Depressed mother cooked baby on stove

swiss said:
People seem to be claiming that this woman is sane, and only pleeding insanity so she wont be shut away. If so, then under what circumstances, do MOTHERS kill their CHILDREN>?
When this kinda case comes along, it is obvious that she is most likely to be mentally ill, because people dont like killing their own children, therefore you dont really have any explanation as to why there would be a motive for here to kill her baby child; which means that she was too ill to know what she was doing.
Also people seem to be very shocked about this, especially because it was only a baby. I dont understand why it should be more shocking than the burning to death of an adult. The fact that its a baby, means that it would not have feared its death and had no idea of the world around it, it also had no future aspirations because its too young.
Therefore I think the killing of a baby, is better than the killing of an adult; because the mental capacities of babies, are far less developed then an adult.
That said of course it is still sad, just at least she didnt burn an actual person to death...

Post-natal depression, could cause a mother to hate or kill her child, its a bit naive saying that the only reason that she would of killed her child, is because she is mentally ill.

It also seems like you are suggesting, that;

A. a baby does not count as a person.

B. it doesn't really matter that a baby should die.

Correct me if I'm wrong, thats what it looks like to me though.
Angry Lawyer said:
I really don't want to reply to this thread, considering some close people in my life have schitzophrenia.
The people in this thread who think someone with a mental disease should die because of something out of their control are the ones who are truly sick.

-Angry Lawyer

Yeah, I'm amazed at the greed and lack of compassion that some people have. Killing her to save you money on mental treatment is disgusting, I can't believe some people have sunk that low. Whatever happened to civilization and trying to help your neighbour?
Posted by Shodan:
Post-natal depression, could cause a mother to hate or kill her child, its a bit naive saying that the only reason that she would of killed her child, is because she is mentally ill.It also seems like you are suggesting, that;

A. a baby does not count as a person.

B. it doesn't really matter that a baby should die.

True that I over-looked post natal depression, and I understand that often thats a reason for mothers killing their babies. But I was merely making the point that its highly unlikely and uncommon for healthly, mentally stable mothers to just randomly kill their baby; so mental illness is a likely cause, as well as depression, because both have effects on one's ability to think rationally.

On what you said about me implying babies arent persons; that is correct.
I think a person is a being that can communicate, have relationships, and think of itself existing in a future/past state or place, and can reflect on its existence.
Therefore I dont consider a baby to be an actual person, nor do I consider an adult in an irreversible coma or in a vegstative state a person.
However that DOESNT mean Im suggesting its ok for a baby to die, just that the life of a young baby should not be considered equal to that of an adult, because a very young baby holds none of the qualitites associated with being a person. The fact that it has the POTENTIAL to be a person, doesnt mean that it is one, that would mean we would have to give the same rights to foetuses in the womb.
The main reasons why its bad to kill babies, is because of the harm done to its parents and relatives, that is why when the parents want its baby to die if its severly mentally ill; it is justifiable.
We have to face the fact that babies/foetuses do not have the same mental capacities as adults, so they shouldnt be viewed as the same.
KoreBolteR said:
wtf... she should be jailed.

they all say "oh im mentally ill", and "oh oh, voices told me to do it".

stop whining, and get behind bars, i say.

Oh no! We can't possibly do that! Everyone deserves a chance... even vegetables!

SubKamran said:
Oh no! We can't possibly do that! Everyone deserves a chance... even vegetables!


Keep patting yourself on the back for being such a superior human being, but bear in mind that, one day, you too might need a little compassion.

edit - for the record I see nothing wrong with keeping her confined indefinitely. she can't function in society after all
Post-natal depression is slow-boiling, from the article, considering the child was only the size of a human hand; it doesn't seem as if the baby was that old. More than likely it was schizophrenia that did it.
The reason everyone's so shocked about it being a baby is that babies cannot defend themselves whatsoever. To most people, children and babies represent the future, innocence, helplessness, love, whatever. Killing one is like... well,the only analogy that fits is that it's like killing a baby!
Maybe we could put these lunatics into labor camps or something and actually get some use out of them. People like her are way past rehabilitation.
Sparta said:
So by your reason, she deserves to die because of something beyond her control? Where were the authorities? Where was anyone else? Christ if she's negligent then so is the father, the neighbours, the police, ****ing everyone else is negligent.
I really don't agree with much of what you have said in this thread, except for this fine point.

