dear CS e-sports players


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
To the People of the CS e-sports community, this post was brought on by bobob's comment in my last thread....

also i'm not being an elitist. there are gamers, then there are gamers who play damn much and get good and play in competitions. thats how it works. im just commenting being from both worlds.

here is what he said

Now, i added comments by what he said and wrote an "editorial" below that

Originally Posted by bobbob
> no shields (why not, you can turn them off)
> vehicles stupid idea (turn those off too, cs has 10000 maps with crappy HL1 box vehicles that try to be vehicles)
> forget cz (it makes money and it's fun, you're not god, just because you don't like it dosen't mean people who do like it shouldn't be allowed to play it. ugh.)
> stop making things idiot friendly (welcome to the internet. game developers try to make games as easy to understand as possible. since when is making games complicated fun...)
> aim at competitive esports scene - not kids playing on public servers (there are 10 of them for every one of you)
> esports is what makes cs big not the fools running around public servers (no, e-sports evolved from the great and addictive game that is cs. esports is taking it one bit further. people play CS because of the popularity not it's semi-professional player community)
> dont need new guns. stop changing existing guns. (i agree/disagree. don't overdo it)
> all of u shut up with ur crazy ideas which may make public more interesting (once again, 10 of them for 1 of you)
> dont change realism, fine as is (realism is crappy in HL1 because of the engine limits. the game is evolving)
> netcode is excellent - no need to change it (tech explanation would be long and unneeded but you sir are a moron)
> ask the top teams / event organisers (CPL) to give opinions not these kids. (ask the top teams and value their opinions more than those of the kids. and i mean Top teams, not regular old american cal-m/p/not top i teams)
> forget single player. you have allready got the best single player game in the world, you wont make 2. (i won't call you an idiot, but valve is a company and they try and make money, and valve is the most honest and public friendly money making entity in the game world... even tops blizzard some might say)
> remove awp delay like he said (just because you're good at it...?)
> make sure HLTV is ported to new engine (of course)

e-sports community = people that play on private servers in PCW's or scrims and play as clans, as opposed to random people playing on public servers

Recently, many people have been crying out for change and new features in the CS source, only to be met by harsh words from the e-sports community. Far too much I have seen e-sports CS players go "don't listen to those public server kids, they are idiots!" True that may be, many game players are young kids or random morons, but they are the life-blood of the CS engine, and you, the e-sports community play a secondary role to them.

People who play in private servers, aren't important compared to the magnitude of those that play in public servers. The whole CS community with their snazzy tricks and seasoned gameplay came out of the moronic kid-ridden public server land called counter-strike. They have de facto rules (see gamesurge), organized league structures, popular and mainstream game tactics and strategies. Now, the kids that are good at cs and have learned hard to do tricks and moves are scared that their little world of scrims, leagues, and lans, is getting a makeover. To them I say, you adapted for CS, now adapt for the new one. Just because you are used to the old one, dosen't mean they can't change it.

"But dassbaba CS is fun right now, they might ruin it!"
There are things that the original creators and valve would have loved to see in CS, but they couldn't because of the engine. There are things they wanted to do, but didn't for the sake of the existing community. There was a risk and they didn't want to lose their grip on the community for some silly changes. Now they have the community sleeping next to them in bed, and a gigantic opportunity for change (HL2). What do you think will happen. E-sports kids arent the center of the world.

What is valve? a company
What are they trying to do? provide great games and make money
Who is going to buy CS? The public server kids and e-sports kids.
Which one are there more of? The public server kids

Listen to the ones who buy. If valve specifically catered to a bunch of disenchanted gamers who want to stick to their regular game which they have played for so long and are scared of the risk of making the game suck, they would be out of business faster than micheal jacksons daycare center

If the CS kids think something is fun, and beg valve for this and that, they better listen to them rather than you. Most e-sports players beg for conservative changes to cs, like tweak this and that, but DONT DO THIS BLA BLA, which would have them still be good at cs. I'm not saying at all that e-sports kids have secret ambitions to stay good at this CS game, but that they don't want something new and subconsiously don't want big changes that would feel different to them. There are certain trends in games that a game has to follow to appeal to the mainstream community which buys their game. Now the trend is great graphics, improved physics, and big maps with interactive items on it. I'm probly going to get flamed for the "trend" thing but it's true. With new technology we are able to do more, and the new hot games are doing this.

