dead rising 2?

OK, I thought what he said meant you can't even play it if you don't have internet. That's too stupid to believe; I don't know why I even thought it.
Well, not sure what happens if you try to play a game on a PS3 not hooked up to the net when the game requires you to have a newer FW(Firmware) installed, I'd assume the necessary FW is included on the game disc, as with the PSPs required FW updates being included on the games UMD.
Well, not sure what happens if you try to play a game on a PS3 not hooked up to the net when the game requires you to have a newer FW(Firmware) installed, I'd assume the necessary FW is included on the game disc, as with the PSPs required FW updates being included on the games UMD.

D'yeah, I think that's what I was getting at.

I just hate. things. like this. I hate the control that corporations are assuming, or attempting to assume.

My cold dead hands, man.
Well, if you're offline and there's an update out for a game, you'll just play the game as is without updating.
bam23, we're not talking about updates for games though, there are titles on the PS3 that require you to have a specific updated version of the PS3 firmware(Hence, update for the console, not the game.)
Dead Rising 2 had the necessary firmware update included on the disk, happened to me.
Man, I've been really tempted to pick this up at some point. Sadly there doesnt seem to be a PC demo anywhere... the closest thing to that would be Case Zero and I dont have my 360.
quite tempted to get this. is it similar to the original in that there are people to rescue at random points during the three days? i loved trying and trying again to rescue as many people as i could. are the bosses just as over the top and out of place, though? i was never a fan of them in the original game, but i can stomach them enough if the rest of the game takes what made the first so great and runs with it.
quite tempted to get this. is it similar to the original in that there are people to rescue at random points during the three days? i loved trying and trying again to rescue as many people as i could. are the bosses just as over the top and out of place, though? i was never a fan of them in the original game, but i can stomach them enough if the rest of the game takes what made the first so great and runs with it.

It's basically the first game with new weapon combo system. Everything from the survivor rescues to the bosses are in much the same vein.
i'll probably pick it up this week sometime. a bold, possibly stupid move what with classes starting tomorrow and i'm already helplessly addicted to minecraft as it is, let alone the hours i log on halo: reach every night and now maybe this...

oh well?
The thing about Dead Rising to me is it seems to lack substance, like most of what Capcom publishes. Killing shambling zombies is great for a few minutes (demo!) but for $60 no thanks, I'll just play Left 4 Dead when I grave some zombie kill'uhn pr0n with 90s D kitsch plots.
I picked it up today for the 360, and I have to say that I kind of regret it. Yeah it's a good game, it's exactly the same as DR1. One thing I can't get over is the tremendous amount of loading times. There's a loading screen for everything, even for the short two second cut scenes. Again, survivors don't talk, but rather have text chat on the screen. One other small annoyance is when you're changing clothes, your character does this macho-pose thing he does for three seconds, leaving you an open target to zombies.

I haven't gotten too far, probably about 45 minutes in, and to me, it's exactly the same as the original other than the added combo weapons. Survivors are a bit smarter, and can fend themselves at times. I still don't like the bathroom saves too much, but thats just me. Once you forget to save somewhere, it's back to the beginning where you left off last. Guess I'll have to give it more of a chance, but it just hasn't struck me as brilliant just yet. Killing zombies can be entertaining, but only for so long...
Well that's a great news. I loved DR1 and the way they didn't change anything other than implementing co-op and multiplayer sounds perfectly fine to me.
i got this today, sadly i have uni work to get on with so i'm holding out from playing... until later.

tomorrow is going to be bloody fun (har har) what with this to play plus LFD2 for mac. spent the say listening to the now split band send more paramedics, who don zombie gear at their live shows and play hardcore punk/thrash crossover about the dead and deceased. blood fever!
I really do want to get this game, since I loved the first, I just have such a hard time justifying getting any new games currently because of how many I recently bought.:(

How's the competitive multiplayer(the game show)?
knut, it's L4D2, not LFD2.:p

i know, just don't usually put much thinking power into posts that are simply me telling the forum i'm excited for [PRODUCT] and that i'm going/have now got [PRODUCT]
Just about everything in this game bar zombie killing i found annoying.

