Dead Rising screens - X360


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Looks fun, nice graphics.




More ->here<-.
i like the idea that you're just some guy trapped in a mall and not some super-soldier or cop going out and fighting zombies... and those blood sprays look sweet, even if the textures on the character models are kinda weak, but so long as there's tons and tons of zombies onscreen should be great
oh man, are those bloodsprays actual dynamic 3d models? that would make my day...

EDIT: Of course not. What was I thinking? Would've been sweet though...
Here's to hoping they port it to the PC. This game would ROCK with user-made maps, or user-made weapons....
Game looks like it will lose fun factor mode and enter repetative mode within an hour.
Graphics aren't that impressive, but... OMG ZOMBIES.
Those screens look so damn cool! Have to say, that all the screens from the xbox360 have looked great!
Bah. Who the hell ever started the whole fact that zombies are slow, anyways? I believe in fast zombies!

The last screen is pretty damn cool, but no comp available to gamers would be able to real time generate that. Its just a promotion pic.

Wait wait... I just heard that guy in a video say something about... AI?

AI? For Zombies? Bah.:LOL:
Absinthe said:
Graphics aren't that impressive, but... OMG ZOMBIES.

Impressive if you consider how many polygons on one screen at any given time
Looks great, I will keep my eye on this one. Hope there will be a massive amount of weapons to choose from :smoking:
Icarusintel said:
i like the idea that you're just some super-soldier-guy trapped in a mall and not some pansy-ass regular guy going out and fighting zombies...

Blood looks great. Models look eh. World looks good. Game looks FUN!
This game gets my daily pwnage award!
ZOMG I hope it has coop!!!1111!!! :bounce: