To hell with Sudden Death!

Does Sudden Death stink or not?

  • It stinketh

    Votes: 28 40.6%
  • Can't smell anything

    Votes: 31 44.9%
  • Meaningless 3rd comedy option that screws up the results

    Votes: 10 14.5%

  • Total voters
I kinda like the idea of a shorter timer. 30-50 seconds could do it. Also the 'no ammo' idea is okish, if you make it so basically all the pickups are removed but you can still get ammo from a dispenser or from enemy guns.
Also the 'no ammo' idea is okish, if you make it so basically all the pickups are removed but you can still get ammo from a dispenser or from enemy guns.
Isn't that exactly how ammunition works in Sudden Death right now?
Well, the ammo and health packs are there if I recall correctly. They just don't respawn when picked up.
[Not true. They persist through the round, although they are unabled to be repaired, if that's what you meant.
In sudden death? They always do for me.
i go spy in sudden death and get behind the other team and pick them off 1 by 1 until someone sees me...
You only get the ammo boxes in sudden death.
I personally think sudden death should only be used in tie break situations. If one team has more points controlled than the other on a CP map they should win, more captures on a CTF map they should win, and possibly if the defending team on gravel pit has A B and C still uncaptured they should win. Hydro is a tough one, because you could just call it a flat out draw and neither point is taken, but personally I don't mind sudden death so for me it can stay there. I'm sure there are more permutations I have missed there but thats roughly how I see it.

Oh, and engineers should be limited to only the highest scoring one in the previous round ;)

I personally think sudden death should only be used in tie break situations. If one team has more points controlled than the other on a CP map they should win, more captures on a CTF map they should win, and possibly if the defending team on gravel pit has A B and C still uncaptured they should win. Hydro is a tough one, because you could just call it a flat out draw and neither point is taken, but personally I don't mind sudden death so for me it can stay there. I'm sure there are more permutations I have missed there but thats roughly how I see it.
Agree, but on Hydro you battle to win rounds so you could apply the same logic as 2Fort.

Oh, and engineers should be limited to only the highest scoring one in the previous round ;)
Don't agree with this. I prefer no ammo packs or medpacks: only dispensers and dropped weapons can give ammo, and dispensers and medics can give health.
I personally think sudden death should only be used in tie break situations. If one team has more points controlled than the other on a CP map they should win, more captures on a CTF map they should win, and possibly if the defending team on gravel pit has A B and C still uncaptured they should win. Hydro is a tough one, because you could just call it a flat out draw and neither point is taken, but personally I don't mind sudden death so for me it can stay there. I'm sure there are more permutations I have missed there but thats roughly how I see it.

Oh, and engineers should be limited to only the highest scoring one in the previous round ;)


Sudden death doesn't happen on gravelpit or dustbowl, If blu don't have the points before the time runs out then red win.
Dustbowl and Gravelpit are my favourite maps because they have no sudden death. I didn't actually notice that they don't have SD until you just pointed it out. :/
Sudden death doesn't happen on gravelpit or dustbowl, If blu don't have the points before the time runs out then red win.

I was having to think about this when I posted. I couldn't remeber what happens if the map timer runs out and for some reason thought it went to sudden death then lol.

The problem I have with engineers is that far too often there are like 3 on each side bunkered in and thats it for the last minute or so. There either needs to be less of them, or some real insentive to move out of your base. More often than not winning the round doesn't seem as important as actually surviving it to some people.
And yet I really don't like it. This is because 60% of the times a game goes into sudden death for me, people switch to defense roles, turtle up in their base, and the game dwindles down to the final second with everybody being a loser. And watching people sit by their sentries or snipe from their base for another three minutes (if you're unfortunate enough to die) is extremely irritating. Especially since I think respawn times at 20 seconds are bad enough.

Maybe they should change it so that you can't change class in Sudden death and you have to play as what you were playing when the timer ran out.

As for the melee only SD rounds on servers, i've been playing on a server recently that had this option and each time SD has ended with one of the teams winning it simply because people are basically Forced to go on Offense because they can't sit back smashing away on a sentry, they can't stand in a dark corner waiting for someone to snipe etc etc etc.

It's maybe not the best solution to the real "issues" with sudden death but it's sure as hell a good temporary one!