Death Star vs. Borg Cube

Who wins in a battle?

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Jun 30, 2003
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Who would win in a battle?

Death Star or Borg Cube?

Think about it.

Death Star-
-Size advantage
-Way too many Tie Fighters that it can launch
-Way too many Strom Troopers
-Darth Vader
-the equivalent of a planetary defense system ie: the laser cannons in the trench

Borg Cube-
-Adaptable shielding
-Nano tech self regeneration
-Smaller so it has more manuverability than the Death Star
-Way too many Borg drones(that can assimilate other people)
-Can launch a Borg Sphere(s)
-Teleporters( should only work if the death star'sshieds are down)
-Hive Mind/Borg Queen (better organization)

Both have-
-Tractor beams/Gravity Wells
-Phaser/Laser weapons

I don't know if the Death Star can modulate the frequencies of their lasers to work against the Borg. I'm also assuming that Phasers are a lot more powerful than regualr lasers because if you watch the shows/movies, the borg don't shoot too often but do a lot of damage; The Death Star shoots a lot and doesn't seem to do a lot of damage.(10 phaser shots = 150 laser shots) I'm also assuming that Borg shielding is resistant by laser fire but can still be overwhelmed if there is enough of it. The D-Star's shielding is weaker to Phaser fire but it's a really freaking powerful shield...

So you decide, who wins?
Death Star.
A cube versus a sphere of doom, easy choice.
Its a trap!
deathstar = moon sized, with millions of inhabitants, and millions of fighters
borg cube = 1000 crew members and methinks its adaptaive shielding is pretty much pwned by the superlaser
gh0st said:
deathstar = moon sized, with millions of inhabitants, and millions of fighters
borg cube = 1000 crew members and methinks its adaptaive shielding is pretty much pwned by the superlaser

Yeah, but that's where the Borg's manuverability comes into play. After all the Death Star cant exactly turn very fast to target the Cube... It can't shoot what it can't aim at.
Puny little cube runs up to death star and fires it self dry, death star turns and uses big ass laser, accidently destroys a planet behind the cube. As ghost put it, pwned.
Like I said before, how it the Death Star going to use its laser on a target that's too fast for it to target?
yeah but its the same theory as shooting a big ass phaser at the moon. its not exactly going to do much. that, and with the tie bombers and interceptors swarming the cube, and the deathstars constant stream of turbolasers... dead ass borg.
also the zero-g troopers that the DS carries. and darth vader would just fly out and rape with his lightsaber.
The adaptive shielding will take care of the Tie Fighter and Tie Interceptor lasers. Drones will assimilate any troopers that make it in the Cube.
Even Darth Vader isn't going to be able to handle 50,000 Drones
i believe that drones need to poke people with their little injector things. how will they be poking stormtroopers? or vader?
lasers arent phasers, so you dont know if they will be able to adapt to anything

... i think ive lost at least half of my reproductive power in this geek-thread so thats my last post.

edit: even 50000 drones wont be able to handle the millions of troops, because there is something to be said for melee. BAYONET CHARGE!!!
1.The Borg are the most advanced species in the galaxy. They use disrupters and phasers, where the Empire uses lasers. Tie fighters will be no match.

2.The Borg are so advanced because they assimilate cultures. They can assimilate any species, including non-humanoid. With all the technology from thousands of cultures, one is bound to be able to defeat the Death Star.
Death Star I was destroyed by two proton torpedoes through an exhaust conduit. It was a poor design flaw that the rebels exposed. The Borg can easily scan the ship and find that, not they they'd be likely to want to destroy the ship.

3.The Death Star would only be able to get off one shot because of the Borgs ability to adapt. If they don't destroy the ship in the first shot, they're doomed.

4.The Borg can travel much faster than the Empire. If a Borg cube is damaged, it could send a subspace transmission back to the collective, and using transwarp technology, another cube would arrive in minutes.

The Empire is simply outgunned, and out of luck. The last transmission they will ever hear is "We are the Borg. We will assimilate you culture. You biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to that of our own. Lower you shields and prepared to be boarded. Resistance is futile."
Anthraxxx said:
With all the technology from thousands of cultures, one is bound to be able to defeat the Death Star.

Then how come the Cube thingys couldn't ever take on a couple of Federation Starships when they're captained by the Main Character of the movies/story? The logic of both these sci-fi galaxies never solidly holds up from one point to another.
meh. Howcome one puny X-wing shot the vital parts of a giant space fortress? Same reason the Federation can fight against the Borg.....storyline.... The good guys gotta live somehow.
yeah, remember that borg have that teleporter thingy. Once the borg get into the storm troopers then they can control them. But on the other side darth vader has the force and his jedi mind tricks. And then there's the fact that the death star an uncovered vent going to it's super explosiver reactor for some reason. I bet they hired partime student spaceship architects to make that one up.
star wars makes more money than star trek.

problem solved.
I think for a first encounter and if the Empire was dumb or slow...the Borg would win. Long fight til shields down somewhere and the Borg come on board.
If the Empire didnt take too long then the Empire would win.