Where the **** was the father?!"


1) Why impregnate a psycho?
2) Why allow the psycho to take care of the child?
JNightshade said:
SIGBastard, your example is totally off. The guy claimed to have been driven temporarily insane by sugar. There's no evidence to support this (and it's a pretty ludicrous defense anyway). This woman is known to be very very sick in the head, and essentially incapable of rational thought and judgement.

However, even that's beside the point. As I said before, what could possibly be her motivation for doing this? Nothing sane, clearly.

Also, (even though I compared your reasoning to the Nazi "final solution", not you to Nazis themselves) you missed my point. Your being humble doesn't have anything to do with this. What I was trying to say was, just killing and letting die everyone whom you deem to be subhuman (whether it's their actions, their views or their statuses) is like the nazi reasoning. I agree with you that terrorists are horrible people, and that what they're doing is fundamentally wrong. However, I believe it's far better to show them the error of their ways, and your point of view, than to kill them.

Also (getting rather off-topic) terrorism is, unfortunately, the newest chapter in the book of war. We view it as horrible, unfair, and cruel when they blow themselves up in crowded city streets. But the British felt the exact same way about our forefathers taking cover and using (very basic) camouflage, rather than standing in rows, in bright red coats, just waiting to be killed. The British then adapted, and this became the new meaning of war. The American soldiers of WWI felt the same way when standing up out of a trench meant instant death by machinegun. And they too adapted. Terrorism is an awful thing, but it's where warfare is going. I hate it with a passion, but I can't deny that it's (unfortunately) the future.

But back on topic...
I think you definitely are qualified to have an opinion on this matter, as you worked with the mentally challenged for years. However, this also seems to have severely tainted your views. From your last entry, you seem almost to bear a grudge against them, or even dislike them openly. Pardon my psychoanalysis, but I get the feeling that your view here comes from your experiences with the mentally challenged.

Oh, and that twinkie guy... he's just a liar. I don't support the death penalty, but I can totally understand using it on him.

First off I don't think she should die because she is subhuman. I think she should die because she cooked a child. What I am trying to convey to you is that I don't care if she had issues. I really don't care if she didn't understand what she did, but since we really don't know that much about her I'm not going to make that assumption like you repeatitively have.

Secondly I bear no grudge against people with mental problems or disabilities. I worked with people with developmental disabilities anyways. You can be developmentally disabled and not have mental health problems. Being mentally ill and being mentally retarded are 2 completely different things even though they can occur together. What does bother me is people who think that disabled people should be somewhat protected from the rules that normal people follow. This helps nobody. It just creates an atmosphere where someone who already is a little less stable in some areas learn that nothing will happen to them except a slap on the wrist. I care very much about the guys I took care of and they helped me grow in alot of ways. Being in the field however I encountered individuals who were completely out of control and it was only because they knew they could get away with it. I held no grudge against them only the lower standards that supported their behavior.

Some people should be in mental hospitals and this lady probably fit the bill. It is unfortunate that this happened before she could be treated, but it did. I just think there should be consequences that fits the actions she committed whether she truly understood or not because of the extremity of the situation. I strongly disagree with the plea of innocence because of insanity. If someone is so insane that they will kill without remorse they have no vaule in society. Why waste resources on someone who has already reached the extreme level of cooking another defenseless human being alive? I see no true reason to.
SIGbastard said:
First off I don't think she should die because she is subhuman. I think she should die because she cooked a child. What I am trying to convey to you is that I don't care if she had issues. I really don't care if she didn't understand what she did, but since we really don't know that much about her I'm not going to make that assumption like you repeatitively have.

