Dead Island gameplay video

Game appears to be finally fixed for Steam.
Am I the only one that has found no appeal in this game? I haven't been following it even in the slightest since I first saw a gameplay video a while back. L4D has ruined me for zombie games, it'll be a hell of a game to top those titles.
I can't place my finger on it; the game is simply boring.
Somehow, this page of has routinely managed to crash Flash in chrome. Good job, dead island.
Am I the only one that has found no appeal in this game? I haven't been following it even in the slightest since I first saw a gameplay video a while back. L4D has ruined me for zombie games, it'll be a hell of a game to top those titles.

L4D ruined you for zombie games? Really?

That didn't take much.
L4D is the least entertaining zombie-game series I've ever played. There I said it.
Can anyone who has the game tell me if there are any options for turning off some of those horrible HUD elements? I've heard there are some settings for it, is that true? And if so, how much of it can you turn off?
L4D ruined you for zombie games? Really?

That didn't take much.

Seriously? What's better? Since when did this become a L4D hatefest? I guess every game with universal acclaim has some haters just for the sake of hating. I'm not some kind of zombie game connoisseur, but of the zombie games I've played L4D far exceeds any of them. Up until that point no multiplayer experience the zombie genre had come close. I don't even know why I am bothering to defend my statement. The L4D games look so much better than this game I will probably never consider buying it.

Some gameplay from the patched version. Really enjoying this TBH. The slower pace from L4D really helps the mood.
I have no idea what you mean by that. You understand people can like and dislike different things, right? Like, even if IGN gave it a 9.
Seriously? What's better? Since when did this become a L4D hatefest? I guess every game with universal acclaim has some haters just for the sake of hating. I'm not some kind of zombie game connoisseur, but of the zombie games I've played L4D far exceeds any of them. Up until that point no multiplayer experience the zombie genre had come close. I don't even know why I am bothering to defend my statement. The L4D games look so much better than this game I will probably never consider buying it.

I think I found far more enjoyment in Dead Rising 2 than I ever did with L4D1&2.
Why are people comparing Dead Rising and Left 4 Dead. I will give you the similarities between the games:
They're games

That's pretty much it. One is a co-op action FPS the other is a third person action adventure. It's like comparing Company of Heroes to Red Orchestra because they're both WWII games.
I have no idea what you mean by that. You understand people can like and dislike different things, right? Like, even if IGN gave it a 9.

Yeah and the entire point of my initial statement was that I believe the L4D games are the best zombie games I've played and Dead Island looks boring in comparison. But apparently liking something and disliking another thing means the thing I like is terrible and I'm an idiot for having the same opinion as millions of people.
Why are people comparing Dead Rising and Left 4 Dead. I will give you the similarities between the games:
They're games

I'd like to mention the same thing in regards to Dead Island. The game is nothing like Left 4 Dead. Anyone who mentions "Left 4 Dead" in their Dead Island review has no idea what they are talking about. The games are nothing alike.
Nothing should be compared to anything unless they're exactly alike.
Quick review of the game itself so far-

The game is very addicting in singleplayer but without any real substance, just like Borderlands; the drive to come home after work and just kill monsters and level up is definitely there, but it always leaves you feeling awkwardly overindulged like after eating Burger King for the third night in a row. The game is definitely for coop (just like Borderlands again) and I expect the experience is quite different .

The game is open world with many quests, but comparing it to things like Fallout 3 is very generous. Even though it's open world there is no real drive to explore (again, unless with another player) other that to find more survivors with quests and more loot. For example, almost every area in Fallout 3 had it's own story, you could find computers, audio recordings, notes, etc. Not so in Dead Island.

The game's strongest feature, as mentioned many times before, is the combat. If you like melee a lot, and are looking for a challenging and unique slow paced combat system (and yes, the game does get very hard at some points) then this game is for you. If you are looking for story, interesting events and characters; then this game definitely not for you. The game is basically a template for a zombie combat survival simulator with some RPG elements injected, and that's it.

Nothing should be compared to anything unless they're exactly alike.

Condemned 2 shouldn't be compared to Painkiller.
Dead Island shouldn't be compared to Left 4 Dead.

Also you don't own Dead Island, so you have no legitimate reference.

This post worries me, but I guess I will see for myself in a few hours.

Interesting. I haven't had any problems since yesterday but for one crash, everything seemed to be working smooth for me.
Ok for the third time. I just said that it didn't LOOK FUN and that the LEFT 4 DEAD SERIES IS GOOD.

But yeah, I don't think people here understand what comparing actually is. You can compare absolutely anything to absolutely anything else. There are no rules in comparison. That's pretty much the exact nature of comparison.
I much prefer pizza to rock. Rock just isn't nearly as good as pizza.
Yeah and the entire point of my initial statement was that I believe the L4D games are the best zombie games I've played and Dead Island looks boring in comparison. But apparently liking something and disliking another thing means the thing I like is terrible and I'm an idiot for having the same opinion as millions of people.

Right, and your response to that was "you're just hating for the sake of hating." But hey, millions of people.

I agree though, for the record. I get why people don't like L4D/2, but I thought they were fun for long enough to justify the cost, especially in a 4-pack. Dead Island looks alright but I don't think it'd hold my attention for long enough to finish it.
Why are people comparing Dead Rising and Left 4 Dead. I will give you the similarities between the games:
They're games

That's pretty much it. One is a co-op action FPS the other is a third person action adventure. It's like comparing Company of Heroes to Red Orchestra because they're both WWII games.

Are you being facetious here?
On first glance, Dead Island could be nothing more than a particularly sunny L4D2 campaign. The range of melee weapons, the slow-pace of the exploratory crawl and the sudden mood change as a zombie spots you, or an alarm is sounded, or you are confronted by a mass of enemies. Whether or not it can be played third person is, I think, immaterial. The fact remains that it's a zombie FPS, set in abandoned and corrupted environments, full of questing back and forth, goals, avoidance, confrontation, and gore.

I can admit that it looks somewhat tempting, if only for a more refined, objective-based revamp of the gameplay of games like Left 4 Dead, but, as other posters have so sagely suggested, the worry is whether or not this spinning-out of a single idea can last for an entire game.
Have been having great fun playing this in single-player so far.

Certainly not regretting my purchase since it only cost me around 20 euro.
Have been having great fun playing this in single-player so far.

Certainly not regretting my purchase since it only cost me around 20 euro.
Likewise here. I think this game is a blast. I feel the melee is actually.. wonderful. The feedback you receive from hitting a zombie is just extremely satisfying. The story is of course going to be meh. It's a played out story. *infection hits the island *people become zombies *only so many are able to live *try and fight your way off the island.... The fact is the game adds in a little bit of an RPG element that I'm extremely happy about. Though, I wish it were more like a typical RPG such as WoW or just something along those lines. I want to start out as this shitty dude who is barely able to kill a zombie and then turn into this bad ass who can orgy-rape 100 zombies.
So did all the boats get destroyed during the infection outbreak, making it hard to get off the island?
Anyone know if you can eventually reallocate skill points?
So did all the boats get destroyed during the infection outbreak, making it hard to get off the island?

A monsoon is coming in a few hours or something during the game, so it makes sense that no one would want to leave by boat.
Not heard anything about skill reallocation. It would be nice to have though rather than starting again from the beginning! Should help with replayability though I guess!

There are boats all over the island, but like ZT said there is a monsoon coming. Though if I were in that situation I'd probably take my chances on a boat! :p
just bought the retail and I'm happy to see it's a STEAMworks game :D
add me on steam--->unozero