I think the main weapon on the death star would put the borg away. I mean, it destroys planets...
i never thought the death star had laser? i thought its main weapon was a antimatter cannon? u see in the movie that they first activate the guide laser then a beam of light flies down the laser corridor and blows up a gigantic planet.

no way the borg whimps would ever withstand a blast that takes out a planet.

like that startrek geek uses to scream,

* the shields cant hold it, we have hullbreach, GET DOW*BOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!

and the deathstar has more fighters aswell it could send out, bombers and the like, no the borg cube would suck against a death star. and if there was anyone with dark side jediforses umboard the deathstar it would give it even more strenght, as he then could anticipate the borg collective mind, it would probably be like a gigant speaker box screaming at him, RESISTANCE IS FUTILE; BLA BLA BLA BLA, before the deathstar particle accellerated antimattergun blows a wad in theyr øgly faces..
hmm. where does the idea come from that phasers are soo infinitely better than lasers, superlasers, turbolasers, and planet destroying megalasers. The Death Star doesnt just have 1 big laser and a bunch of pissant little lasers, it has 1 big laser that will destroy anything it hits, about 5,000 turbolaser cannons that would fry any star destroyer, cruiser, or supercruiser in 2.7 seconds, thousands more superlaser cannons that torch any incoming starfighters, and probably actually doesnt have any of the weaksauce regular lasers that starfighters have. Plus the death star harbors a fleet of dozens of Star Destroyers, a Cruiser or two, and millions of TIE fighters, bombers, defenders, and ATIE fighters. the average SD has 500 turbolasers and around 7000 super/regular laser cannons. The Death Star is protected by a planetary based shield that would eliminate a cube before it even got within firing range. Now about the Borg assimilating/adapting shit. There is no way anything can adapt to absorb trillions of terawatts per second of power bombarding it via 5000 turbolasers. You cannot deflect pure energy indefinitely without an immense gravitational field that would take the energy of twelve suns to maintain, and since twelve suns cannot fit within a borg cube, and there is no more efficient or productive form of energy than nuclear fusion, no ship could withstand that massive a barrage of energy.

and about stormtroopers....they are crack troops trained from birth, cloned from the most prodigious fighting master of all time. the only reason they suck in the movie is because if they didnt, the whole trilogy would have been over before it really got started.

and lets leave Vader out of this, because he could take on the whole borg nation singlehandedly.
Darth Vader alone could take on the Borg Cube! He'd just force grip it and throw it at the nearest star, let's see them adapt to THAT!
Shuzer said:
Darth Vader alone could take on the Borg Cube! He'd just force grip it and throw it at the nearest star, let's see them adapt to THAT!
Exactly! :D
The borg would never be stupid enough to send in just one cube against the death star. The borg have many thousands of cubes, but the ones where there is only one cube (like in first contact) is only when it is sent against a weaker advesary over thousands of lightyears. If the borg wanted to take the death star, they would send many many cubes and spheres, but would still probably get pwned.

BTW turbolasers are said to be many many times more powerful than phasers (but its all made up anyways, so who knows?)

but, the general consensus is that if turbolasers were actually lasers, they would not be able to penetrate the multiphasic startrek sheids, but of course, star wars fans say "they're really plasma"
theotherguy said:
The borg would never be stupid enough to send in just one cube against the death star. The borg have many thousands of cubes, but the ones where there is only one cube (like in first contact) is only when it is sent against a weaker advesary over thousands of lightyears. If the borg wanted to take the death star, they would send many many cubes and spheres, but would still probably get pwned.

BTW turbolasers are said to be many many times more powerful than phasers (but its all made up anyways, so who knows?)

but, the general consensus is that if turbolasers were actually lasers, they would not be able to penetrate the multiphasic startrek sheids, but of course, star wars fans say "they're really plasma"

..been to many StarWars/StarTrek conventions lately? :LOL: nah, just kidding :)

I agree, though, that the Borg would ultimately get pwned
Shuzer said:
Darth Vader alone could take on the Borg Cube! He'd just force grip it and throw it at the nearest star, let's see them adapt to THAT!

Damn right!
actually yeah, i got into a very heated debate with some star wars and star trek fans in some trekkie board long ago that went on for 20 pages!

and all of the star wars fans kept to referring to, a heavily biased site that has a bunch of lists of made up facts about made up universes
The death star and a borg cube are not even comparable.....

the borg cube could sit there for a week blasting away and not even destroy 1/1000 of the second deathstar.

borg cube vs a star destoyer would be a better fight.
and about stormtroopers....they are crack troops trained from birth, cloned from the most prodigious fighting master of all time. the only reason they suck in the movie is because if they didnt, the whole trilogy would have been over before it really got started.

