Dead bodies in Xen from HL1

If there is no time travel why is there a Rusted US submarine in the E3 video. It's on a dried up ocean. It would take a while for that sub to get there. It would take even longer for the Ocean to receed. So your ideas where you say only 5-7 years have passed is way off. Even so, I think Gordon would have gotten owned. He would be so old if there was no time travel.

Yahda yadda yhasda leak this , fact that, another day and HL2 is still MIA
So who's counting?

I personally think that that's a Russian sub. Fits better.
This whole "where has Gordon been" debate can be resolved if everybody just remembers the one hard-and-fast rule that Valve made for HalfLife...YOU ARE GORDON FREEMAN.

First, I'll bet my next paycheck that HL2 will be just over 5 years after the end of HL (since it's been just over 5 years since HL was released, Valve need only explain away those 5 years).

Second, where has Gordon been? Simple. Gordon has been exactly where we last saw him 5 years the black void on the other side of the portal at the end of HL. Basically, Godron has been NOWHERE. He's probably re-lived the events at Black Mesa a few times (havn't we all). He MAY have even seen the events at Black Mesa from other perspectives (like, say, a Marine and a Security Guard). But, realistically, Gordon has spent the last 5 years outside of existance.

Why does Gordon not know what's happened in his world in the interveining 5 years? Because we (the players) don't know. Why is there missing time at all? Because we (the players) havn't "been" Gordon in 5 years.
Sounds about right to me - though I'm not sure if his brain crashed and had to be re-installed. Btw the sub looked to me like a US Ohio class, but I could be wrong since it's no more than a rusted hulk. If it is Russian, then it's gotta be a Typhoon.
clarky003 said:
the leak doesnt expose very much atall, it doesnt answer jack squat, i dont know what your hinting at here. It simply really doesnt spoil the story atall. but just gives a little insight.

I still dont have a bleedin clue about whats going on. :( . and peeps said the leak had major spoilers :rolling:

I've PMed you on this.
I was under the impression that G-Man was a term used well before HL1 to describe a non-descript government Blacksuit.
It was used around the 20s I think, for government-man.
So couldn't all this speculation over a model's filename (or whatever it was), just be reading too far into something that doesn't matter at all?
I disagree with the people thinking that either Gordon's been doing NOTHING (like he was knocked out) or that he was time-transferred straight there. I remember someone saying (I think it was in the videos, not sure of my exact source) that it has been 5 years (I think that's more a game reference than "rl" reference, though both are there), as well as that through playing the player would figure out what "you" HAD been doing those 5 years working for the GMan. They also said that even people who hadn't played HL1 would be able to figure it out, implying that unless they wanted to re-hash HL1 as some kind of story, there has been SOMETHING going on.

I also am of the mind that the GMan = Administrator, that he ISN'T Gordon in the future (I just don't see Gordon stuttering lol), and that the GMan perhaps is some kind of "third-faction" alien (he mentions e-e-employers, so I think he's really a slave or something...can anyone think of a good word that starts with E that isn't employers that means masters or something?). I think the GMan's employers are an alien faction of the same species as Nihilanth (sp?), and were fighting Nih for control.

I think either in HL2 or HL3 (if there is one, which I'd absolutely love :D) Gordon and/or the GMan (or possibly both) will be betrayed by the employers (Nihilanth said, if you listened to the sounds in hl1's pak files, "Deceive you they will deceive you," so...), and will have to do, well, something (perhaps the storyline - HL1: Gordon vs Nihilanth, HL2: Gordon vs Combine (whoever they are), HL3: Gordon/GMan vs Employers).

Jeez, gimme my hl2 already so I can start getting hyped about #3 :D lol
The G-Man isn't the administrator, I'm pretty sure... I think either PC Gamer or one of the online previews said something along the lines of "and this time we'll meet the mysterious Administrator, mentioned in HL but never seen...".
I always saw him as the administrator, I mean, beforehand he's wandering everywhere (the tram docks, arguing with a scientist, etc) and appears to be in control. I saw his employers as "hiding in the shadows," like something sort of like the Illuminati (GMan is the administrator at BMRF, his higher-ups are shrouded in secrecy). I mean, the GMan is visible and people talk to him. A scientist says "I predicted this would happen, but the administrator just would not listen", and I can't see the GMan's employers as talking to low scientists.

I dunno. Time will tell, and either way it'll be great :D
In the stolen beta of H-L 2 you can't tell the difference from gordon or a Zombie! :p
I always thought the bodies were the advance HEV survey team spoken about in the lambda complex. I know its unofficial but at the beggining of P.O.V mod, you see a team of HEV scientists extracing a crystal from XEN, supposedly the origin of the crystal in half-life, i always liked that as part of the story.
HomelessDroid said:
In the stolen beta of H-L 2 you can't tell the difference from gordon or a Zombie! :p

thats like your 7th post refering to the stolen beta.

i would warn you but you will probably be banned before you got to read this.... :dozey:
Marc laidlaw in an interview last year stated the Administrator was nothing but a name, a reference to a higher power controlling the faccility, he was never seen or heard, he also said the administrator would now become a charecter in the story and play a key role in HL2.

