Demise of Half Life soon ?

donkeyhumper said:
I also apologise if this is a terribly naive suggestion but perhaps HL2 will be able to run all existing HL1 mods (kinda emulate / just have big chunks of HL1 code).

I dont think it'll run them straight out, as the engines are different, But Valve has said the mods would be easy to port to the source engine so they can run. not sure how though as im not a mod person, someone on here will know... but the SDK hasnt been released fully.
I just hope they are carefull and make sure the new stuff really is better. For those who played jedi outcast... the dueling was awesome and really fun, then they released jedi academy and everyone switched to that. shortly thereafter everyone stopped dueling because, well, it sucks by comparison even though they "added lots of new moves and saber types."
Academy was just a rubbish game, selling off the back of the good game (in parts) that was Jedi Outcast. Half-life 2 is different, valve know what they are doing.. and the sole point of the game isn't about dueling with light sabers...
Dont you worry Rocketman9mm :)
chimpmunk said:
You're dumb
it's not because your parents paid you an upgrade that everyone can afford it all the time...

Get a job you bum. Your posting on the intarweb about a video game that isnt out yet. That means computers are a big part of your life. It costs next to nothing to save up a few weeks and upgrade one peice of your machine at a time.

Boy, i sure love poor people holding back the advancment of games. Day of defeat had the same problem. People wouldnt upgrade their commadore 64s so they couldnt make the best quality skins and models they could.
chimpmunk said:
hey, i've got a job, i just spend my money elsewhere, on music (records and stuff, like a guitar)...

Then dont bitch and call people dumb.

If your lazy its your own fualt.
Did you learn music so that you could be "that guy who plays guitar" and whip out your guitar at partys have have hot women sitting around you begging you to play songs?
Yearly upgrades is part and parcel of PC gaming...least if you dare to go beyound windows solitair.

I think the HL based mods will linger around, maybe get a FINAL release. No additonal support (updates) but will be available to download as free Valve classics. I wonder if Valve will drop the CD Key requirment for the 'classics' and feature them as a totally free games.
urseus said:
Did you learn music so that you could be "that guy who plays guitar" and whip out your guitar at partys have have hot women sitting around you begging you to play songs?

OH I know those types of guys, they're the ones who can only play the first half of Stairway to Heaven and sing like castrated dogs.
Theyll come to a party, and spot the guitar and start playing a few riffs. If you give them the slightest amount of attention, they start singing songs and a few people pool around them. They do it for the illusion that someday they will be surrounded by chicks.

2 of my friends play guitar. One does this, ther other doesnt, and told me about this steriotype.
I don't get why some people hate Steam so ****ing badly? I mean it has all your games right there, updates them automatically, you have a buddy list a server list that you don't need to load up the game for, just double click on the server it loads the game and takes you in server and it can be skinned to your liking.

Sure yes it does have bugs but nobody is perfect and it will all be fixed. I just think some people like the stone age and want to stay in caves instead of moving on.

But yea I bet some people will try to emulate the WON system just so they won't have to go to steam lol.... for some reason people are really really desperate I bet.
The reason why alot of ppl hate steam is CS 1.6, because they changed some stuff like the awp and scout delay and some other stuff. Well now you can actually play CS 1.5 (or some ppl are in the process of makeing it to where u can) on steam. I dont think they should stop allowing you to play HL with reg engine through steam because some ppl are just casual gamers or dont wanna spend money to upgrade, when they are fine with what they have. Dont get me wrong i upgrade all the time and i hate it when developers deceid to cut back on a game cause ppl dont upgrade that often.
urseus said:
Did you learn music so that you could be "that guy who plays guitar" and whip out your guitar at partys have have hot women sitting around you begging you to play songs?

maybe :cheese:
ASnogarD said:
Yearly upgrades is part and parcel of PC gaming...least if you dare to go beyound windows solitair.

I think the HL based mods will linger around, maybe get a FINAL release. No additonal support (updates) but will be available to download as free Valve classics. I wonder if Valve will drop the CD Key requirment for the 'classics' and feature them as a totally free games.

wouldn't tath make the HL series abandonware? i think it's gonna be a couple of years before VALVe give HL for free, after all, like starcraft i guess it still sells a lot.
There's always the small portion of the half-life 1 community that lacks the hardware power for HL2... but they will almost definitely be abandoned. I doubt many new patches will be released, but the old games will still be in service via steam for online play.