Yeah, but they're rubbish. ;)
As for the fight, all this speculation is pointless since not only are both vehicles from completely different universes but these universes are not accurate and subject to change by the scriptwriter any time it takes his fancy. But who cares?
The death star would win. Why?
-Even though it is very vulnerable to a small scale fighter assault, against a big fat borg cube, well, those laser batteries are going to do some damage. And the borg don't have any small fighters that could slip through.
-The borg's assimilation is useless. For a start, you try poking a stormtrooper, see what happens. Plus, they couldn't get close enough to board without being shot to pieces.
-The borg can adapt to ST phasers. No doubt. But who knows whether they could adapt to turbolasers? They definetly couldn't adapt to torpedos and missiles. Then there's the superlaser/antimatter projector/whatever. And if all else fails, I hardly think a star destroyer doing a kamikaze attack into the borg cube would be 'futile'.
God, this makes me sick! You all make me sick! SICK!
-EDIT: How could I forget? The Death Star has more fans.
We got death star. We got death star. We got death star.
Couldn't help it. :D
it would be a cool fight though. 1000 cubes against the/a death star.
Asus said:
We got death star. We got death star. We got death star.
Couldn't help it. :D


....and you know that we got it. and you know that we got it.

Thats mighty good gin and tonic r2. why dont you mix me up anotha ;)
sorry if someone has said this, but come on ppl, the starwars technology is about lasers and shit. ****ing stone-age compared to star trek tech. there was some episode of st:tng where the enterprise went up against some spaceships equiped with lasers and they basically were making fun of them to their faces or something. a single borg could take over the entire deathstar in a matter of hours. the "super laser" would have no effect on a cube at all.
I think a better battle would be the Borg vs. the Empire. Period. I think the Borg would win. In a full scale war the Borg would dominate. They have assimilated so many races and so much technology that the sheer number would be simply overwhelming. Unless the Stormtroopers have infinatley modulating weapons their guns would be useless after a few shots. They would adapt to Darth Vader's lightsaber and despite his awesome force power he would be overtaken by a flood of drones. Is it possible to assimilate Darth Vader? I don't know. The Death Star lasers and Star Destroyers would wreak havoc on the Borg, but they couldn't match the Borg's massive numbers and unbeatable co-ordination.

At least that's how I think the scenario would play out. I'm no expert, it's just fun to think about :D. And the Borg aren't even the most dangeous things in Star Trek.

Q>Species 8472>Borg>Federation>Romulans>Klingons. What about the Scimitar vs. a Super Star Destroyer?


Edit: Yeah, Timmy, I remember that, but can phasers destroy a planet? I think the Death Star laser is a very special one. But it can't be fired often and I don't think it can hit a fast moving target.
Anthraxxx said:
1.The Borg are the most advanced species in the galaxy. They use disrupters and phasers, where the Empire uses lasers. Tie fighters will be no match.

2.The Borg are so advanced because they assimilate cultures. They can assimilate any species, including non-humanoid. With all the technology from thousands of cultures, one is bound to be able to defeat the Death Star.
Death Star I was destroyed by two proton torpedoes through an exhaust conduit. It was a poor design flaw that the rebels exposed. The Borg can easily scan the ship and find that, not they they'd be likely to want to destroy the ship.

3.The Death Star would only be able to get off one shot because of the Borgs ability to adapt. If they don't destroy the ship in the first shot, they're doomed.

4.The Borg can travel much faster than the Empire. If a Borg cube is damaged, it could send a subspace transmission back to the collective, and using transwarp technology, another cube would arrive in minutes.

The Empire is simply outgunned, and out of luck. The last transmission they will ever hear is "We are the Borg. We will assimilate you culture. You biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to that of our own. Lower you shields and prepared to be boarded. Resistance is futile."

what he said :thumbs:
Anthraxxx said:
1.The Borg are the most advanced species in the galaxy.

hate to make this all technical and geeky but i thought Species 8472 were the most advanced species? i believe they're the only race to have successfully repelled the borg, but i'm not sure whether they're from this galaxy or another.

EDIT: sorry, ElFhurer got there before me, well spotted mate.

a lot of you are missing the point here, the borg are more manueverable (sp) than the death star. yes the giant laser could probably rip through the borg cube, but what if it misses? the laser takes hours to recharge again (and you can check this with any star wars site, i've done my share of nerdism back in the day). so let's say the death star fires off one shot, and misses, what then? turbolasers and tie-fighters/bombers? well, all your tricks have been pulled out of the bag. also, the borg have way superior technology than the empire has, so i'm sure they'd find a way to lower or get through their shields, then it's only a matter of time. there is no way in hell the death star would win that scenario. darth vader would put up a good fight but i don't think he's powerful enough to repel every single drone, eventually due to his age and sheer weight of numbers he'd sucumb to the real dark side.
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