I wanted to explore but everything has a timer on it. The save system is terrible and makes me want to kick pregnant women in the stomach. Little things like the constant bleeping of the walkie talkie and the fact that if you bring up the map while running it stops you dead when you close the map again. Boss combat is too dated and awkward to be fun. Oh yeah, ****ing quick time events too.
Get the PC version then. You won't have to worry about the timer with all those trainers out there.
Honestly, first playthrough should be without cheats, especially removing the timer system, do that on your second playthrough instead.

Otherwise you're not really properly playing the game.
i sank about a hour into rounding up some survivors last night then i died and had to go back on that hour and do it all again. i forgot how ruthless the save system is, but if you're playing this knowing what it was like in DR1 and complaining, then you're just fooling yourself in thinking it was going to be different. as annoying as it is, it really makes going out of the safe room a daunting, challenging affair. i like it.
This game is a rip-off at full price. I played the Dead Rising demo ages ago on the 360 and this doesn't seem much different.

The fighting's clunky and slow, and you having to wait for the animation to finish completely before you can move again. Little delay after being eaten before you can move again. The camera snaps back instantly after a strong attack completely disorientating you. I try and rescue people but they get stuck in the previously loaded zone forever. I jump of a tiny ledge with one bar of health and die. How shit.

All they had to do was take the 1st game, then make the controls more responsive. How did it take them so long to make the game?
This game is so aggravating. The save system sucks, the psychopath fights are over-difficult, and the movement/controls are so clunky. Just getting from point A to B is a pain in the ass too with the amount of zombies running around. You are basically forced to kill your way through even though that gets boring after the first few times.

They didn't really fix the mistakes of the first game.
That's why i said that you should get the PC version. I had plenty of fun with "beat the clock" mechanic under my control. This is a sandbox game and sandbox game should not include any ****ing timers.

Properly my ass.
This game is so aggravating. The save system sucks, the psychopath fights are over-difficult, and the movement/controls are so clunky. Just getting from point A to B is a pain in the ass too with the amount of zombies running around. You are basically forced to kill your way through even though that gets boring after the first few times.

They didn't really fix the mistakes of the first game.

Zombies are supposed to let you walk past?

Also, every psychopath has some sort of weakness or gap in his attack. I admit, it's not ****ing contra, but the boss fights are all engaging and actually difficult unless you carry orange juice everywhere you go.

The clunky combat? It's because you're like level five or something. You can't combine anything good yet, your stats are all low as hell and you don't even have access to 10% of his attacks yet.

HINT: You don't like fighting zombies? Find a cart and just push through them.

That's why i said that you should get the PC version. I had plenty of fun with "beat the clock" mechanic under my control. This is a sandbox game and sandbox game should not include any ****ing timers.

Properly my ass.
You can argue all you want, but this is PART of the game. It's a vital mechanic that makes Dead Rising exactly what it is. If you don't like it? Cheat. Just don't whine and preach that it shouldn't be in the game.
I've been playing using normal timing methods and have to say it doesn't bother me. There is a lot of time to the missions, granted you can't get them all done, but that is what new game+ is for. I think so far I have defeated one Psycho which was that dude in the bathroom. It took me a bit to beat him, but once I worked out his pattern it was easy. Also, taking on the Psycho's once you've levelled up a bit makes them easier.
I've been playing using normal timing methods and have to say it doesn't bother me. There is a lot of time to the missions, granted you can't get them all done, but that is what new game+ is for. I think so far I have defeated one Psycho which was that dude in the bathroom. It took me a bit to beat him, but once I worked out his pattern it was easy. Also, taking on the Psycho's once you've levelled up a bit makes them easier.

My biggest complaint is that it just feels like this game is a lot easier than the original. It might be because Case:Zero started me out at level 5, but I managed to get what was one of the hardest achievements of DR on day 1. (Escorting 8 survivors) I'm nearing day 3 and I think I've completed every side mission well ahead of schedule. At least, all the ones it's notified me of.

It also doesn't look like there's an achievement for rescuing every survivor either.

There are a lot more psychopaths and survivors than the original though.
You can argue all you want, but this is PART of the game. It's a vital mechanic that makes Dead Rising exactly what it is. If you don't like it? Cheat. Just don't whine and preach that it shouldn't be in the game.

