
I get depressed allot and the only way i can really deal with it is to talk to my friends, if i cant do that, i have to write it down. i have to tell someone. If i have noone to tell, i get ever so much worse. But i guess i just turn 'emo' to cope with it.

I'm the sort of person that constantly thinks the grass is greener on the other side and is never happy with what i have. I'm constantly comparing my life to others, not seeing the good in my own and all the things i have to be thankful for. Now, this would be great if it motivated me to do things and have a good time, but it doesnt. i just get self-absorbed and down.

I've thought about ending it, when i've been most upset, i think whats the point... but i'd never ever go near to hurting myself.
I never really contemplated pro-active suicide (not sober, at least). But I've often found myself smoking out my window and thinking "would it be so bad if I dropped?".

Yay for irrational thoughts brought on by stupid human emotions.
My depression turns into anger. Is that bad?
Possibly. How do you deal with the anger? Punching a hole in drywall is ok, punching people is not.
I just watched nearly 10 hours of episodic television programmes, thankfully it's the closest I've ever come to feeling depressed :x
I know what you mean...... since I moved to the US I've been "down" alot.
My dad keeps yelling at me "be a man" that kinda stuff. sleep, WoW and work
thats how I escape it.
My dad keeps yelling at me to study. And study. And study some more.

I can't seen to escape the depression, so I think to myself, "just 10 more years". (In which time I will be finishing university and mandatory military training)
Omg spicy tuna, arn't you lemon king, who in turn was banned.
Yay you are free.

Proffesional help ftw.

thx for telling me Munro was on MSN btw .........
I was really depressed last year and i escaped it by utterly immersing myself in World of Warcraft. Now i dont play that and my new years resolution is to fix all these problems i have with my life, wether they're just my own perception issues or real things they're going to be sorted and i'll enjoy myself. If i dont do it now, i never will.
When I got really depressed, I just talked to the people I trusted. I'm not very good at advice if I dont know the person im talking to, so ill just go over the basics.
Dont give up on life, find someone to talk to and let everything out, always look on the posotive side of life.
It's what I did
Pets help well too, when I'm feeling down I get my cat and let the purring fix it.
Thats why my parents got the Docs to get me hopped up on meds.... ****enay. Just brings more depresshone. But I still do no matter what so how do I handle it? Simple. I get off my lazy ass and sit it in this chair, fire up some HL2: DM, or I come here, and one post or comment from someone is enough to crack me up and take my mind off things. I salute you funny bastards.

Or I whip out my lizard...........................No seriously it's a ****ing salamander. Who says I'm a chronic whacker?
I have never been heavily depressed, but, usually when it starts coming up.. I start exercising.

ailevation said:
I have never been heavily depressed, but, usually when it starts coming up.. I start exercising.


ailevation said:
I have never been heavily depressed, but, usually when it starts coming up.. I start exercising.


What if you're a depressed quadruplegic?? Just outa options...
ailevation said:
I have never been heavily depressed, but, usually when it starts coming up.. I start exercising.


Exercise has not succeeded for me. During the exercise, yes, the rush of adrenaline is good. Walking, jogging, running, weight lifting, etc. Once its over... back to square one.
Gargantou said:
I myself got a mental breakdown due to EVENTS when I was 10, if I wouldn't've been removed from my home for a few months I probably would've commited suicide, so CptStern, I think that's just wrong..

I'm still under deppression and I'm coping with it by going to therapy every 2 weeks.

Depression is the loss of feeling (and the meaning of life, whatever). You don't feel sad. You don't feel happy. Hell, you don't feel anything. Man, that would suck... I like self-pity :rolleyes:

Okay, enough bullshit. I don't think yours is considered as depression. It sounds more like a breakdown, but it's as serious as depression considering suicidal thoughts.
bigburpco said:
Depression is the loss of feeling (and the meaning of life, whatever). You don't feel sad. You don't feel happy. Hell, you don't feel anything. Man, that would suck... I like self-pity :rolleyes:

Okay, enough bullshit. I don't think yours is considered as depression. It sounds more like a breakdown, but it's as serious as depression considering suicidal thoughts.

Depression isn't the loss of feeling. That would be emotional numbness(I don't know the term). When one is depressed, they usually ARE sad and in the dumps.