Degeneration of HalfLife2.Net

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My coin of shadows keeps werewolves at bay, for they too are mortal beasts, and the shades walk where no mortal can. And they can re-e-e-a-ach, right through your chest, and close their fists around your heart. Thus I fear, but not werewolves.

Also I just want to comment that what Sulk said, while said in jest, is profoundly sad. The forumite pouring over the story of the beast, sympathizing with the animal and yet unknowing of the man. It tries to understand, to rationalize, to compare and contrast and yet it cannot, because the forumite is a beast, too.
Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up!

Hey, I do like your story!

I like it enough to print it, read it every night before going to bed, read it every day before breakfast, show it to my entire family and believing werewolves exist and that they are outside my house waiting for me to sleep...

No, seriously, I like it. Why do you think so many people actually believed it? BECAUSE IT WAS WELL WRITTEN! You even looked for pictures! D:

I feel bad for the raccoon.

The poor raccoon didn't deserve all that... So painful :(
I could have sworn I titled this thread 'Digression.'
Wut happenz?
Sorry, I just hopped in here at the end. It's probably been pointed out already, but the larger issue isn't the "digression" of, but the degeneration of the English language. Digression is not the appropriate word for the subject matter.

I've been a supermod for ages, ye numpty

The thread title annoyed me so much I changed it. Now that's moderation.

This happened.
Now... werewolves... :E
And Raziaar's story. I'm trying to convince him it was well written.
Raziaar wrote a story? I only saw like, this page, and I haven't read the last 4 pages, so fill me in. XD
And whar is his story?
I'm afraid to search for my werewolf thread.

I'm embarrassed by it. I can almost guarantee it I'll read it and think "Oh my god... what shitty and unconvincing writing I did"

Because it's true.

This is the story. I found it and his secret was revealed to me. Actually it's not even a secret but oh well.
The Melancholy of is the next thread in the series, look for it in stores soon.

On a side note, anybody want to play Vampire: The Requiem? :D



I'm afraid it is beginning. I mean, several threads on 4chan within the last 2 weeks? Good Lord, I bet Darkside has gone crazy by now. I remember when the slightest mention of 4chan sparked a fairly small flamefest, and then it was forgotten about. Now, supporters? What?! Danimal is nearly nowhere to be seen, he just doesn't come around very much anymore. The death of the Newbie forum was harsh~ It might have caused a small portion of this. Threads malignantly breaking the rules. A thread about suicide? I mean come on. Really, the only way to contain such an epidemic would be to create a spam thread, but the administration doesn't want that. It would be pointless anyway. I mean, I appreciate the few threads where we can have a hearty discussion, where someone doesn't come in and ruin it by posting some crappy meme, someone else laughs, and then someone else gets mad. A good example of a nice thread was that thread informing us that Marijuana now has Vending Machines in California. It may not seem like it, but I do love debating. A nice debate with the few... intelligent members of this forum is very enlightening, and I've learned a whole lot from these forums. So, let's go into the off-topic forum and look at a few of the threads.. hmm..
*Captain Crunch or Captain Morgan
What? What kind of pointless poll is that? I mean, it's not like Bowsniper hasn't already made a few hundred pointless polls. I've made a few as well, but everyone does at some point. As Vegeta said, This forum is slowly turning into 4chan. Whatever happened to Munro, anyway? I haven't seen him around. Our founder, not around? What does that tell you?
A: We're screwed.
B: Nothing is wrong.
C: Insert compulsory vaguely funny poll option that does not have anything to do with the actual poll.


Anyway, let's look at another thread...
*Orange Box contents to be separated at sale.
Not bad. Not bad at all. A completely normal, informative, essential thread made to tell the readers that.. well, the contents are going to be separated. but OH LOOK, the thread turns into a mindless brawl over 'why shud i buy teh ob it has like 5 games, i alrdy own 2 of them so i must b losin monies.' You are not losing money, and no, they are not baked into the price. They are FREE. Really, you're even getting a discount off the original 3 games, EP2, Portal, and TF2, Of about $20. Who can ****ing argue with that price? Apparently someone can.

Now, let's go into a less-traveled forum.. say.. Fan Fiction and Reading.
Gosh, I do love reading.
Hmmm.. A completely normal forum. Nothing out of the ordinary or stupid, besides the rare horrible fan-fic someone writes.

Really now, what is going on? I'm fairly afraid of what the future of will be, what with Episode 3 just beyond the horizon, and the fate of our community. Why don't we get together to play more? Why not get together, maybe we could all play a hearty game of Company of Heroes, or whatever. Steam Community has brought us closer together, but not close enough. What we need? We need to abandon using 4chan as a form of laughter, and come up with our own. I've heard of a time before mine, when inside jokes were abundant, and newer members wouldn't understand. Such times can still be seen by Glenn(?)'s comic. Also, be respectful to your '03'rs. They've been here since the origins, and deserve a bit more respect than us recent joiners.

I just look at society, and it makes me sadder every day. What have we become? Really, look inside yourself. Is this really who you are? Have you been infected by the 'Anonymous' factor? Perhaps yes, perhaps not, but either way you won't act as you do if that person was next to you. We have such a short, meaningless life, and if you don't do something with it, who will remember you? If you read a peasant's name from 1266, it's accurate, then their life was meaningful. They were remembered. What will society remember you for? Even Hitler was memorable, in a bad way, of course. But he made an impact on our way of life. Do you think, some day, future members of, if it's still in existence, will look back on us with respect? Likely not. They won't give a shit. Do you want to know who will be remembered forever? Einstein, Edison, all these people made major advances in science, and in life itself. They made it possible so we could talk on forums all day and play video games. What will you do? Will you make a major advancement in life? Maybe you will invent something that is revolutionary, bringing on a whole new age of thinking? No, you'll be playing Team Fortress 2 all day. Yes, it's fun, but really, is it meaningful? It only brings on immediate pleasure. But working toward a good job has long-lasting pleasure, perhaps not immediate.

Think about it.

I lol'd.

That is possible the best crybaby picture ever. It's like, on the edge of crying.
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