DeadSpace 1st look. Scarest Game on Earth?

Does anybody remember adventure games?

Yeh - they're too few and far between these days.

*hugs Metroid Prime: Corruption*

I want more games that focus on exploring and discovery. Infact, i'd love something set in space in which you're the only living being left in the universe (insert explanation here ... ) and you get to travel around, exploring dead planets and deserted cities, scavenging for technology and, perhaps, an answer of some kind. Basically the best bits of MP, but expanded 100 fold.

It's hard to convery any sense of loss, peril, wonder, joy etc in any game that involes lots of fighting.
In my opinion the question is: what kind of games do we want? They all end up being shooters with a storyline to drive events. That may be fine and funny (HL2 just to tell one), but if you want to be really absorbed in an interactive novel, they must raise from the grave the *adventure* genre. Does anybody remember adventure games?

I think developers must try to think more original

they can made shooters whit a storyline to drive events and such but at least trying to make it good and diferent

for example for this game one thing can be that you can explore the whole ruins of the space stuff solving "puzzles" or something like that to not keep everything repetitive,but all I see is the typical walk a corridor monster jumps and scare blablabla and that what makes me go "meh", well is EA so is not rare
Looks hot. Meh to all you "it's Doom3 ripoff". It's not like Doom 3 even has anything worth ripping off. ;) I like how they named The Thing, Event Horizon, and HL2 as some of their inspirations. The anti-gravity sections sound like they will be pretty cool as well.
That looked sweet.

I saw nothing Doom 3-esque about it besides it being set in a space facility.
That looked sweet.

I saw nothing Doom 3-esque about it besides it being set in a space facility.

what about walking in a dark but very iluminated corridor and suddenly "OMFG that thing that was in the floor and looked like it could jump to me has jumped to me! OMFG so scarey!!" thing?
I love how that trailer shows two instances of: Walk into new area and proceed to get raped by camping aliens.
what about walking in a dark but very iluminated corridor and suddenly "OMFG that thing that was in the floor and looked like it could jump to me has jumped to me! OMFG so scarey!!" thing?

Welcome to horror FPS/TPSes.

Plus it's set in an enclosed environment, there's only so much that you can do with it.
It's all very well saying 'We were inspired by Respected Horror Films Like Event Horizon And The Thing (tm)' buuut... the smart thing about Event Horizon was that it provided very unpredictable scares, since the ship itself was making shit happen.

With The Thing, the cool elements were the bizarre mutations people went through and the sense of not knowing who was infected.

With this game, you're removing all the unpredictability and unease of EH by replacing the inexplicable malevolent force with Generic Mutant Horde #28. Then it has none of the sense of distrusting your comrades that The Thing had, since you're the only one left alive.

So 'The Thing + Event Horizon' - which sounds cool at first - becomes just 'people freakishly mutate on remote spaceship'...which is generic as hell. Still, if there is a good enough story worked into it I wouldn't bet against it being a decent game. It's just that the setting looks hackneyed.
meh...."scariest game on earth"

Haven't heard that before
Is it going to be scarier than Chrysalids on terror missions at night?
Everything I saw so far were "BOO! I JUMP OUTTA CUPBOARD!" scares.

C'mon, I want to be excited about a game for once... >:(
Everything I saw so far were "BOO! I JUMP OUTTA CUPBOARD!" scares.

C'mon, I want to be excited about a game for once... >:(

They've got the whole System Shock 2 vibe going on, plus there's a sense of scale to this one that surpasses what's come before. It's clearly a very big ship, it's very dark and you are very, very much alone and ill equipped for combat. Plus the Zero G stuff looks well done.

