Default Health of NPC resistance members?

Lunacy Fringe

Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
What is the default health of NPC resistance members for console? And what is it for Combine soldiers? IT seems when you spawn a NPC member vs a combine soldier the resistance member always wins because i think they have more health. I want to make the combine and resistance Health the same.
Citizens have 40 health, and Combine soldiers have 50, if that's what you're asking for.
I think they are different with armor and without because the ones withotu armor die really fast... And by that I mean like hostages in CS.
sfc_hoot said:
Citizens have 40 health, and Combine soldiers have 50, if that's what you're asking for.

well..that makes me feel a lot les satisfied with finishing that game...
Sars said:
well..that makes me feel a lot les satisfied with finishing that game...
and if citizens have 40 and combine have 50, wouldnt the combine win?
ne0_shiny said:
and if citizens have 40 and combine have 50, wouldnt the combine win?
Well, that would depend on the amount of damage that the character takes. For example, if you have a group of citizens shooting at a Combine soldier (50hp), each bullet would do about 3 damage per shot (say 4 shots per second {4x3=12} x 5 citizens = 60 damage total in 1 second) Technically, the Combine would be killed in one second. :O And of course, there's damage multipliers, example, if you shoot someone in the head, the damage dealt multiplies by 3, I beleive.
I think the health of this combine soldiers can reach to 90 and above wen set to hard difficulty.