Secondly I bear no grudge against people with mental problems or disabilities. I worked with people with developmental disabilities anyways. You can be developmentally disabled and not have mental health problems. Being mentally ill and being mentally retarded are 2 completely different things even though they can occur together. What does bother me is people who think that disabled people should be somewhat protected from the rules that normal people follow. This helps nobody. It just creates an atmosphere where someone who already is a little less stable in some areas learn that nothing will happen to them except a slap on the wrist. I care very much about the guys I took care of and they helped me grow in alot of ways. Being in the field however I encountered individuals who were completely out of control and it was only because they knew they could get away with it. I held no grudge against them only the lower standards that supported their behavior.

Some people should be in mental hospitals and this lady probably fit the bill. It is unfortunate that this happened before she could be treated, but it did. I just think there should be consequences that fits the actions she committed whether she truly understood or not because of the extremity of the situation. I strongly disagree with the idea of innocence because of insanity. If someone is so insane that they will kill without remorse they have no vaule in society. Why waste resources on someone who has already reached the extreme level of cooking another defenseless human being alive? I see no true reason to.

Hey look over there ---->

/secretly hires vigalante to kill that crazy chic while sigbastard isn't looking
What this woman did was beyond horrible, that's agreed. Do I think she should be let back into society?, hell no. But giving her consequences that equal the situation, won't solve anything. Sure, it would be rightly deserved. She had a mental illness, and until people start treating mental illnesses with some validity this problem will just keep re-occuring.
i owuld jsut put her ina lovely padded room with a tv on the wall where hse can request what ever chans she wants to wathc n jus tlet her live out her natural life safly without too much boredom :P
solaris152000 said:
The woman currentley is too screwed mentally she might as well not be alive, now if through pysciatric help. She can be cured, at least particially, then she should be given treatment.

Who is going to benifit from her death? Enough blood has been spilt on her accord.

Why hang a corspe when you can bring it to life?

Well put.

Now, what happened was severely f**ked up, in a big serious way, ok? But saying that the mother should be killed when **VOICES** in her head told her to do it is almost as messed up. You have to be suffering from a severe mental illness to suffer aural hallucinations, and I'm assuming that this incident wasn't the first time she'd heard these voices.

The fact is that none of us, not one, can put ourselves in the mother's shoes and are all talking like "She's using it as an excuse" blah blah. Psychiatric hoospital for the woman, for a long time, if anyone cares about life, as some people have said, we'd be bothered about making something of the mother, rather than locking her away in an environment that would further mess her up.
burner69 said:
Well put.

Now, what happened was severely f**ked up, in a big serious way, ok? But saying that the mother should be killed when **VOICES** in her head told her to do it is almost as messed up. You have to be suffering from a severe mental illness to suffer aural hallucinations, and I'm assuming that this incident wasn't the first time she'd heard these voices.

The fact is that none of us, not one, can put ourselves in the mother's shoes and are all talking like "She's using it as an excuse" blah blah. Psychiatric hoospital for the woman, for a long time, if anyone cares about life, as some people have said, we'd be bothered about making something of the mother, rather than locking her away in an environment that would further mess her up.

Why don't we just all tell her we love her and let her back into society :bounce:....
Give me a freakin break. If she doesn't have to get the injection she deserves she should at the least never see the light of day again. I'm really not concerned about further messing her up. She's already gone. I don't care if some doctor says in 30 years that this lady is cured! She doesn't belong in society and never will. Someone should stuff her in a preheated oven just for good measure :thumbs:

I bet some of you guys are horrified that I will have the title Dr. in front of my name in 4 years :laugh: .
Thats just sad. Some of you people have no emotions or whatever you want to call them whatsoever. People say that I have no emotions and that I dont care about alot of crap, even I say that sometimes, but this is just horrible. I dont even know why I even read this.
Fuse Kazuki said:
Thats just sad. Some of you people have no emotions or whatever you want to call them whatsoever. People say that I have no emotions and that I dont care about alot of crap, even I say that sometimes, but this is just horrible. I dont even know why I even read this.

Yes, all supporters of the death penalty are clearly sociopaths. Maybe we should institutionalize them also, right?
Lex Luthor said:
You hope.