The bottom line is- valve needs to....
*add HL2 engine stuff (you couldnt before and now you can so do it)
*not take away shield just because the CS kids think it sucks so much that they can't stand seeing it. YOU CAN TURN IT OFF! Some people like it.
*don't be afraid to add new weapons. there are a ton of new tactical shooter mods being made for HL2, and CS has to keep up with the flow
*listen to the general public and value opinions of the top teams more than that of the average gamer

to those who question my validity in saying these things, i'm an "e-sports" gamer turned pc gaming commentator/aspiring developer who has played at LAN tournaments, played in the top CAL CS divisions, and wrote for GotFrag and CSNation. For proof PM me on the forums. and check out the mod i'm working on in my signature. keke. zergrush^_^.

- dassbaba
Bah, whatever. Just make the game extremely customizable server side.
Wow, I had no idea I was a second-class citizen when it came to gaming... :O
Letters said:
Wow, I had no idea I was a second-class citizen when it came to gaming... :O

I added this.... for everyones sake

also i'm not being an elitist. there are gamers, then there are gamers who play damn much and get good and play in competitions. thats how it works. im just commenting being from both worlds.
The shield adds absolutely nothing to the game and ONLY makes it worse, speaking from both a pub and e-sports community stance :D. I would agree with you to leave it as optional only if admins of servers actually restritcted the buying of it when every person in the server complains. When a single person alone can change the whole game so drastically with the addition of 1 piece of equipment I think that says something, and yes it is that bad. You bring up a good point though that Valve is more worried about pleasing the pub crowd rather than the e-sports community crowd because there are simply more of them, if it wernt for the pub crowd i can almost gaurentee cs would still be stuck at version 1.3. I'm all for the addition of vehicles, new maps, objects in maps because we have had the same game for 5 years and I would prefer something refreshing. The e-sports community that is worried about CS changing too much shouldn't be because if all else fails they will stick with regular cs, also i highly doubt seeing the addition of vehicles and very large maps being something that is used in clan matches.
actually, valve is much more interested in pleasing the competitive CS community then they are people in pubs. It's DoD that they want to please the pubbers with, so DOD players get the shaft half the time.
ThomasToad said:
The shield adds absolutely nothing to the game and ONLY makes it worse, speaking from both a pub and e-sports community stance :D. I would agree with you to leave it as optional only if admins of servers actually restritcted the buying of it when every person in the server complains. When a single person alone can change the whole game so drastically with the addition of 1 piece of equipment I think that says something, and yes it is that bad. You bring up a good point though that Valve is more worried about pleasing the pub crowd rather than the e-sports community crowd because there are simply more of them, if it wernt for the pub crowd i can almost gaurentee cs would still be stuck at version 1.3. I'm all for the addition of vehicles, new maps, objects in maps because we have had the same game for 5 years and I would prefer something refreshing. The e-sports community that is worried about CS changing too much shouldn't be because if all else fails they will stick with regular cs, also i highly doubt seeing the addition of vehicles and very large maps being something that is used in clan matches.

go toad =D

alright fine, shield needs work...but maybe they can get it right with cs:s
The shield imo was added to help team play, but as publics have childish moron's on. There is no team play, and so the shield becomes an indvidual thing, used for camping etc. So they need to improve the team play somehow before they put the shield in. eg by making the whole team get frags for a plant not just 1 person and other things. Untill then its a waste of time. And even then it would have to be changed quite a bit.
I don't mean to say everyone on public are childish moron's, but a lot of them are.
To valve, i'd say don't listen to the 2% of people that play the game 24/7 and don't see the light of day... listen to the 98% of people that play the game to get fun out of it.

Make the game fun for the majority. Not for those that think they deserver better because they play for longer.
Yeah, but the publicserverkids dont make big competition events and publicity :P

But wasnt NoA comin' up with a proversion ?

Then the publickids have their easy funny game and the pros have their competition verions. Wow, great. We are all happy now!
Neither do the CAL-Z players.

The competitive community make up %1 of CS players. But some are among the most arragont and vocal epsically when the n00b cannon got taken away :P And all complained that they where leaving! Well guess what CS now has more players then ever.