Also since the announcement valve have stated you would know nothing more than gordon, and that the last thing gordon remembers is leaving the Tram at the end of half-life one, its mysterious, unexplained, to deep and beyond the player to even begin to understand, thats one of half-lifes strongest story telling methods.
What i think it is, is that most of you are really over analyzing this and that its been 15 years since Black Mesa and there is no time traveling extravaganza. Probably towards the end of the game there is some crap like that and stuff. But what i think it is, is that he's been doing work for the G-man and that the G-man is part of the good aliens side, maybe he is an alien himself kind of like what RBlDiver said.

Personally the G-man is very suspcious and maybe he will betray Gordon who knows. So far he's a good guy that we know of. So they have been fighting for years now they are on earth, the combine could be our army, and then there are the other aliens that are trying to kill us, then there are the ally aliens, then there is the resistence which gordon and Eli and all of them are part of. Also if any of you have read One Flew Over The Cucukoo's Nest.

The narrator which is Chief Bromden refers to authority/political/power as the Combine. Like you know a Combine is a powerful machine to collect the harvest and stuff like that. I mean its most like Mechanical or Machines and things like that he refers it to. Anyways, the army is called the Combine, which indicates a lot. They are powerful, they are the authority of the town or City 17 and maybe beyond and they are in control at the moment. So they are most likely not aliens but humans. So it seems almost that there are at least 3 forces fighting eachother.

Even tho somethings are strange about them they are very human looking in every way. I have more to say but i won't say it, cause im just blabbing now sorry. Also i am new to these forums on Half Life but ive been following this game and know just about every detail about it, and have beaten HL1 many times so im not a noob, and i won't bother any of you i hope. Later.
Dougy said:
thats like your 7th post refering to the stolen beta.

i would warn you but you will probably be banned before you got to read this.... :dozey:

7th thats a good one.

Maybe the third one and also it contained no spoilers.
(If you don't think that the betas bad looks is a spoiler)
Mechagodzilla said:
Yup, it's from the model name.
Also, he's refered to as a G-man by Aidrian Shephard in his journal (in the OP4 instructions).
That's the only place out of all the games where anyone actually says "G-man".

By the time OP4 was made g-man had already been adopted by the comunity.


edit: my appoligies, I realy need to check how meny pages there befor i post, again sorry.
Hmm...I think G-Man is a Pc Gamer Administartor, out to ahh..i aint sure..
G-Man may be Gordon or BARNEY!!. Hey may be gordon, for if he new all this was gonna happen then well, hes either some other guy or gordon.
Although, i dont think this is what will happen but here it goes. Gordon was transfered before Black Mesa. Just a day before or so then when the accident happened. Now, in the beggening you try n stop it, but you fail to then later on you eventualy have to stop it again, onsept this time from outside and not inside.

If G-Man is Gordon well here is my prediction:
G-Man (Gordon), fought through the aliens for what seemed to be an entirnity, then at like age 60 or 80 (whatever age g-man is), he relizes hes to old and goes back in time and tries to get this done quicker.
(Note, I dont believe in anything I say and neither should you).
"When I was your age, boy, I thought I had all the time in the world. BUt I didn't, and niehter have you. Hurry up."
hopefully this clears up any confusion (i didn't read pages 4 or 5)

it has been speculated that the combine are half human, half alien. this explains not only the seemingly organic nature of the gunship as well as the combine soldiers being humanoid in form, but it also explains their actual name: the Combine (combination).

also, there is time travel in HL2 but it might not be what all of you people are thinking.
One thing's for sure. G-man hijacked Black Mesa by some sort of machiavellian manipulation of aliens and marines for some purpose of which we don't know anything. He knew what is going to happen with the specimen. The Gordon's collegues said that administrator is pushing on them to deal with the specimen as soon as possible. Also, you totally forgot that G-man mentions in the end something with his employers (or something like this). Therefore he can't be in charge of this behind-the-scenes operation. He is only a kind of a field agent.
I posted this last July, but since the topic of time travel came up again:

Darkside55 said:
About time travel in HL2, in the HomeLAN interview with Gabe Newell, when asked about City 17's design, he replies that not only was it influenced by Valve artist Viktor Antonov (who is from Romania), but also that it "resonates what we're doing in Half-Life 2 with the past and the future."