I'm not really worried about it. I managed to have about a 3.9 and worked full time or close to it the whole time I was working on my BS. I won't be working anymore and know what I am capable of if I put my mind to it. I'm not saying I'll be the best but I am confident I will succeed. I have the ability to study all day long with relatively few breaks. I'm used to having no life as I'm married and have been in school and working for the last few years. The only thing that scares the crap outa me is my first rug-rat is on the way and I worry I won't be able to be as active of a father as I'd like to be because of how demanding school is going to be.
SIGbastard said:
Why don't we just all tell her we love her and let her back into society :bounce:....
Give me a freakin break. If she doesn't have to get the injection she deserves she should at the least never see the light of day again. I'm really not concerned about further messing her up. She's already gone. I don't care if some doctor says in 30 years that this lady is cured! She doesn't belong in society and never will. Someone should stuff her in a preheated oven just for good measure :thumbs:

I bet some of you guys are horrified that I will have the title Dr. in front of my name in 4 years :laugh: .

You don't have a clue about mental illness do you?

I just don't see how killing a mentally ill woman will help the situation. One life's gone, let's not make it two eh? If killing is wrong, which it is, baby, teenager, middle aged dude or a pensioner, how is killing another person any less wrong? At least in this case we have sanity on our side to help us make decisions, something the woman did not.

On a side note, good luck with becoming a Dr, and good luck with the kid.

burner69 said:
You don't have a clue about mental illness do you?

I just don't see how killing a mentally ill woman will help the situation. One life's gone, let's not make it two eh? If killing is wrong, which it is, baby, teenager, middle aged dude or a pensioner, how is killing another person any less wrong? At least in this case we have sanity on our side to help us make decisions, something the woman did not.

On a side note, good luck with becoming a Dr, and good luck with the kid.


I know what mental illness is. I just think once a person actually murders someone else whether they really know what their doing or not it doesn't matter any more. I just think it's a matter of justice. I don't buy it anyways that she didn't know anything of what she was doing. I'm not saying she didn't have mental issues. Like I said over and over and over I just don't really care when it comes to murder anyways. My aunt is mentally ill and my cousin is a schizo so I do in fact no how these people don't quite have the same understanding that normal people do. That said if either one of them cooked a baby whether they understood or not I wouldn't loose sleep over anything but the baby.
Why can't you guys just accept I understand what a mental illness is it just doesn't really matter to me in all circumstances. I have different views. I don't make the rules obviously so it's really no matter anyways. I think the bitch should burn. There's really nothing you can do to change my mind. I have a full understanding mental illness. I have alot of views that would outright offend alot of people. I just don't care. I keep my views to myself unless there is some discussion I have strong feelings to express myself on. I am not ignorant. I have a BS in Zoology Biomedical Sciences. I graduated with honors. I have taken ethics classes. I am about to start Dental School and out of over 600 applicants there are only 40-something openings. I just don't "conform" because I'm not in the majority. Trust me I will stick out like a sore thumb at school. I am a total gun nut with about 5000 rds of ammo on hand. I am about to build an AR15 from parts for the first time. I have a concealed carry permit and have a pistol on everywhere but campus and government property. I am conservative and open about it with my professors.

It was funny at my interview. They asked me what my hobbies were. I said shooting and video games. They asked if I hunted. I said no. They asked what types of guns I liked to shoot. I said mostly AR15's and other assault weapons and such. They had a puzzled look on their faces. It didn't matter though I was a great candidate with stellar DAT scores and a great GPA.
SIGbastard said:
Why can't you guys just accept I understand what a mental illness is it just doesn't really matter to me in all circumstances. I have different views. I don't make the rules obviously so it's really no matter anyways. I think the bitch should burn. There's really nothing you can do to change my mind. I have a full understanding mental illness. I have alot of views that would outright offend alot of people. I just don't care. I keep my views to myself unless there is some discussion I have strong feelings to express myself on. I am not ignorant. I have a BS in Zoology Biomedical Sciences. I graduated with honors. I have taken ethics classes. I am about to start Dental School and out of over 600 applicants there are only 40-something openings. I just don't "conform" because I'm not in the majority. Trust me I will stick out like a sore thumb at school. I am a total gun nut with about 5000 rds of ammo on hand. I am about to build an AR15 from parts for the first time. I have a concealed carry permit and have a pistol on everywhere but campus and government property. I am conservative and open about it with my professors.

