Demo coming?


Aug 9, 2003
Reaction score
Do they have a demo ready for the tokyo game show? I f so i hope they release it for the fans. I read that they would let people try out the game! Can any confirm this?:cheers:
We don't know, but VALVe is probably standing by the fact that they will not be releasing a demo before the game is out.
If ECTS was any indication, the old E3 footage will be shown in Tokyo.
I hope we will see new stuff but i doubt it...
No, they don't have any new stuff. Yes, I'm sure, and its somewhere in the Valve info thread (page 21 I think).
I've gone through the demo vids over and over and I can now perfectly mimic the movements of Gordon with my mouse and keyboard.

Once you get that down, it's just like playing the game....FOOL YOUR FRIENDS!

yes. there will be a demo. Obviously!! duh!
I hope that they'll release a somewhat playable bench demo soon to keep the ppl busy, and don't do the same mistakes like the many canceled releases of doom3, which made the ppl lose the interest, and doom3 forums dead.
You make an excellent point however. IF they do have a playable demo @ the Tokyo game show then I would make a wager saying that on the 30th they would probaly release it. Big "IF" there though, you can never, ever be certain with Valve.
ya know, there may be a demo before the game comes out. why? because valve said there isnt' going to be one. and as we know, what valve says, take with a grain of salt
Originally posted by Obz
yes. there will be a demo. Obviously!! duh!

errrm no there won't man only after the release. (if that)
Originally posted by poseyjmac
ya know, there may be a demo before the game comes out. why? because valve said there isnt' going to be one. and as we know, what valve says, take with a grain of salt

not likley, but lets all hope so:bounce:
maybe 6days before the final release they will change thier minds and release a demo before hand ;)

Ya really - just a room with a kiddie pool + some watermelons to throw around! That would do for now....:(
id be happy to get a level thats just a room with alyx and a gravity gun
They did say they wouldn't release a demo before the game, however, this was before the delay announcment. Things may change ...
Originally posted by poseyjmac
id be happy to get a level thats just a room with alyx and a gravity gun

haha yeah a posable Alyx doll! whoops....