Please dont make everything idiot proof but dont listen a very tiny minority of the players they do have good ideas but it's usually only beneficial to their segment of the gaming world.
^Ben said:
Neither do the CAL-Z players.

The competitive community make up %1 of CS players. But some are among the most arragont and vocal epsically when the n00b cannon got taken away :P And all complained that they where leaving! Well guess what CS now has more players then ever.

Please dont make everything idiot proof but dont listen a very tiny minority of the players they do have good ideas but it's usually only beneficial to their segment of the gaming world.

1%? Half the players in a pub will have some sort of stupid tag on! I'd say competitive players make up atleast 40-50 percent of the CS community.
ZEROarmy said:
1%? Half the players in a pub will have some sort of stupid tag on! I'd say competitive players make up atleast 40-50 percent of the CS community.

no.... it's less than that

i'm not saying don't listen to competitive cs gamers, just don't think of them as coming first

cs is a product, the average consumer is not some semi-pro cyberathlete

the average consumer dosen't want to play some olympic-esque game where it's played out like some big game where if you lose, it's some big tragedy and you analyze your shots

the average consumer wants to have fun and see cool stuff on their screen

and the average consumer dosen't want to inherit evolved old technology, like this quickswitch garbage

don't get me wrong, i'm not a pretentious or egotistical induvidual but i'm a damn good awper and ive won my handful of matches/pcw's with awp shots thanks to the quickswitch, but taking it away was a small step to making cs more realistic and different which is what valve is trying to do i guess

:flame: bring it on skeptics
Dare i say it! i might just incur the wrath of %50(HAHAHAHAHAH YEH RIGHT!) of the CS community.

Im super glad they took away the fast switch for the AWP. Why? because it was an exploit simple as that! I've seen an awper take out 4 guys from pretty close range using the exploit, and im sorry but that is a serious exploit and makes the AWP way to powerfull. The AWP should be used in a support function not as it was being used.

And don't get me started on how all the "pro" players where gonna leave(lol!) well looks like either they came back or people like me who where sick of the newb cannon and the exploits that came with it. Because im looking at the steam status page and golly gosh 114,000 before the awp exploit fix i hardly saw it go over 100,000.

So there you go.

Most of the "pro's" who complain about the shield being way overpowered and newbish where also the "pro's" that where whinging and screaming and having temper tantrums when the AWP fix was implemented.
Paintball has this exact same problem.

Comp paintball is another level compared to rec balling. However what comp paintball don't get is the tiny effect they have on the paintball market.

Here's a splice

It doesn't matter to a company if a comp player forks out £1500 on a top line paintball marker/computer as the punters outnumber you 99 : 1. Comp players should be greatful of the support they get from the industry as what little benift financially they get from having superstars of the industury (Actually I can name a few Pro Paintballers like Olly Lang, Yosh Rou<sp?>, Chris Lasoya, Nicky T from the UK, but anyone name a pro CSer?) they more than loose to prises and such. Games are there to have fun, people play CS in a comp level because they get a higher rush than just puntering. However Companies are there to make money. They get money from punters.

In another perspective its like the UK only doing what the top 1% gross income earners say (wether they do or not well thats another topic) While they're surely the movers and shakers joe public has a much more important role in the shaping society by vitrue of shear numbers.

And remmeber Zulu, you can't win vs numbers :)
Raxxman said:
Paintball has this exact same problem.

Comp paintball is another level compared to rec balling. However what comp paintball don't get is the tiny effect they have on the paintball market.

Here's a splice

It doesn't matter to a company if a comp player forks out £1500 on a top line paintball marker/computer as the punters outnumber you 99 : 1. Comp players should be greatful of the support they get from the industry as what little benift financially they get from having superstars of the industury (Actually I can name a few Pro Paintballers like Olly Lang, Yosh Rou<sp?>, Chris Lasoya, Nicky T from the UK, but anyone name a pro CSer?) they more than loose to prises and such. Games are there to have fun, people play CS in a comp level because they get a higher rush than just puntering. However Companies are there to make money. They get money from punters.

In another perspective its like the UK only doing what the top 1% gross income earners say (wether they do or not well thats another topic) While they're surely the movers and shakers joe public has a much more important role in the shaping society by vitrue of shear numbers.

And remmeber Zulu, you can't win vs numbers :)

i went paintballing with some friends a month ago, and the bruises from this experience are still on body