And of the G-Man, it just stands for Government Man. People go a little overboard with the theories sometimes. :p
I used to think he was the Administrator too, until reading the aforementioned quotes from magazines and Marc Laidlaw about the Administrator being a separate character. I also remember in the very beginning of HL, one of the scientists remarks, "This place is crawling with the Administrator's men today." So, [at least one of] the G-man's employer is the Administrator, and there are also other G-men running around.
So maybe, when it seemed that the Gman was everywhere at once...there were more than one of him!
Well, that I doubt...but hey, there was more than one Barney walking around! ;)

I would actually like to see some of these other suited government agents walking around, though. Maybe there are ones who will help you out, maybe there are ones who are against the G-Man we all know (and love?).
Heh, G-man = agent smith!
How else does he never get hit by bullets? :)

It seems to me that, out of each identical character, one of each survives.

We've already got Glasses Scientist and Black Scientist. All we need now is a Dark Hair Scientist and a Moustache Scientist.
We have a Barney, so that leaves an Otis to return, and the reported many G-men has been reduced to one.

So, that means we may get one Marine (who could that be? :)) and maybe a black ops. Here's hoping!
Well, I was gonna go through the ol HL campaign n i noticed a few things....
In the start (On the train thingy)
Administrasive Sponser: Classified.
I think G-Man is Gordon's Sponser!
Also, if the Administration was pushing the scientists why would the scientists assure them nothing would go wrong..why would they have to if there being pushed?
Maybe G-Man, is actually good.... What if he actually was trying to stop it?
Or maybe hes O.J.!!! Dressed as a white man!

Hmm, what if g-man new the specimen was unstable, what if he found it.. What if he was using it to attract all the aliens to earth, then blow the earth up? What if he is a man who new about the aliens, and was gonna do anything that it took to kill them. Maybe, he was from another planet, and thats why he was willing to sacerfice earth..
Or maybe hes a gay hippie who wishs he was a women?
Mechagodzilla said:
Heh, G-man = agent smith!
How else does he never get hit by bullets? :)

It seems to me that, out of each identical character, one of each survives.

We've already got Glasses Scientist and Black Scientist. All we need now is a Dark Hair Scientist and a Moustache Scientist.
We have a Barney, so that leaves an Otis to return, and the reported many G-men has been reduced to one.

So, that means we may get one Marine (who could that be? :)) and maybe a black ops. Here's hoping!

What about a female assasin? But maybe this time they will be on our side!

Yeah I think that the G-man is Gordon's Administrative sponsor as well. But that makes me think...what is the G-man's real name?!
I'm not sure whether it was in this thread or another thread (bah, too lazy to look right now!), but someone made a reference to an, "Agent Coomer." Maybe that's the G-Man's real name. But, who knows? Valve said there will be more info on the G-Man in HL2.

Heh @ G-man being like Agent Smith. "You hear that, Misssssssster Freeman? That'ssss the sound...of inevitability."

And also, I really hope Dark-Haired Scientist isn't back. Man, I hated that guy. He was such a could tell by his face he was a jerk. And plus, when he gives you the gluon gun and insults you by saying, "You don't look as if you have any trouble killing things!"
I said, aloud, "Nope, I don't," and blasted him with it.
You deserved to be insulted with an attitude like that ! ;) He's called Slick by the way

Isn't Greg Coomer a guy on the Valve team?

And yes, I believe the G-Man is Gordons sponsor.

And whatever anyone says, I still sincerely doubt he's future Gordon. So what is he? NSA? NASA maybe (probably not)? Or a Syphon-FIlter style Agency? Well, I am of the opinion that he works, in some way, for the US Government (hence 'misunderstood servant of the people'. Plus why the hell would they call him G-Man otherwise? If he wasn't they would have called him 'suitman' or something. There's soemthing not quite right about him to be sure but I really don't think he's an alien.
Theres no way Gman is an older Gordon as they have completely different features and hair.

Could be his evil, turned to the darkside, father though.
Agent Coomer is one of the ways he was referred to in comments in the original HL code, IIRC...
Mechagodzilla said:
G-man can't be gordon because he talks.

This evidence wins.

And it's pretty clear that G-Man is Gordon's sponsor. Matter of fact, when you're riding on the tram into the Sector C testlabs, when you pass by this radioactive spill there's another tram going in the opposite direction from you. It's passengers? None other than the G-Man, and some scientist.

If I remember correctly, the scientist is talking to the G-Man, but he's not even paying attention. He's looking straight at Gordon as he passes.

Besides, the only other person who knew Gordon and could have been his sponsor is Dr. Kleiner. It's mentioned in the manual that Dr. Kleiner refered him to Black Mesa...but he's not likely to be the sponsor.

And you know sometimes I doubt that the G-Man is even working for the government. Well, that is to say...BMRF was a government facility, and the Administrator might be a government official, but I think he and his G-Men might have something else going on the side.
I still don't think they're aliens, though. The "G-Man is an alien" theory never flew with me.
Whatever or whoever he is, he is a master of teleportation... That's what I think is in his briefcase, some sort of mini teleporter...
Well if you noclip inside it you'll see all he actually carries is a small computer and a picture of himself (nice hair).
You're kidding me... They actually put stuff inside the briefcase model?

Or are you really kidding me?