Dead Space 2 Debut Trailer

Just got done beating the first one again yesterday. Really getting pumped for 2! Lots of good reviews coming out as well, although I only pay attention to the scores. I have been avoiding the videos like the plague. Tuesday can't come any faster!
The films do a decent job of filling in events not in the games, that's enough for me to buy them.
I'm going to need to beat the first one again to get all refreshed for this. I would have loved to get that replica Plasma Cutter & soundtrack with the collector's edition, but screw it.
apparently for you yanks, it's unlocked. goddamn it EA...making the rest of the world wait two days. fuuuuuuu
I'm not going to say anything to spoil the game, but I will say this:

Holy god damn this is good.
Pissed off I've got to wait till Friday for this, If I see another spoiler vid uploaded on Youtube by my subscriptions I'm going to scream!
Played it for a few hours. Definitely still manages to scare. I stopped after the part
in the church where the stalkers are hunting you.
My heart was racing and I decided to put it down for a while.
Played it for a few hours. Definitely still manages to scare. I stopped after the part
in the church where the stalkers are hunting you.
My heart was racing and I decided to put it down for a while.
That was pretty awesome. F*ck the sounds they make though. Christ.
So is the game that good or is it just the hype talking?
Who's this hype I keep hearing about? Is he related to the alot?
Just finished it (I've had absolutely nothing to do the past two days and three classes were cancelled, so... GAME TIME).

If any of you are wondering if this is better than the first, it most definitely is. The added enemy classes and new zero-gravity/puzzle moments are great additions. Visceral also added much more variation to the environment in comparison to the first game. The sound effects and taunting vibes you hear throughout the game are even better this time around. For example:
THOSE DAMN STALKERS, BABIES, and ****ing SPITTERS CREEPED THE SHIT OUTTA ME. Actually, I went outside for a smoke earlier to take a break from the game. At some point this lady, who was just walking by, wasn't able to keep control of her little leashed Pug. The damn thing scurried over behind me, whilst I was completely unknowing of it, and started making these fast scratching noises on the cement behind my feet. I literally jumped and almost spun around, screamed "ARGGHH", and smashed the hell out of it with my foot.
If you enjoyed the story from the first game, extraction, and movies, DS2 certainly will continue to please. Plus, give the multiplayer a try. It's pretty fun. I've only given it a single round so far, but I am enthusiastic about playing more.

Also, one more thing (ONLY READ IF YOUR AT THE LAST LEVEL. You'll know when that is).
Make sure to stick all the way through the end credits. ALL of the way through. Not just the first part or the second part. You'll, once again, know what I mean.
Game finally came out over here today, gonna pick up my CE on the 360 later.
Wow just beat it. I am impressed.
Why is Isaac so important for being a "maker?" Why does he have to die for the convergence to be completed?
Wow just beat it. I am impressed.
Why is Isaac so important for being a "maker?" Why does he have to die for the convergence to be completed?
I'm going to assume it is because of how much the Marker influenced him since the first incident.

Finished it. Exhausting. Awesome. I want to do it again.
Just reached

Returning to the Ishimura, at the bit where you reach the old decontamination room, and the atmosphere in this game just jumped from okay to ****ing intense. I missed the Ishi. It's good to be back
Just reached

Returning to the Ishimura, at the bit where you reach the old decontamination room, and the atmosphere in this game just jumped from okay to ****ing intense. I missed the Ishi. It's good to be back

I definitely felt more alone in that level than I did in the entirety of the first game.
Just reached

Returning to the Ishimura, at the bit where you reach the old decontamination room, and the atmosphere in this game just jumped from okay to ****ing intense. I missed the Ishi. It's good to be back

ya one of the best parts in the game for sure
did they add a shortcut for refilling stasis in this one? that shit annoyed the hell out of me in the first one...quick health yup, quick stasis nope! I don't even get why it or the air canisters for that matter wasn't autofill....when would the player ever want to be without these?
Bah, people on GameFAQs awful forums talking about how to use exploits to make the Hard Core achievement/trophy a breeze..

I guess it just gives me another reason not to find it impressive when people say they have beaten Hard Core since it's very possible they've just used those exploits.

P.S. I know GameFAQs is awful, but I browse and post there because the stupidity of that place makes me feel so much smarter than I actually am, since I am a lot smarter relatively speaking than the average GameFAQs poster.:p

Unlike here, where I am dumber than the average (regular) posters!
I take it now I'm right at the end:

After one of THE most annoying levels running away from the Regenerator while being attacked from all vents by Necro's I'm now at an amazingly annoying boss fight with Nicole

I was enjoying the game so much up until then.

EDIT: Ending made up for it :D.
It's definitely a game that you want to replay. I'm looking forwards to upgrading my weapons all the way.

Hand Cannon videa

Holy shit lol! I wasn't planning on beating Hardcore mode until I saw that. Can you up the difficulty this time on new games+?
oh ok then, was getting worried :P

I remember getting to around Chapter 6 and thinking I was about half way and I had only been playing 3 hours. By the time I finished it occurred to me that the later chapters take a lot longer to get through than the first ones.
Holy shit lol! I wasn't planning on beating Hardcore mode until I saw that. Can you up the difficulty this time on new games+?

Yes, but not for Hard Core, Hard Core you have to start fresh.

The achievement-whores/trophy-whores on the 360/PS3 have already discovered an infinite money glitch sadly, meaning people are having a "breeze" through it since they can max their equipment at the first store + upgrade station.

It apparently involves you buying two DLCs though.

I still say it's stupid to include such an achievement if you let a infinite money glitch slip through Q&A.