It was funny at my interview. They asked me what my hobbies were. I said shooting and video games. They asked if I hunted. I said no. They asked what types of guns I liked to shoot. I said mostly AR15's and other assault weapons and such. They had a puzzled look on their faces. It didn't matter though I was a great candidate with stellar DAT scores and a great GPA.

Debates will bring about differing views. Fair play.

...that gun bit scared me a bit though ;)
If she really is sick she did not really kill the baby, the mentall illness did.

Saying she should still be responsible for her actions is IMO wrong.
SIGbastard said:
Were you on that jury that found that guy who massacred a bunch of his coworkers innocent by reason of insanity? His defense said the sugar in his twinkie from the vending machine made him go insane temporarily :eek: . That is a perfect example. I don't care if the guy was insane because of twinkies. All I care about is that the guy murdered a bunch of people for no reason.

It's the same with this lady. "Voices" told her to do it. I could give a Sh&* what voices told her to do. I care that she did it.


If you think I completely lack compassion you are wrong. My job for the last 4 years has been taking care of and assisting individuals with developmental disabilities. I quit because I am about to start Dental School. I cared deeply about the guys I worked with.

Alot of the time some of these guys could get out of control (luckily I never had to work with any of them but I saw it). The problem was there was never any consequences because you'd get the crap sued out of you in certain situations. For instance if one of my guys decided to repeatitively punch me all I could legally do is response block (like I said the individuals I worked with were not violent so it's just an example). This quickly turns into a game for them because they never get hurt but they get all kinds of good reactions out of staff. Some of these guys just needed to be jabbed right back and I guarantee it woulda never happened again. My point is you should not lower standards because it helps nobody. It creates an "protected" atmosphere in which nothing is expected and in turn nothing is achieved. These guys knew what they were doing was bad in some way or another but they also new they could get away with it.

I could go into alot of detailed different stories about different individuals, but it's easier to just break it down like this. All of the guys I worked with had all sorts of programs worked out for them by Psychiatrists, their legal guardians, often depending on their competancy they played a big part etc etc. I always found that the guys that more was expected out of were a much more adapted to the community and fit in just fine. It didn't matter their competancy level. The guy I worked with the longest who I still visit on occasion has the competancy of a 5 year old. He works 5 days a week, does all his own laundry, dishes, etc. There are some things he needed help with but that's fine because he always did the part he could do on his own. Speaking of him I think his birthday is this week. I'll have to take him to Pizza Hut, it's his favorite place.

I really don't like being compared to a Nazi. I have probably changed soiled diapers for 40 year old men over 100 times and it has made me vomit on occasion because of how gross it can be. I am a very humble person.

I vaule life very differently than you. It is EXTREMELY important to me but I still think a person can cross a boundary that basically makes them not deserving of life anymore. It doesn't matter to me if that person doesn't quite tick right. I just especially think cooking a live baby falls into this category. I would loose no sleep over being the one to throw the switch on this woman. I find it humorous that anyone would defend her.

You have your facts all wrong, the twinkie defense wasn't started because some guy work massacred his co-workers and just claimed sugar drove him insane. His lawyer used sugar to point out he was incredibly unstable and his poor diet was just a testament to that. I know because I live in the city where the incident happened. In 1978 former San Francisco supervisor Dan White snuck into City Hall after losing his job and gunned down popular Mayor Moscone for being a "whiny liberal" and supervisor Harvey Milk (the first openly gay mayor in the U.S) for being a "f@ggot". But the defense was total bullshit because it was completely fabricated. Not only was he completely in control but he also later confessed in his life he planned to kill future Mayor Willie Brown and future senator/mayor Diane Feinstein. He had a whole hit list planned and devised a security schedule and entrance route. He was completely in control unlike this woman. They let the man off scot free and riots actually started happening in Frisco because of it.

