Death Star vs. Borg Cube

Who wins in a battle?

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Imagina if the Borg could adapt to the Giant Laser.

Everytime the Death Star fired they would be more powerfull.

«Resistance is futile»

But how would they assimilate Darth Vader? hmmm....
King Borgs?

*edit*And now we can see who voted! I thought that was supposed to be mod priviliege.
Wouldn't this be inspired by
For me its quite simple cause the Borg CANT adapt to the death laser... They might as well try to adapt to death, and we all know they havent done that yet :)

Then again, the Borg could simply transport into the core, sneeze on it and watch it go boom :p
It's too unfair.

The Borg, as they don't attack if you don't interfere (or something like that) wouldn't attack the Death Star 1st and if it fired the Uber-laser, well....BOOM!

But, if it didn't, if it fired the turbolasers 1st, and the Borg managed to adapt to the Death Star's laser modulation...that galaxy far, far away would probably be entirely assimilitated.


Now what about Galactical Empire against Romulan Empire?
Those guys had some serious weoponry.
Remember the Scimitar from «ST:Nemesis». I bet it could take the Death Star.

Scimitar - cloaking abilities, planetary annihilation weaponry, several defense/offense batteries of both phasers and multiple kind of torpedos launchers.

Death Star - planetary annihilation weaponry that can also attack heavy craft, several defense batteries but relies totally on fighters or other kind of support to offense against medium/small-sized ships.

Now imagine - Scimitar cloaked, attacks the Death Star with its Teleron (i think this is its name) radiation and annihiliates everyone inside the Death Star but leaves it intact for further destruction.

The Galaxy would fall to the mighty Romulans.
Borg Cube pwns all!

ElFuhrer said:
I think a better battle would be the Borg vs. the Empire. Period. I think the Borg would win. In a full scale war the Borg would dominate. They have assimilated so many races and so much technology that the sheer number would be simply overwhelming. Unless the Stormtroopers have infinatley modulating weapons their guns would be useless after a few shots. They would adapt to Darth Vader's lightsaber and despite his awesome force power he would be overtaken by a flood of drones. Is it possible to assimilate Darth Vader? I don't know. The Death Star lasers and Star Destroyers would wreak havoc on the Borg, but they couldn't match the Borg's massive numbers and unbeatable co-ordination.

At least that's how I think the scenario would play out. I'm no expert, it's just fun to think about :D. And the Borg aren't even the most dangeous things in Star Trek.

Q>Species 8472>Borg>Federation>Romulans>Klingons. What about the Scimitar vs. a Super Star Destroyer?


Edit: Yeah, Timmy, I remember that, but can phasers destroy a planet? I think the Death Star laser is a very special one. But it can't be fired often and I don't think it can hit a fast moving target.

I remember the second death star killing a lot of rebel crusers in ep 6. I also remember that the sun crusher had taken a fewe hits from a prototype death star.

So needless to say i think that the empire would win. the only problem that the empire has is that they think on a grand scale. Snub fighters can get through the death stars defences but capital ship will die.
Also darth vader and the emperor ar involved. And dont think the remaining jedi would sit by and watch there worlds get assimalated.

Also remember it takes a few shot before the borg can adapt. One shot from the death star and thats one borg cube gone.
ElFuhrer said:
Q>Species 8472

The Q wouldn't involve in «inferior beings battles». And who are «species 8472» guys??

thenerdguy said:
And dont think the remaining jedi would sit by and watch there worlds get assimalated.