A while back I was involved in the early beta for a MMO set on a huge crashed spaceship (Seed the game, sadly now defunct) and despite the fact the game wasn't combat orientated, there was definitely something deeply unsettling about wandering around this generally empty ship in the early hours of the morning.
To be honest, judging from the trailers, the game doesn't stand a chance of toppling my "Scariest game ever", Forbidden Siren 1 and 2 on the PS2.
The only game that's really been able to scare me is Stalker. Get your settings so at night time it's pitch black... then it starts raining and lightning out. It actually gets freaky when you're trying to get to area and you're in an open area with a bunch of troops and dogs... but you only see them when the lightning flashes.
It'll have its work cut out for it trying to beat Condemned for properly tense fear.
Looks quite alot like doom3 IMO. It could be good but i might wait for reviews there are loads of other games i want to try before this.
It seems like (hopefully) the biggest difference between this and Doom 3 is the amount of resources. For a game that was supposed to scary, Doom 3 gives the player a lot of confidence in the form of more guns, ammo, and health than anyone could ever figure out what to do with. So an imp jumps out and slashes me and I shoot him twice with the shotgun and kill him. I'm left with 100 armor, 92 health, 250 more shotgun shells, 50 grenades and rockets, a fully charged BFG and plasma rife, and more fully loaded guns that I have no desire to even use. A couple hours into the game you realize that you can easily deal with any kind of monster that Hell throws at you and the game just isn't scary. Hopefully Dead Space will constantly make you feel like the next monster will be the one that gets you, and yet you still manage to get past it, just barely. Or some great moments where you come around a corner and see something where you just have to turn around and run to safety to consider how exactly you're going to kill it with what little you have.
Similarity with Doom3:

1. Both sets place in space (technically, Doom3 takes place in Mars, but w/e?)

2. The main character is the only person who is alive (might encounter few survivors who will most likely get killed 10 seconds after meeting...)

3. Both games' plot begin after finding a strange artifact.

That's where all the similarity ends...
Hmm... Scariest Game on Earth? The game isn't even on Earth. And it looks like a Doom 3 clone.

It didn't even look scary to me... and games scare the shit out of me :(
tbh, I've sort of given up hope for a genuinely scary game to come out. Doom 3 was a standard shooter that was excessively dark loaded with monster closets. FEAR's scares were scripted and predictable, served as a great pacing tool but not much else. Condemned was a great game, I can't really put my finger on why it wasn't scary, it just wasn't. Ironically, parts of STALKER were scarier than all of those games even though it wasn't really marketed as 'horror'. System Shock 2 was the only retail game that scared the living shit out of me, to the point where I would hide in corners on the first level until I could work up the nerve to go on. What's strange is that, according to Ken Levine, he and the other developers of SS2 never knew they were making a really scary game; it just worked for some reason, and they weren't able to do it again in BioShock. My expectation for a game like Dead Space is that it will be intensely atmospheric and immersive; I'm not expecting to be too scared to go on. Games like that seem to be flukes, at least for me :(.

Edit: I almost forgot, the HL1 mod Afraid of Monsters is REALLY scary. It was incredibly well executed.
Dude, for a genuinely scary game play Forbidden Siren 1 and 2 on the PS2, they're creepy as hell, if you don't have a PS2 you're ****ed though.:)
Dude, for a genuinely scary game play Forbidden Siren 1 and 2 on the PS2, they're creepy as hell, if you don't have a PS2 you're ****ed though.:)

i liked the atmosphere in forbidden siren but its just SO hard work. you have to have a lot of patience
^Yeah that's true, the gameplay isn't the best but the atmosphere and story is great imo.

Btw, back on topic of DeadSpace, it looks meh, but I think the concept is intriguing and something that sohuld definitely be expanded on, imagine an OPEN-ENDED survival horror game set on a derelict spaceship, where you have multiple ways of winning(Such as repairing the ship partially, or finding a way to 'call' for help, etc etc).
I really hope the atmosphere lives up to the hype. I want it suitably scary and as open-ended and full of potential as Gargantou just said. :thumbs:
Similarity with Doom3:

1. Both sets place in space (technically, Doom3 takes place in Mars, but w/e?)

2. The main character is the only person who is alive (might encounter few survivors who will most likely get killed 10 seconds after meeting...)

3. Both games' plot begin after finding a strange artifact.

That's where all the similarity ends...

Plust the textures and models look exactly like some from doom 3.
Looks ok but Im betting its flops on release and I am still waiting for a game that can properly scare me, the closest I have been is tense and on-edge when playing parts of FEAR and Half-Life 2. Im about to do a proper playthrough of STALKER though so maybe that will do a better job. But scariest game on earth? I doubt it. Could potentially be good though.
Looks ok but Im betting its flops on release and I am still waiting for a game that can properly scare me, .

Have you tried ''Call Of Cthulhu''?
Its a bit old but it will indeed ''Scare the shit out of you
when I saw the trailer whit the overused stuff of monster lying in the ground that jumps at you when you walk pass them the whole "scariest game on earth" go downhill

just make a remake of alien vs predator
Gorgon, Aliens Colonial Marines is NOT a remake of AVP, get a clue.:(