How am i whining or preaching? I just don't like that function. And i am certainly not the only one that with that opinion. I am not arguing with anybody, newbski. I just simply made a suggestion to the guy. Vital? Hardly. Also, just because something is part of a game doesn't automatically make it acceptable. When i think of sandbox games, i think of fun, creativity and freedom. Yes, i will cheat because sandbox games should not have such limitations placed upon them. Therefore, i shall continue to use the trainers. :P
dead rising was never really a sandbox game, though. it's main selling point is the hundreds of weapons to use on hundreds of zombies, granted, but no one wants to just kill for an entire game so a story was laid down, missions and time limits to make them flow throughout the game so that you play from a start to a ''finish'' were made and then the zombie sandbox is just what goes on top of all that. that's how i've always seen the games, anyway.

all of that said, time limits or sandbox or not, i don't know how many times i've said that the dead rising games are designed to be played through multiple times. if you want freedom and creativity then go out and just ignore any time limits, go out and rescue who you want to rescue at your own pace and kill anything that moves until the ''story'' ends. play it again and then go through it properly with the time limits, then play it again and do a mix of both or whatever. by the sounds of it, people aren't up for the challenge that the time limits make and they simply want to beat everything in the game, during one run, in the most easy, efficient way as possible. pro-tip: it's a zombie game, people aren't expected to either stick around or survive everytime. save the 100% completion for another playthrough.
Personally I never managed to reach 100% completion in Dead Rising.

But at least I got the true ending and played through the extra story-mode after that.

You know, the one where
you have to find a cure to the bite for Frank and shit.
What is this? I started doing Case 1-1 with the time remaining in red cause I wanted to do as much stuff on the side before continuing with the story. Now I have to finish the whole case with that amount of time left? It's impossible. Figured that the timer was the time I had left before I had to initiate Case 1-1. And I haven't even got a load before Case 1-1 started so I have to start from the beginning or what? Guess I'll download the time mod or whatever it is even though I didn't want to.
What is this? I started doing Case 1-1 with the time remaining in red cause I wanted to do as much stuff on the side before continuing with the story. Now I have to finish the whole case with that amount of time left? It's impossible. Figured that the timer was the time I had left before I had to initiate Case 1-1. And I haven't even got a load before Case 1-1 started so I have to start from the beginning or what? Guess I'll download the time mod or whatever it is even though I didn't want to.

Yeah, I had that happen to me in the original game. Everything has a set time. Even future events.

I just multi-task between survivors and cases throughout the day. Just don't take survivors into psycho fights. The crazy cure kid cut up three of my survivors in like one attack :(
What is this? I started doing Case 1-1 with the time remaining in red cause I wanted to do as much stuff on the side before continuing with the story. Now I have to finish the whole case with that amount of time left? It's impossible. Figured that the timer was the time I had left before I had to initiate Case 1-1. And I haven't even got a load before Case 1-1 started so I have to start from the beginning or what? Guess I'll download the time mod or whatever it is even though I didn't want to.
Just start over from the beginning. Dead Rising is a game that doesn't necessarily have to be done linearly. It's probably more advisable to dick around and get to know the area and level up before you try to do the story.
ITT jelly and mad

I can't get enough of this game. Absolutely loved the first one and this one is everything and better. Spawning on my bro co-op style is icing on the cake for me, I goddamn love me some co-op.
had a frustrating time with the chef boss last night, nearly lost my shit at every time i died at his stupid regenerating health hands. just went out into the silver strip, found some cops with pistols and shotguns and returned. everytime he went to go eat, one shot to the back would stop him then broadsword when he got close. he very nearly had me at one point but luckily i managed to hit him with a shotgun blast just in time to kill him.
I just finished it. I got the true ending, unlocking overtime. I liked it alot.
I just finished it. I got the true ending, unlocking overtime. I liked it alot.

The last two bosses were kinda bullshit. The game's combat was never designed to make fights that controlled that tightly. Between getting punched off the platform as I was jumping onto it and the bosses turning 180 degrees instantly to put me into their attack combos, I just barely got through those fights.

I was hit by that guy's uppercut that knocks you to half a health bar left as I was trying to jump on the platform once. I then took the rest of my healthbar from the fall damage. **** that fight.