Now if we are talking about the whole galaxy in despair, maybe the Jedi would join in and the Borg would hv to get a new cachline since resistance from the whole Resistance and the Empire together would not be futile.They would manage to take out a a couple of armies before.
But if we're going to be fair, then the Romulans and the Klingons would have to join the Borg. And in that case, «total assimilation»
All the Borg cube has to do is get in the way of the Death Star's giant laser and, *blip*'s gone.
would we get in trouble if we made this into a single mod? death star wersus borg cube.

making the deathstar isnt a problem ive made big stuff before and i will love to make a simplified version of it. borg cube isnt exactly a difficult task eighter, i say 1 month of modelling and they would both be done. anyone want to help out making this mod?
Come now, don't be foolish. Death Star people, give it up!
i take it some of you haven't done your research or aren't very big star trek fans. the reason why borg cubes are so hard to destroy is because it is not just one huge cube. it's made up ot lots of little smaller cubes. so if you destroy one cube, good job son, there's another 500 to go.

someone said the borg could never adapt to the it's an energy weapon like any other. the mon calamari cruisers in Return of the Jedi took two super laser hits, and those were from the second death star, which had a far more powerful laser. so if we're talking original death star, then the laser is weaker, and takes hours to recharge. so i doubt the first hit would finish the cube off. it might take out the shields completely and possibly take out a layer of cubes but heck, it ain't gonna desotry the cube.

and i'm sure the borg would find ways to assimilate stormtroopers, they don't wear armour on every inch of their bodies.
From my personal view, the Borg Cube will be pwn3d by the Death Star. These are the reasons:

*I'm a Star Wars addict and fanboy
*The Star Wars phenomenon is pure magic, way cooler than Star Trek (sorry to all those who like Star Trek, just my personal opinion.. Don't send me bombs , please)
*The Death Star has such a large amount of troopers and starships(tie fighters and such) that it'd be easy to completely surround and invade the Cube. Remember that we have only seen percents of the full strength of it in the movies.
*The defense system of the Death Star is very advanced and could fend off an attacking army quite easy. In the movies there were only a small amount of dudes that survived being near it.
*Remember that the rebels had to steal a code to pass through the massive shield surrounding the Death Star in ROTJ ? Yup. Would be hard for the Borg to pass through it.
*Darth Vader would woop ass if being part of the batallion that'd invade the Cube, and with his forcepowers I highly doubt he'd even be close of getting killed.
*The Superlaser. 'Nuff said.

I don't know much of the Borg and it's advantages.. I'm sorry of that too. Although for this post to be a reasonable one I have to come up with the stuff that'd make the Borg win.

*If they could get a few fighters at a time to get in the generator thingie, they'd win easily.
CrazyHarij said:
*Remember that the rebels had to steal a code to pass through the massive shield surrounding the Death Star in ROTJ ? Yup. Would be hard for the Borg to pass through it.

remember, the borg technology is way in advance of anything else. if they can get through federation shields they can get through pretty much anything.
Dedalus said:
i take it some of you haven't done your research or aren't very big star trek fans. the reason why borg cubes are so hard to destroy is because it is not just one huge cube. it's made up ot lots of little smaller cubes. so if you destroy one cube, good job son, there's another 500 to go.

someone said the borg could never adapt to the it's an energy weapon like any other. the mon calamari cruisers in Return of the Jedi took two super laser hits, and those were from the second death star, which had a far more powerful laser. so if we're talking original death star, then the laser is weaker, and takes hours to recharge. so i doubt the first hit would finish the cube off. it might take out the shields completely and possibly take out a layer of cubes but heck, it ain't gonna desotry the cube.

and i'm sure the borg would find ways to assimilate stormtroopers, they don't wear armour on every inch of their bodies.

Ahh, thanks for letting us puny mortals know that! In that case I guess it'd be more of an even battle.
But I still believe the Death Star would win. :cheers:


remember, the borg technology is way in advance of anything else. if they can get through federation shields they can get through pretty much anything.

Ahhh.. I almost suspected that.
Darth Vader alone can manipulate them and make them float out of the Borg Cube and into the vacuum of space.
Their adaptable shields are no much for a light saber.
Lightsabers can deflect all of their shots.
Vader's attunement to tEh Farce alone can defeat them.
He can sense the proximity of the bolts of laser and use tEh Force to go to the speed of thought and dodge them.
-Vader has the legendary lightning.
Tredoslop said:
Darth Vader alone can manipulate them and make them float out of the Borg Cube and into the vacuum of space.
Their adaptable shields are no much for a light saber.
Lightsabers can deflect all of their shots.
Vader's attunement to tEh Farce alone can defeat them.
He can sense the proximity of the bolts of laser and use tEh Force to go to the speed of thought and dodge them.
-Vader has the legendary lightning.

