decal through walls

Gizmo DK

Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score

My problem is that I can see decal through walls.... I dont know what to do so I dont can see dem through the walls so plz help me....
Have tried that ... And they are very thick but I can still see them ... ;S not so clearly like before but I can see them..... And they are thick ... If I make them very very thick they I still can see them through the walls... :S
Hmm... Sounds strange. What graphic card do you have (And do you have the latest drivers?).

Lastly, does this happen on your map only?
and this is a standard decal? I've notice there are a few textures that aren't occluded by walls, specifically HUD textures.

Probably not the issue, just thought I'd mention it.
hmmm... It the pic of some weapons I have make decal... Can it be because they not are normaly decals or is it ? ... :S
use func_overlay or whatever it is. Shift-O
Then just select the face you want to be effected in the properties window.

Another question about overlays then.

In cs_italy, how do they do the hanging clothes? It's a texture. Is it just the clothesline thing applied to a nodraw? I don't remember how it was used in the map actually, but it's in the texture files under cs/italy. Is it possible to apply it to a func_illusionary so that you can walk through them?
When I make overlays they not are turning right... and when I turn them around they cant see them... ;S
hallo.. plz help me... when i use the overlays they are turning wrong but when I turn they right they are done..!
hmm, are you using textures imported from spray-logos?

If u do.. don't ;)

I don't think you can flip decals, but you can cut out the brush with the clipping tool so it will fit the deacl and the use the face-editor to swap get it right...

I often find the decal is reversed (which is annoying for things like clock faces.
Trying to rotate it causes all sorts of problems.

I would like to know why this happens and how to do it properly.
a problem i have is when i make custom decals, they have a problem showing up well in hammer, then in game they look ok if I am looking stright at them but if its at an angle they kinda feather away sorta. Whay is this?
But decal i can see though the walls... I want to make overlays.. and it is when I turn them I don't can see them.... heeelp me plzzz
Get the overlay turn now... but it make the map **** up ;S This is how it looks with the decal through the walls :

Can someone help me with that... ?
... They already told you that you couldn't use the weapons for decals. GG NO RE.