Now this woman is clearly out of her mind. Not only did she kill the baby but she cooked it like a meal. She showed up naked to her neighbor's to report it FFS. To the argument on how she possibly could have had the baby people aren't always just born crazy it can happen at any time. It can take years or just one bad day to drive her into that state of psychosis. It could have happened too recently for anyone to notice. Many of you wanting blood here for the murder claim to want justice. But this isn't justice it's just revenge and it's pointless because she isn't even capable of comprehending her actions now. If a baby did the same thing you probably won't say the same. If she gets cured on the other hand she would actually be able to know the exttent of her actions and that is not just fairer a punishment but justice.

PS: What the hell is the father of the baby doing at this time? I would like to see his perspective.
baxter said:
Yes, maybe your opinions could come across as offensive.

All I meant about that I have a full understanding of mental illness is that I know that it can alter a persons understanding. They can do things without really knowing what they are doing in some ways or all. I do not mean that I know what it is like to be mentally ill.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
You have your facts all wrong, the twinkie defense wasn't started because some guy work massacred his co-workers and just claimed sugar drove him insane. His lawyer used sugar to point out he was incredibly unstable and his poor diet was just a testament to that. I know because I live in the city where the incident happened. In 1978 former San Francisco supervisor Dan White snuck into City Hall after losing his job and gunned down popular Mayor Moscone for being a "whiny liberal" and supervisor Harvey Milk (the first openly gay mayor in the U.S) for being a "f@ggot". But the defense was total bullshit because it was completely fabricated. Not only was he completely in control but he also later confessed in his life he planned to kill future Mayor Willie Brown and future senator/mayor Diane Feinstein. He had a whole hit list planned and devised a security schedule and entrance route. He was completely in control unlike this woman. They let the man off scot free and riots actually started happening in Frisco because of it.

Now this woman is clearly out of her mind. Not only did she kill the baby but she cooked it like a meal. She showed up naked to her neighbor's to report it FFS. To the argument on how she possibly could have had the baby people aren't always just born crazy it can happen at any time. It can take years or just one bad day to drive her into that state of psychosis. It could have happened too recently for anyone to notice. Many of you wanting blood here for the murder claim to want justice. But this isn't justice it's just revenge and it's pointless because she isn't even capable of comprehending her actions now. If a baby did the same thing you probably won't say the same. If she gets cured on the other hand she would actually be able to know the exttent of her actions and that is not just fairer a punishment but justice.

PS: What the hell is the father of the baby doing at this time? I would like to see his perspective.

The baby isn't capable of the same thing. Furthermore I understand she might not have understood her actions. Like I have pointed out many many times I DO NOT CARE.
SIGbastard said:
All I meant about that I have a full understanding of mental illness is that I know that it can alter a persons understanding. They can do things without really knowing what they are doing in some ways or all. I do not mean that I know what it is like to be mentally ill.

Your full understanding of the mental illness extends to this:



I have probably changed soiled diapers for 40 year old men over 100 times and it has made me vomit on occasion because of how gross it can be.
It is EXTREMELY important to me but I still think a person can cross a boundary that basically makes them not deserving of life anymore. It doesn't matter to me if that person doesn't quite tick right.
I would loose no sleep over being the one to throw the switch on this woman

Your full understanding is enlightening.
SIGbastard said:
The baby isn't capable of the same thing. Furthermore I understand she might not have understood her actions. Like I have pointed out many many times I DO NOT CARE.

Last year around my area a little girl who didn't know how to bathe herself tried to give her little brother a bath and boiled him to death.
baxter said:
Your full understanding of the mental illness extends to this:

Your full understanding is enlightening.

I have no problem with those quotes. I think you are taking the daiper thing out of context. I was trying to convey that if I didn't care for the disabled I wouldn't be willing to do something so nasty on a daily basis. When you have to change a depend for someone who only has a BM every 4-5 days trust me you'd vomit sometimes too. The vomit is not out of me being disgusted with the person it is a natural reflex when something smells so bad you can not handle it. I only had to do this very often with one individual. Alot of my coworkers over the years quit the first time they had to handle the person I am speaking of. If you think I don't have compassion or care about disabled people you are stupid. There is just a line that I stop at where it doesn't matter to me who you are, if you cross it you cross it. Another example is that I do support trying children as adults when the crime is horrible enough. My reasoning goes across the board.