vader does not have lightening...only the emperor does. if vader could sense all the borg and defeat all of them all at once, why doesn't he do it in the movies? maybe because he can't actually do that. he's not a god you know, he's just very powerful with the force. also i doubt a lightsaber could deflect a barrage of quantum torpedoes.

also i think another point some of you are forgetting is that the borg wouldn't steer right into the path of the superlaser, that'd just be plain dumb. so if the borg steered clear of the superlaser, it would mean the empire would have to put the death star into a slow orbit in order to turn it around to face the borg. another point is that the borg wouldn't engage the death star from far away, they'd get up close and personal. who in their right mind would give the empire a chance to fire at them anyway. they'd last longer near the surface where the superlaser can't fire. so that pretty much takes your superlaser theory out of the basket.

sorry if i'm being uber geeky today...maybe i should be defending star wars....or maybe not...anyway, borg win i think, can't see the empire coming up with anything drastic to defeat them apart from self destructing the death star so it takes both of them out. and even then you'd probably still get some sneaky borg who cheated death. they're tough to kill you know.
"We are the borg. All your base are belong to us. Make your time"

"Oh noes! Help me Darth" Generic Captain

No Bieeshooow (Light sabre)

Everyone loses after Freeman teams up with the Master Chief and they kill everyone.
Dedalus said:
vader does not have lightening...only the emperor does. if vader could sense all the borg and defeat all of them all at once, why doesn't he do it in the movies? maybe because he can't actually do that. he's not a god you know, he's just very powerful with the force. also i doubt a lightsaber could deflect a barrage of quantum torpedoes.

also i think another point some of you are forgetting is that the borg wouldn't steer right into the path of the superlaser, that'd just be plain dumb. so if the borg steered clear of the superlaser, it would mean the empire would have to put the death star into a slow orbit in order to turn it around to face the borg. another point is that the borg wouldn't engage the death star from far away, they'd get up close and personal. who in their right mind would give the empire a chance to fire at them anyway. they'd last longer near the surface where the superlaser can't fire. so that pretty much takes your superlaser theory out of the basket.

sorry if i'm being uber geeky today...maybe i should be defending star wars....or maybe not...anyway, borg win i think, can't see the empire coming up with anything drastic to defeat them apart from self destructing the death star so it takes both of them out. and even then you'd probably still get some sneaky borg who cheated death. they're tough to kill you know.
Just because Vader never used lightning dosn't mean he dosn't have it.Pretty much every Sith can do it.
And he dosn't have to deflect quantum torpedoes, he can just push them back.
This is weird actually...Who wins in a fight between two bad guys anyway? Do they both lose after America saves the day by sending out a computer virus that disables them all?
thenerdguy said:
I remember the second death star killing a lot of rebel crusers in ep 6. I also remember that the sun crusher had taken a fewe hits from a prototype death star.

So needless to say i think that the empire would win. the only problem that the empire has is that they think on a grand scale. Snub fighters can get through the death stars defences but capital ship will die.
Also darth vader and the emperor ar involved. And dont think the remaining jedi would sit by and watch there worlds get assimalated.

Also remember it takes a few shot before the borg can adapt. One shot from the death star and thats one borg cube gone.
Yeah, but think about how many Borg cubes there are? Not to mention the spheres and all their other ships. The Borg have enough ships to populate virtually every corner of the galaxy; they're everywhere. The space around the Death Star would so saturated it would even be hard to move.
then you put in all the star destroyers, victory star destroyers, super star destroyer(s), and all other capital ships and lancer frigates and escort frigates and numerous bounty hunter craft.

they too are in nealry every corner of the galaxy.
The Death star would get raped, first off the storm troopers are like russian farmers like world war 2, thier more likely to kill eachother or have thier weapons blow up in thier faces then kill a borg. On the other hand Borgs like you said can adapt, and they are super smart, AND can assimilate all those ussless storm troopers to use the mas cannon fodder.
gh0st said:
then you put in all the star destroyers, victory star destroyers, super star destroyer(s), and all other capital ships and lancer frigates and escort frigates and numerous bounty hunter craft.

they too are in nealry every corner of the galaxy.

