i'm working on something much more original right now, i'm still thinking of what i should make, please give comments of what you guyz would like to see in the future

Cya, Super SiN
A de_train remake that doesnt look like garbage, you can you go under the trains, and in bombsite A the trains move...opps thats what i want since i cant map worth crap.