If your allowing the imperials to have re enforcements remeber about all the borg re enforce ments too. the borg have assimiltated hundreds, thousands, mabe millions of planets.
waedoe said:
The Death star would get raped, first off the storm troopers are like russian farmers like world war 2, thier more likely to kill eachother or have thier weapons blow up in thier faces then kill a borg. On the other hand Borgs like you said can adapt, and they are super smart, AND can assimilate all those ussless storm troopers to use the mas cannon fodder.
The borg's shields can't adapt to a light saber.
And don't they run on a nearby power node?
You can just destroy that and you'd already gotten rid of like 7 borgs.
And they're SLOW & Stupid.
Darth V alone can rape them all.
Tredoslop said:
The borg's shields can't adapt to a light saber.
And don't they run on a nearby power node?
You can just destroy that and you'd already gotten rid of like 7 borgs.
And they're SLOW & Stupid.
Darth V alone can rape them all.

hahhahahaha, u wish D V could take just sad that lucas has brain washed all u mofo's
waedoe said:
If your allowing the imperials to have re enforcements remeber about all the borg re enforce ments too. the borg have assimiltated hundreds, thousands, mabe millions of planets.

The Empire at its height had enough firepower to destroy planets without the need of the Death Star.
If you nerdy borg collective is so precious waedoe, then why does TeH Death Star winning?
Tredoslop said:
If you nerdy borg collective is so precious waedoe, then why does TeH Death Star winning?

kause ur a bunch of noob fan boiz
Javert said:
The Empire at its height had enough firepower to destroy planets without the need of the Death Star.

*at its hight* any how the borgs would rather *ASSIMILATE* than destroy.....
Oh...okay-I don't know much about t3H star trek
I thought there was just one, I heard of something called teH Borg Cube
Death Star, its got a Planet Buster and is the size of a moon. If its lasers couldnt penetrate the cubes's shields just blow the crap outta it with the cannon
This is a message to all those who insult eachother and yell and use bad grammar to convince with their point of view; I.E Tredoslop and Waedoe. If this isn't the case and everyone's fine and calm, then I've just not read enough of this thread.

Guys, please no insulting here. Everyone has their own opinion and just because one guy says something he won't be able to convince that other guy.

My opinion is that the Death Star would win.
Waedoe's opinion is that the Borg Cube would win.

I'm completely fine with that, I don't want any fight or anything..

But just one thing to all Trekkies and Star Wars-fanboys: Do you actually find it being cool with something that is completely invincible ? Not able to get any kind of damage, just woop everyone's ass? The last time I thought something like that was cool was at an age of 5.

A question :
Doesn't the Borg Cube have any kind of weakness? Could they just rule the entire universe if they just felt for it or what?

The Death Star has many weaknesses, the easy way to the generator is but one of them.
I think it'd be a pretty even fight though.

Cheers guys, please remember that your lives don't depend on this! :cheers:
The borg Cubes cant just adapt their shleids so they cant be blown up you know. The cubes are too big, only drones can completely adapt. I think it would end up as an amazingly cool space battle that hopefully the emipre would win simply because the idea of the borg is worse.
CrazyHarij said:
A question :
Doesn't the Borg Cube have any kind of weakness? Could they just rule the entire universe if they just felt for it or what?

The Borg were only stopped by the Federation Fleet, and by Picard's knowledge about them and their weak points. And their shields can't adapt to phasers, only the drones can to small weapons. But the're incredibly resistant if you don't know were to fire.
And they do hold a major part of the galaxy but they don't attack when they don't have to. Their oficial policy is - «don't interfere and we don't kill you»
The Star Wars ships are exponentially more powerful then the Star Trek ships, from official numbers, an X Wing is as powerful as the Enterprise D.
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